View Full Version : Who is the worst President we have ever had?

04-04-2009, 11:17 AM
I could do a poll on this but decided not to because you might not agree with all my choices that I list and because you can give your reason on why this President is the worst.

04-04-2009, 11:21 AM
Woodrow Wilson :)


04-04-2009, 11:22 AM
6 weeks ago I would have to said Cheney, I mean Bush. Now, hands down it is the unpresident "O".

04-04-2009, 11:23 AM
Wilson - Fed and Income Tax. Nobody after him could have done what they did without those two things.

The only other I could consider is Lincoln - for setting the precedent that the constitution was "interpretable."

Isaac Bickerstaff
04-04-2009, 11:24 AM
Each president is better than the next.
Unless he overturns the cumulative abuses of executive power, each new president is at least as bad as all the previous ones just by taking (or faking) the oath of office.

04-04-2009, 11:24 AM
the "W" --- admittedly more people starved
during the terms of herbert hoover + andrew johnson,
and yes, we are WAY TOO EARLY to see obama's total picture...

however, the past 8 years more than hint the NEXT 8 years will be ruggedly difficult

04-04-2009, 11:25 AM
Abraham Lincoln.

04-04-2009, 11:25 AM
Wilson - Fed and Income Tax. Nobody after him could have done what they did without those two things.

The only other I could consider is Lincoln - for setting the precedent that the constitution was "interpretable."


But the Bush - Obama Reign is Catching up.

04-04-2009, 11:30 AM

I think by this time next year most will agree with me that all previous POTUS wore chumps by comparison...

04-04-2009, 11:34 AM
Based on each president's rate of fu*king things up, the award for worst president ever would have to go to obama for messing up so badly so fast..... And its only been 2 months...... 46 more to go......

04-04-2009, 11:40 AM

Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Bush Jr, Obama


Lincoln, FDR, Wilson, Obama(So far), Bush Jr

04-04-2009, 11:41 AM
Lincoln > Obama > Bush > FDR

04-04-2009, 01:04 PM
1. Lincoln
2. Wilson
3. FDR

Smoke the Liberty Tree
04-04-2009, 01:05 PM
FDR...no one compares as of yet. Obama is catching up quickly though.

Not sure why so many people dislike lincoln. Although he did bring about Interpretation of the Constitution, he is also the reason why our country is still together. For that reason alone i dont think he could ever be near the other horrible leaders.

04-04-2009, 01:18 PM
FDR...no one compares as of yet. Obama is catching up quickly though.

Not sure why so many people dislike lincoln. Although he did bring about Interpretation of the Constitution, he is also the reason why our country is still together. For that reason alone i dont think he could ever be near the other horrible leaders.

The United States of America is a Union of sovereign states. Those states can leave the Union because they are sovereign. What Lincoln did was immoral, unlawful, and entirely anti-American.

04-04-2009, 01:41 PM
Woodrow Willson- Fed Reserve, Income Tax, CFR, and a bunch of other bad stuff. Having said that, ALL presidents were bad, it's just a question of how bad?

04-04-2009, 01:41 PM
FDR...no one compares as of yet. Obama is catching up quickly though.

Not sure why so many people dislike Lincoln. Although he did bring about Interpretation of the Constitution, he is also the reason why our country is still together. For that reason alone i don't think he could ever be near the other horrible leaders.

600,000 Soldiers died
85,000 Citizens died

People like to think Lincoln did it to free slaves. That was his cover story after it started.

It all started because THE central Government put HIGH tariffs on trade that effected the south and gave the $$$ to the northern industries. There are a few other reasons, but the teriffs STARTED it.

The Battle of Fort Sumter NO ONE died in that Battle. It was used as the trigger for Lin con to start the war.

There is more but chew on ...

pss... He could have bought the slaves and then set them free. Cheaper, No lives lost, and Faster way to free the slaves

04-04-2009, 01:52 PM
Theodore Roosevelt. It used to be Wilson for me, but I despise TR more than any other single person in American history.

04-04-2009, 01:56 PM
The worst President in U.S. history has two "W"s, and that man is none other than Woodrow Wilson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woodrow_wilson). Not only was he a disgrace as a statesman, but he was also a disgrace as a Presbyterian.

04-04-2009, 02:02 PM
FDR, Wilson, Lincoln, Obama, Bush jr

04-04-2009, 02:12 PM
Wilson imo

04-04-2009, 03:11 PM
Wilson, for sure. Then Bush Jr., then Lincoln.

It's far too early to say Obama. I understand your Obama hates, but it's only been two and a half months. I judge presidents by their second year or so, when you have a pretty good image of what it's been like so far, and what you can expect next.

04-04-2009, 04:14 PM
W. hands down. Give Obama a few more months and it may be close.

04-04-2009, 04:19 PM
Anyone who hasn't answered Abraham Lincoln hasn't spent enough time at LewRockwell.com :)

04-04-2009, 04:43 PM
Franklin Delano Roosevelt makes the top of my list.
His term was the start of the National Debt.

04-04-2009, 05:18 PM
Lincoln has to take the cake.

04-04-2009, 05:19 PM
Carter was def worse than Bush Jr.

04-04-2009, 05:21 PM
Franklin Delano Roosevelt makes the top of my list.
His term was the start of the National Debt.

I believe the national debt has existed since the nation's inception. In any case, Lincoln presided over one of the biggest explosions of the national debt.

04-04-2009, 05:23 PM
Carter was def worse than Bush Jr.


I agree with Lew Rockwell that Carter was probably the least evil president of the last 100 years.

Young Paleocon
04-04-2009, 05:46 PM
Wilson!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Murdered incomes and morals with the Revenue Act of 1913, murdered the free market with the Fed, ....not to mention murdered 60,000 American soldiers in WW1. Imprisoned political activists, censored the press, and inspired hatred for Germans in America. Not to mention he was quite the racist. I'm sure he's done much more in his attempt at the super fail.

04-04-2009, 06:46 PM
Carter was def worse than Bush Jr.

neo-cons love hating Carter. Mostly because of talk radio and so they can brag about how Reagan came in and saved us.

For me it's:

Lincoln, FDR, Wilson, Obama, Bush jr.

But I kinda think it's been downhill since Jefferson.

04-04-2009, 06:52 PM
But I kinda think it's been downhill since Jefferson.

Jackson IMO

04-04-2009, 07:16 PM
I believe the national debt has existed since the nation's inception. In any case, Lincoln presided over one of the biggest explosions of the national debt.


Not at the level FDR did, then FDR had spent more than the entire first 150 years of the country in it's entirety. Now Obama thinks he can one up FDR and try the same scheme once again a fools endeavor.

On Lincoln I'd say that with the freeing of slaves we moved more towards capitalism and free markets, the soon coming Industrial Revolution did far more for the Common Man than any other period in World history.
Then the South did lose with salve labor at it's disposal and that should be a lesson for Socialists.

Standing Like A Rock
04-04-2009, 07:27 PM
Lincoln, Wilson, FDR, Bush Jr, Obama

04-04-2009, 08:37 PM

04-04-2009, 10:03 PM
Worst of all time:

Lyndon Johnson

Highest American body counts:


FDR brought us civilian massacres to rival Genghis Khan and Hitler, and threw conscripted Americans into the meat grinder on an industrial scale -- all for his Uncle Joe, one of the worst butchers of humans in history.

Truman gave us the nuking of non-military civilian population centers -- a horrific war crime like no other, and not replicated since (but to be remembered until the end of time).

For all his faults and large death toll, I can't find it in my heart to say Lincoln was a bad president. I wish he would have followed Ron Paul's path instead of the one that led to our most destructive war. But whatever his motives, he did end slavery in the United States, preserved the Union and gave us the Gettysburg Address.

Perserve the Union? That's not a good thing IMO. Not when the union stops being what it was founded on.

04-04-2009, 10:15 PM
My vote is Woodrow Wilson.

04-04-2009, 10:44 PM

04-04-2009, 10:46 PM

Not at the level FDR did, then FDR had spent more than the entire first 150 years of the country in it's entirety. Now Obama thinks he can one up FDR and try the same scheme once again a fools endeavor.

On Lincoln I'd say that with the freeing of slaves we moved more towards capitalism and free markets, the soon coming Industrial Revolution did far more for the Common Man than any other period in World history.
Then the South did lose with salve labor at it's disposal and that should be a lesson for Socialists.

A linear graph of the national debt's nominal value is misleading. If you graphed the national debt divided by the population and adjusted for inflation, the early part of the graph would not be so flat. But I'm sure no one disputes that FDR created a huge jump in the national debt.

Lincoln also reinstated the central bank and unconstitutionally pushed and signed legal tender laws supporting the greenback in order to fund his unconstitutional war against seceding states, thereby paving the way for the Federal Reserve system and starting the US down the road to paper money. He was the father of crony capitalism, to which free-market capitalism will be forever but unfairly associated thanks to him (every time someone says "capitalism is failing", you can thank Lincoln). And of course he was one of the biggest tax raisers in US history.

04-04-2009, 10:55 PM
Franklin Roosevelt
Woodrow Wilson

04-04-2009, 10:58 PM
For all his faults and large death toll, I can't find it in my heart to say Lincoln was a bad president. I wish he would have followed Ron Paul's path instead of the one that led to our most destructive war. But whatever his motives, he did end slavery in the United States, preserved the Union and gave us the Gettysburg Address.

Beating your unsubmissive wife to within an inch of her life is not saving your marriage.

Just as there were other ways of ending slavery (like, say, not doing anything at all, allowing the free market to end it), so there were other ways of "saving the union" like, say, not doing anything at all. The US could have elected a horse as president and the union would have been saved and slavery would have ended.

It is absurd for Lincoln to get credit for "saving the union" when his fascist policies are what lead to secession in the first place. If Lincoln cared so much about preserving the union, he could have simply not signed the Morrill Tariff and let the Northern states pay for their own industrial stimulus packages.

04-04-2009, 11:00 PM
Lincoln acted like a tyrant often going against the principles this nation was founded on. But I am glad that the South is still part of the United States. Southerners keep alive our independent spirit. I couldn't imagine America without them.

Slavery is our nation's greatest sin and Lincoln ended it. Ron Paul changed my thinking on the Civil War. I see his point now that slavery could have ended without the war.

That being said, Wilson did more than any other president to kill our independence, imho, all in the service of Rothschild gold.

Lincoln was a bigoted tyrant who was behind the murders of women and children(black, white and native american), burning of the cities, not to mention starving confederates, and I am sure there were rapes and all kinds of other nasty stuff that comes along with invasions in a war path etc. The civil war was about greed and control. It parallels what is happening here today in the world w/ the NWO. The Union was sort of like the NWO(shit we are still invading countries today). Slavery was ended in the sense of private ownership, but was resurrected in the hands of the government via taxation of labor. Lincoln paved the way for people like Wilson to do more destruction to our liberties. Lincoln was a real piece of work. I also find it funny how Obama tends to look up to this man. Very telling imo.

04-05-2009, 12:15 AM
Woodrow Wilson, hands down in my opinion.

04-05-2009, 12:15 AM

Didn't Wilson later regret making the Fed? If so, at least he realized the fuck up that would go on to fuck up the nation so many times after he died.

04-05-2009, 12:20 AM

Didn't Wilson later regret making the Fed? If so, at least he realized the fuck up that would go on to fuck up the nation so many times after he died.

I think he went on to have certain doubts about his decision. Either way the creation of the Fed is only one item on his laundry list of crimes.

dr. hfn
04-05-2009, 12:47 AM

04-05-2009, 06:59 AM

Didn't Wilson later regret making the Fed? If so, at least he realized the fuck up that would go on to fuck up the nation so many times after he died.

^ He retracted on it at least. Lincoln never apologized for destroying our constitution.

04-05-2009, 07:04 AM
I think Obama is going to be the worst president we ever had. He will make Bush look not as horrible.

04-05-2009, 10:35 AM
^ He retracted on it at least. Lincoln never apologized for destroying our constitution.

Last I checked he was killed while president correct? Makes that kind of hard to do. :)

04-05-2009, 10:46 AM
Mine is Wilson, FDR, LBJ, GWB... in that order. I don't know enough about pre-1900's history to make an informed opinion about anyone before that.

BO could quickly make the list, but hasn't yet.

04-05-2009, 11:04 AM
Wilson, FDR, Bush Jr....Obama is not far behind.

04-05-2009, 11:38 AM
Woodrow Wilson -- it is he, who will be on the historic record for the initiation and downfall of the United States.


04-05-2009, 12:12 PM
I wonder where Woodrow Wilson's grave is because I need to relieve my bladder. I think Obama is shaping up to be the worst tyrant in history. As a matter of fact they keep chanting Lincoln so much He just might cause another civil war. Hey maybe the good guys will win this time around and We can hang all the crooks and make the welfare people pay us back.