View Full Version : Best article that I have read in some time

04-02-2009, 02:38 PM
It's a bit longish but well worth the read. I am interested in how it will be received by some of the great philosphical minds of the forum. (In other words, I would appreciate your comments!)



And a void will have developed in the moral universe of the Left. If social policy cannot be built on the premise that group differences must be eliminated, what can it be built upon? It can be built upon the restoration of the premise that used to be part of the warp and woof of American idealism: people must be treated as individuals. The success of social policy is to be measured not by equality of outcomes for groups, but by open, abundant opportunity for individuals. It is to be measured by the freedom of individuals, acting upon their personal abilities, aspirations, and values, to seek the kind of life that best suits them.

04-02-2009, 03:05 PM
I haven't read it yet but I suspect some members here will have a kneejerk reaction: "AEI? Fuckin' neocons!"
That's their reputation, but I check out their online journal at:
every now and again and have found some great articles, such as how giving foreign aid to Africa is destructive.

04-02-2009, 03:39 PM
I read it, and agree wholeheartedly.

And for those turned off by AEI, note the author, Charles Murray, is much more of a libertarian conservative.