View Full Version : Glenn Beck's 912 Project and OUR Solutions.

03-26-2009, 03:57 PM
Glenn Beck wants the people to submit suggestions regarding our nation's problems. So I say we come up with a list here and submit them at will over at the website.

So here's the question: What SPECIFIC action -- or legislation -- do you think could help solve some of the nation's problems?

Glenn Beck's website: http://theglennbeck912project.com/vent/

Deborah K
03-26-2009, 04:02 PM
Well, I want us out of the U.N. for starters. No economic or political merging with Canada or Mexico either. Slash entitlements. A new economic strategy alternative to Obama's plan. No more big corporation lobbying. All politicians must take a test on the Constitution. Get us the hell out of Iraq and Afganistan. Close most of the bases around the world.

Deborah K
03-26-2009, 04:03 PM
NO pension plans for politicians!!!!!

03-26-2009, 04:05 PM
Seriously, who cares if you change your position on term limits?? What difference is that going to make??

I mean, if enough people SUDDENLY change their mind about term limits and e-mailed their congress, then CNN could make a big dog and pony show out of the whole thing and it wouldn't do jack.

We need HR 1207, massive spending and tax cuts, get rid of the Fed, get rid of our overseas empire..

Join The Paul Side
03-26-2009, 04:05 PM
1. Term Limits

2. No pensions for Congressmen that serve only 1 term (Although I would be happy if they got no pension at all :))

3. We really need to drill for our own oil.

4. End the overseas empire

5. Protect our border with our military

6. End the Fed

7. A commodity backed U.S. Dollar

8. Repeal NAFTA

That should start the list. :)

He Who Pawns
03-26-2009, 05:08 PM
Balance the Budget.

03-26-2009, 05:22 PM
1) Audit the Fed (HR1207)
2) Lift Legal Tender Laws (Allows competition in currency)(H. R. 2756 from 2007)
3) Legislation requiring voting on laws to be delayed following this formula where X represents the earliest lawful time a bill can be passed. This would force time to pass equal to the time it would take for the legislation to be read three times at half the national average speed before the bill could be made law.
3(WordCountOfLegislation / NationalReadingSpeedAverage*.5)=X-TimeBillWasSubmitted

03-26-2009, 07:26 PM
1) Audit the Fed (HR1207)
2) Lift Legal Tender Laws (Allows competition in currency)(H. R. 2756 from 2007)

Ditto. Plus Read The Bills Act. This is something every American should support.

The One
03-26-2009, 07:29 PM
New 9/11 investigation.

Flaming commences in 3.....2.....1..........

Young Paleocon
03-26-2009, 07:30 PM
Push Nancy Pelosi down a flight of stairs.

03-26-2009, 07:40 PM
push nancy pelosi down a flight of stairs.



03-26-2009, 07:41 PM
No more Dept of Education.
All funding and control of schools at the state level or lower.

No more farm subsidies of any kind - let farmer decide what and how much to grow and if they can't make it they fail.

All federal lands other than those designated in the Constitution immediately become the property of the respective states.

03-26-2009, 07:57 PM
add an "r" after the "f" in "federal reserve," that way everyone will have to call it the "frederal reserve."

then everyone will say, "the frederal reserve? that's just ridiculous."

i have a ton of these kinda ideas that i've been accumulating to write a "modest proposal" kinda omnibus bill... this is the one i drag out for public consumption.

03-26-2009, 08:39 PM
haha! frunny!!

add an "r" after the "f" in "federal reserve," that way everyone will have to call it the "frederal reserve."

then everyone will say, "the frederal reserve? that's just ridiculous."

i have a ton of these kinda ideas that i've been accumulating to write a "modest proposal" kinda omnibus bill... this is the one i drag out for public consumption.

03-26-2009, 08:54 PM
The reason the government will never balance the budget, even if they could, is that it takes money out of the economy. Ours is built upon credit and debt. The more the merrier.

So I like balance the budget, but we must change our monetary system as Dr. Paul says.