View Full Version : Trickle up economics

04-15-2009, 10:48 AM
Ok, I listened to about 2 minutes of Rush today on the radio and he was talking about trickle down economics...he said "Have you ever gotten a job from a poor person".

That got me to thinking...maybe we should start asking poor people (or journalists who don't make much money, and attack rich people) for jobs. Maybe a youtube video of someone looking for a decent job going up to homeless people or the slums, handing out resumes or asking for an application (maybe try to get an application from an illegal immigrant selling fruit on the corner). Maybe try to sell a nice car or decent jewelry to them for full price.

Or the easiest way would be to find articles of journalists who support high taxes on the rich and ask them if they personally will give you a job. State your salary and ask about benefits...perhaps they need a $150k java program that might help their productivity or a full on server stack with all of the latest e-commerce tools all personally configured for $500k with 24 hour tech support.