View Full Version : Oh, for cripes sake!

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
03-10-2009, 10:37 AM
Socrates was the greatest founding-father. If you don't know that, then you need to double your efforts in bettering your American education.

03-10-2009, 10:40 AM
Socrates owned slaves.

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
03-10-2009, 11:18 AM
Socrates owned slaves.

First off, let us clear up a technicality.
How could Socrates have owned Slavs? Or did he own bondsmen or Slavs? The history of SLAV-ery predated Socrates. Anyone could have been a "bondsmen" as long as they lived outside of the Greek world. Save for the Spartans, it was against Greek custom for a Greek to enslave another Greek. The Slavs lived north of the Greeks and were certainly in bondage to them, but the Greeks en - "bondered" (because one can't technically use the word enslaved at that time) others outside of the Slavic territories.
In other words, the word slave is a derogatory word that originated from the word Slav.
So isolating the history of slavery and its effects is different from isolating the history of bondsmen and its effects. There were different levels of bondage from slaves of masters to outcaste untouchables rejected by both slave and master alike (these would be those ofen referred to as the scum of the earth).
As I have pointed out ofen in this forum, Socrates was attempting to free the slaves in Plato's dialogue Meno. While Socrates had to be tactful in dealing with the primitive Greeks, he wasn't lacking in courage as his life was once spared by the Spartans because of his bravery.
No doubt, the combination of Socrates intelligence and bravery is what ushered in Western Civilization.
In contrast, Jesus Christ didn't come to alter this established morality by Socrates but to fulfill it by ushering in joy and contentment.