View Full Version : Michael Moore using neocon argument

04-03-2009, 04:27 AM
digg -> http://digg.com/politics/We_the_People_to_King_of_the_World_YOU_RE_FIRED_2

From the article: He (Obama) has the massive will of the American people behind him -- and he has been granted permission by us to do what he sees fit

Just exaclty the same arguments used, so Bush could do whatever he wanted to. This guy is a joke.

04-03-2009, 05:03 AM
ah yes! the democracy argument.

I suppose he thought Hitler's Enabling Act 1933 (passed by the democratic German Parliament) was good too.

Noam CHUMPsky uses the same argument to justify taxation.

04-03-2009, 06:36 AM
Doesn't have to be any more complicated than this.

Both the Republican and Democratic parties, at their core, are MORALLY BANKRUPT, pandering to the worse desires and excesses of human nature in order to perpetuate an oppressive regime in this country.

Look at the main spokesmen for the neo-cons: Hannity, O'Reilly, Limbaugh.
Look at the main spokesmen for the neo-dems: Maher, Moore, Olbermann.

Considered realistically, they all blur into one, just like their parties.

04-03-2009, 06:38 AM
tempted to put this in the 'what you will see' thread...

04-03-2009, 07:03 AM
Glen Beck talked about it in his radio program: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spT9yImL464

And check out what someone pointed me too: Rahm Emanuel’s brother, Ari Emanuel, is the agent of Michael Moore http://www.jewishjournal.com/elections/article/rahm_emanuels_brother_ari_emanuel_is_a_hollywood_s uperagent_20081106/