View Full Version : Obama

03-14-2009, 09:42 PM
This whole election I knew that Ron Paul was the guy for the US to bring real change, funny considering he never even used the word change as part of his campaign rhetoric! After it was down to Obama and McCain, although greatly disappointed in Ron getting beat up by the media left and right and not getting a fair deal, I still had a little hope that Obama would be a better president than McCain. I still did not vote (Not that it would have mattered, I live in Atlanta :rolleyes: ), because I knew that neither of them would be great presidents and my candidate was off the list, but something really told me Obama would be better than McCain. Maybe it was his great speeches that made promises he has not kept, maybe it was me being naive, I do not know. In the end, I do not think McCain would have been a better president, but I also do not think he would have been any worse...

Did anybody else feel that way and end up sorely disappointed in the fact that so many people seem to have been ripped off by Obama? I mean he promised so much, and has given so little. I realized the things he promised take time, but it really seems like he spouted a bunch of lies just to get into office and now is just doing what TPTB tell him to do.

Does anyone else feel that with the way things are going with Obama right now, after 8 years of a terrible Bush presidency, that Obama will end up being known as a worse president than Bush? I mean Bush at least didn't give hope to as many people as Obama did just to let them down, many people already expected Bush to be a disappointment. I have a feeling that at the end of Obama's turn, people will be calling him the new worst president in history, just on the simple fact that he promised so much and so many people are going to be ridiculously disappointed with him, alot more than were with Bush (We were already sick of Bush's!)

03-14-2009, 09:48 PM
Remember that Bush google bomb for the term 'Miserable Failure'?

I'd like to see an Obama one for ' Unmitigated Failure'.

As far as their legacies, I'll let history be the judge, though I'll try my hardest not to let history be able to forget.

03-14-2009, 09:48 PM
Ron Paul 2012.

03-14-2009, 09:59 PM
I mean, it just blows my mind that SO many people believed in Obama, and showed up for his rallies and inauguration. Now that he is president, its like people don't even think about him and care anymore! It seems like massive brainwashing! Everyone was so excited and optimistic about this young man that promised to bring such massive change to Washington, and now people seem to just go about their business and not even think twice about him, even though that they should be LIVID that he spouted so many lies to them and was extremely deceitful to millions and millions of people that believed in him!! Arrgh!

03-14-2009, 10:15 PM
Remember that Bush google bomb for the term 'Miserable Failure'?

I'd like to see an Obama one for ' Unmitigated Failure'.

As far as their legacies, I'll let history be the judge, though I'll try my hardest not to let history be able to forget.

Those that are still standing write the history.