View Full Version : Small Town USA Tea Party

04-15-2009, 03:41 PM
I am very pleased to announce that we had about 80 people show up for our tea party. I was a little discouraged that I was one of the youngest (43) there. Out in full force were the veterans, which warms my heart. A few people chanted to get things riled up then one at a time we climbed the courthouse steps and displayed our signs, read them aloud and said a few words. It was a feeling like no other. We decided as a whole to get organized and plan a meeting within the month. I am going to intrroduce the group to CFL, because these were people from a different group than I normally am invoved with locally, which is wonderful to see as well. If there is no interest, then I can surely belong to more than one organization as I have given up on my local GOP. They are beyond disorganized. I was interviewed by a reporter from a paper in the largest city close to us, who just happened to be in town and saw the throng. Got my picture taken with my sign "my son is 2 and already owes the government $36,000!" Great day for liberty. Bad day for big government. I'm proud of all of us today.

04-15-2009, 05:33 PM
God bless you and your "small" town