View Full Version : Is our rage against the system a mental problem?

03-30-2009, 04:40 PM
New website coming online tonight at http://www.samhsa.gov/economy

"Getting Through Tough Economic Times" will launch Tuesday with a media push across all platforms.

The site is meant to help people identify health concerns related to financial worries.

The feds will warn of depression, suicidal thinking and other serious mental illnesses. It will raise warning flags for: Persistent sadness/crying; Excessive anxiety; Lack of sleep/constant fatigue; Excessive irritability/anger.

Wow. I hope they hurry up and launch sooner, because I am feeling some of that excessive anger about now.

I don't have a mental illness. How should a sane person react to being sold away into slavery percentage sign by percentage sign.

Its not time for pills and therapy. Cast off the calming music, the meditation, and the prayer. Anger and rage exist inside us to give us the strength needed to fight for survival. It is unnatural not to be enraged under these circumstances.

I'm sorry Washington. You can't spend, borrow, medicate, legislate, or equivocate this anger away.

03-30-2009, 04:54 PM
"I'm going to tax your children 148k a piece"

"That makes me mad"

"Don't worry, part of the money will be used to help you with your anger issues"

Truth Warrior
03-30-2009, 05:07 PM
No it's just the opposite, the widespread apathy and ignorance is.

"We shall get nowhere until we start by recognizing that political behavior is largely non-rational, that the world is suffering from some kind of mental disease which must be diagnosed before it can be cured. " -- George Orwell

03-30-2009, 05:15 PM
Freedom is a mental condition: http://www.voluntaryist.com/articles/070.php

Anti Federalist
03-30-2009, 07:48 PM
Soviet communists attempted to paint all opposition to the state as mental illness. It now seems our own federal government wants to create a therapeutic nanny state, beginning with schoolchildren. It’s not hard to imagine a time 20 or 30 years from now when government psychiatrists stigmatize children whose religious, social, or political values do not comport with those of the politically correct, secular state.

Ron Paul - 21 September 2004

03-30-2009, 08:04 PM

I prefer Righteous Anger, and would submit that if you are not pissed it may be a mental deficiency .;)

03-30-2009, 08:32 PM
No it's just the opposite, the widespread apathy and ignorance is.

That looks really odd as one of YOUR post.

03-30-2009, 09:47 PM
"I'm going to tax your children 148k a piece"

"That makes me mad"

"Don't worry, part of the money will be used to help you with your anger issues"
