View Full Version : fascinating 1980 Norman Dodd interview on tax exempt foundations (not G.E. Griffin)

04-09-2009, 01:32 PM
many of you have probably seen the Dodd/Griffin interview, but this one by Dr. Stan Monteith preceded it (1 hour video)
Here's the description I wrote on digg:
"The sinister motives of tax exempt foundations"
Yale grad and banker Norman Dodd was named director of research for the congressional Reece Committee in the 1950's to investigate un-American activities of the tax exempt foundations. His findings reveal their goal of collectivism by gaining control of the state department, monetary system, and educational system. Interview by Dr. Stain Monteith

I would love to hear those Kathryn Casey dictaphone recordings - that would be the holy grail of the libertarian movement. I'd also like to know about what happened to her and whether or not she shared that information to friends/family or wrote about it in private.