View Full Version : Religion, technology, and Jefferson. Looking for some good conversation!

03-24-2009, 07:43 AM
Embrace the Dionysus mind! I believe man’s fascination, and arguably enslavement by our own technology is merely a symptom of mechanized thought. Yet at the same time, technology is in a sense what makes us divine, differentiating us from other life forms on this giant ball hurtling through the cosmos. Technology has obviously been a great advantage to some **** sapiens, yet has been used as a means of control for others.

In a way it would be “love” for machinery, but not in the sense of physical love of a particular device, rather the love of human potential. The problem with technology is not technology, (for that is a process we could not stop advancing even if we wanted to), it is a problem of perception. Unfortunately, and whether or not most people will admit it, we live in a relatively godless society. There are still plenty of churches around, but the amount of people who actually base their life decisions out of fear of the almighty punishing them in the afterlife has been declining exponentially in most 1st world, technologically advancing countries. I’m not sure if you would call me an atheist or not, but I do agree that organized religion is one of the greatest crutches man needs to overcome in order to best avoid destruction at our own hands.

Religion exists to promote morality. Most people either see, or choose to ignore the obvious contradictions with what the church claims to be, and what it truly is; now and throughout most of human history. A means of control. Christ was truly one of the greatest liberators in human history, is unfortunate his real message is lost to the masses threw the gatekeepers of modern religion and fairytale. The last thing Christ would have wanted one to get out of his preaching would be obedience, something the church has a hard time giving up. It wasn’t long ago when you needed to pay for your sins to be forgiven by a church official, you could be excommunicated for saying the wrong thing, or had a crusade led against your country because you supposedly possessed some Christian treasure. What about witch burning? Or the endless slew of modern Christian corruption with butt pirate priests? Evangelic Christians, need I say more? “Church” seems to be on the cutting edge of ignorance throughout countless examples in history.
How can we expect such an establishment so riddled with ridiculousness, contradiction, ignorance, and many times immorality, to promote and be the leading force of morality in our lives? I don’t think we can, and the ones who use technology to control, and the ones you fear may eventually destroy us, will use our weak-mindedness( and total lack of balls when it comes to defining our morality beyond the convenient mold created for us by religion) to get just that.

“The God who gave us life gave us liberty at the same time; the hand of force may destroy, but cannot disjoin them” ~Jefferson

This wasn’t meant as a bash on Christianity, as the same applies to most all religion, however growing up in Christian churches this was the best way to express my ideas. No personal insult intended to anyone.

03-24-2009, 10:01 AM

I can foresee exactly where this is going, and exactly who will overrun this thread with post after post that no one will read, unless they click expecting something decent, and find something completely offense and retarded.
