View Full Version : The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration

03-05-2009, 05:28 PM
This is one of the most comprehensive reports I have read on illegal immigration. It highlights, with sources and non-anecdotal evidence some of the darker hidden secrets fueling illegal immigration from Mexico.



America is unique from most other countries in that she was founded by immigrants from numerous other countries. These immigrants had a vision, work ethic, values, fortitude, imagination, and pioneering spirit enabled her to become the greatest nation on earth. Most of the immigrants came here by choice and all eventually integrated into AMERICAN society to become a homogenous people. While it took longer for some than others, they and their descendents ultimately became “One nation, under God, with liberty and justice for all.” Many, but not all, modern immigrants to the United States are not much different.

Unlike the distant past, immigration now consists of two components: legal and illegal. This report will not even attempt to cover the many contributions that immigrants are currently making to this country. This paper will, however, explore various aspects of illegal immigration that many people are unaware of and most people don’t know the full extent of. This is The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration.

In this paper, I will explore some of the collateral damage of the dark side and attempt to frame the issues in ways of direct applicability to the average American. Throughout the paper I will ask whether the collateral damage of illegal immigration is worth it. If, in the end, the answer is “no” I will then give specific suggestions on what to do about it.

It is an undisputable fact that the vast majority of illegal aliens, the proper term, are Hispanic/Latino. However, this is more a result of geographic factors and poor economic conditions in the countries to our south than anything else. If the socio-economic conditions of Canada and Mexico were reversed, the illegal immigration issue would center on our northern border rather than our southern border.

All ethnic groups and nations have certain common characteristics and tendencies. For example, Americans in general have a nationalistic “we’re #1” attitude. This is often construed as an “ugly American” perception by people in many parts of the world. However, we are also one of the most benevolent and forgiving nations as well as one of the most giving people, on a personal basis.

In discussing the issue of illegal aliens, some of the social and cultural characteristics of the ethnicity or nationality of the aliens need to be highlighted, if they are a contributing factor and it is relevant to the discussion. Acknowledging such characteristics is not prejudiced, racist, or xenophobic and it does not make the discussion bigoted. In fact, ignoring such relevancy simply because of ethnicity could be construed as racist.

In any case, the author of this report wants to make it perfectly clear: very few Americans are against a reasonable amount of legal immigration, regardless of race, nationality or ethnicity, but most Americans are against any illegal immigration, regardless of race, nationality or ethnicity.

It is further to be noted that the illegal aliens are not just a “Mexican” or “Hispanic” problem. It is only that most illegal aliens are currently from Mexico and the vast majority of illegal aliens are Hispanic. Maybe with the exception of the Swedish Bikini Team, the majority of Americans would be against any people, regardless of race, nationality or ethnicity, being illegal aliens in the USA.

That said, we all know that all illegal aliens are simply hard working contributors to American society and are only doing the jobs Americans won’t do.

Or do we?

Let us now look at The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration and its collateral damage.

03-05-2009, 06:46 PM

03-05-2009, 07:05 PM

“Amnesty” and its related “Guest Worker Program” are the Government and MSM solutions for what to do with the illegal aliens that are in this country.

It is worth noting that usually a “Guest Worker Program” is often nothing more than “amnesty” by another name.

Besides the fact that neither an “Amnesty” nor a “Guest Worker” program would correct any of the collateral damage from the dark aspects of illegal immigration that are detailed in this report, we all know that rewarding bad behavior only encourages more of it. This is just more common sense that the President and Congress seem to lack.

Unfortunately the problem of even recognizing there is a problem starts at the top as noted in White House compares illegal immigration to speeding. Is it any wonder that amnesty is proposed? And I’ll bet they are totally clueless to the amount of collateral damage being caused by speeding, drunk driving, illegal aliens.

In any case, we specifically found that out after our first amnesty program, as all it did was spur more illegal immigration.

In case you are not aware of it, Congress has passed 7 amnesties for illegal aliens starting with Reagan’s “one time” amnesty bill in 1986. By any measure, it can be concluded that all were The amnesty program that tried and failed with the end results being that we have a far greater illegal alien problem than before the amnesty programs!

As reported by Heather MacDonald in a recent article, Amnesty Lessons, Europe has found it out too. In any case, amnesty is very unfair to the hopeful millions who are on the waiting list, following the rules, and the many more millions who would like to come to the USA but who don’t happen to live near or have access to the porous southern border. In fact it could be argued that allowing amnesty for the illegal Hispanic aliens is discrimination against non-Hispanics who want to come too.

In discussing amnesty it is worth noting that when President Bush and most members of Congress, talk about “guest worker programs” they are basically talking about a “blanket amnesty” program – the same thing that was been done in the past, proven to be unworkable, and a great contributor to the existing problem. Nothing changes when they throw a piddling penalty payment into the mix.

How many government programs have you known of where the name is not actually representative of and often opposite to the real intent of the program?

In any case, why do the Government’s programs fail? Probably because they don’t believe the problem is serious which results in not making the tough and politically incorrect decisions that would involve securing the border and denying sanctuary to illegal aliens. If not that then we start getting into more serious motivations such as they are all nothing more than career politicians pandering to whatever crowd that will get them re-elected and the good of the country be damned. That would actually be an improvement on the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP) motivations, a topic discussed a bit further down in this report, where they are basically selling out this country.

Regardless, as detailed in this report, the collateral damage being inflicted by our toleration of illegal immigration is very serious and is growing. More and more Americans are being ripped off, infected, molested, raped, killed, and murdered every day and basically little is being done about it.

As noted multiple times in this report, NOBODY is keeping track of the collateral damage inflicted on America by illegal aliens. Unfortunately, you can not rely on the MSM to report the facts and the government is basically lying about and/or concealing the problem.

When the government does look into the illegal immigration problem and doesn’t like what they find they ignore their own findings and keep the results from the American people. As an example, a Judicial Watch Special Report, U.S. Border Patrol Survey Analysis - Detailing the U.S. Government’s Polling of Apprehended Illegal Immigrants, on the Southern Border in January 2004, reports:

“Executive Summary

President Bush’s “temporary guest worker” proposal of January 7, 2004 was broadly interpreted as an illegal immigration amnesty program around the country and abroad. The Bush administration ordered the U.S. Border Patrol to survey apprehended illegal immigrants concerning President Bush’s proposal. The results indicated that President Bush’s proposal had actually lured greater numbers of illegal immigrants to violate the law. Politically inconvenient and/or potentially embarrassing data from the Border Patrol survey resulted in the Bush administration calling off the survey on January 27, 2004. The U.S. government never released a report based on the survey.

The White House directed Homeland Security Public Affairs Officers to deliberately withhold information from the public and the media about the Border Patrol survey and a related spike in illegal immigration. The Bush administration mislead Americans for political purposes. The White House approved talking points included:

· Do not talk about amnesty, increase in apprehensions, or give comparisons of past immigration reform proposals.

· Do not provide statistics on apprehension spikes or past amnesty data.

While the Border Patrol’s unscientific survey and its aborted execution may not provide a comprehensive picture of the relationship between President Bush’s immigration proposal and illegal immigration, the initial data is deeply disturbing. Analysis of the raw data from the survey forms indicates:

· 45% crossed illegally based on rumors of a Bush administration amnesty.

· 63% received Mexican government or media information supporting the notion of a Bush administration amnesty.

· 64% previously entered the United States illegally.

· 80% desired to apply for amnesty.

· 66% desired to petition for family members to join them in the U.S.


“President Bush’s proposed “temporary worker program” was broadly interpreted as an amnesty offer to illegal immigrants. A spike in illegal immigration following President Bush’s speech was surveyed as a priority intelligence requirement for a three-week period by the Border Patrol. Survey results were politically unfavorable to the Bush administration, who ordered the survey stopped. The White House directed public affairs officers to withhold information in order to mislead the public and stave off potential political embarrassment. The government only produced records material to the survey once Judicial Watch filed a FOIA lawsuit in federal court. The government continues to withhold additional records concerning this matter. Judicial Watch will continue to pursue this case and other illegal immigration matters, and report facts to the American people, as part of its mission as a public interest education foundation.”

While this paper will not attempt to analyze any proposed government “amnesty” or “guest worker” programs, keep in mind that the devil is in the details, and while Congress and the President talk, or don’t talk as the case may be, the illegal flow keeps gushing in.

The President’s solution is basically Senate Bill S.2611 which would grant blanket amnesty to all illegal aliens currently in the USA. The government and illegal alien friendly groups such as the Pew Hispanic Center say that is 10-12 million people. AS this report details the number is easily doubly that amount and could be three times as high. Additionally, the bill would grant 1 million migrant workers green cards. To see the traitors, I mean Senators who voted for this sell out see S.2611.

Given the associated costs, don’t you think a rational person would want to know hw many illegal aliens they were granting amnesty to before they granted amnesty. Of course since they aren’t paying for it, I guess that isn’t important. At last once the illegal aliens who are molesting, raping, killing and murdering Americans are made into Americans the government can no longer be embarrassed by the fact that they are not counting the crimes being committed by foreign nationals on US soil. I suppose that is one way to take care of the problem: change the illegal alien, foreign national criminals into resident American criminals.

The faucet is broken and water is squirting up like Old Faithful and our elected officials just look at each other and want to talk about how good the water running out the door is for the grass. It is time for the nation to rise up and say “Turn the water off and clean up the mess!”

When you hear the President and Congress talking about solving the “problem” with the President’s “guest worker” program, i.e. MORE GUEST WORKERS, ask yourself, and Congress, how that will stop illegal aliens from coming across the border?

How will more guest workers fix the problem of a very high percentage of even the existing guest workers not leaving when their current temporary work visas expire?

How will more guest workers reduce the unacceptable numbers of Americans that are currently being molested, raped, killed, and murdered by guest workers?

How will a larger guest worker program stop terrorist who want to murder as many American school children as they can?

How will a bigger guest worker program prevent terrorist from smuggling a nuke across the porous southern border?

Remember, as it is now, the government does not even track crimes by foreign nationals, i.e. illegal aliens, or guest workers. More illegal alien criminals becoming “guest workers” will only result in the unintended consequences of more collateral damage – something we already have too much of.

As recently noted by Congressman King in a Washington Post article, The attrition solution:

“I emphatically disagree with statements Sen. Mel Martinez made recently to the Washington Times ("New RNC chief backs bill with guest-worker plan" Page 1, Feb. 2). Mr. Martinez wants to grant illegal aliens a "path to citizenship." This represents nothing less than endorsement of a mass amnesty for many millions of illegal aliens. Americans reject mass amnesty by large margins. Amnesty is an affront to native-born Americans, to legal immigrants, and to the very concept of the rule of law.

Amnesty can be dressed up as "earned legalization," "going to the back of the line" or a "path to citizenship," but it is still amnesty. Do we give bank robbers "earned plunder" or make them "go to the end of the line" to get their pillage or a "path towards keeping their prize"? Consider two brothers living in Mexico City. One came to the United States illegally. The other stayed in Mexico and supports his family there. Mr. Martinez would grant the brother who broke our laws permanent residence and then citizenship in our country. He would grant no such prizes to the brother who stayed in Mexico. This is the worst kind of amnesty -- it grants huge benefits that are reserved only for those who have broken our laws.

Amnesty will not, as advertised, increase national security; it will imperil us all. Some argue that if we grant amnesty we will at least know "who is in our country." They are fundamentally mistaken. We will not learn who the illegal immigrants are, but who they want us to believe they are. Aliens who want to create false identities will provide counterfeit or fraudulent documents from their "home country" and we will catch only those unlucky few whose can't afford quality fakes or who have fingerprints in the FBI system. There was a massive number of fraudulent applications filed for the 1986 amnesty. An estimated two-thirds of the applications for amnesty for agricultural workers were fraudulent and most of those fraudulent applications were approved.

As retired INS investigator Mike Cutler has testified before the Immigration, Border Security and Claims Subcommittee, "it will be a simple matter for illegal aliens, including terrorists or criminals, to walk into an immigration office, along with millions of other illegal aliens, and produce a false name and then get an official identity document from our government bureaucrats. These documents would then enable them to circumvent the various no-fly and terror watch lists. They would be able to use these documents as breeder documents – all the while staying under the radar and obscuring and concealing their true identity."

Mahmud Abouhalima, a leader of the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, was legalized under the 1986 amnesty. It was only after he got his amnesty that he was able to travel outside of the country, including several trips to the Afghanistan/Pakistan border, where he received the terrorist training he used in the bombing. Three-quarters of Americans have little or no confidence in the government's ability to weed out terrorists and criminals from the millions who would apply for amnesty.

Mr. Martinez presents the false choice of mass amnesty or mass deportations. The sensible middle ground -- supported by Americans over amnesty by more than two to one -- is a policy of attrition. Vigorous enforcement of our current immigration laws will substantially decrease the illegal-immigrant population over time. Experience has proven that illegal immigrants who could no longer easily obtain jobs would simply return to their home countries. The Center for Immigration Studies has concluded that a policy of vigorous enforcement would cut the illegal immigrant population in half in just five years.”

If you want to find out the real scoop about the government’s “amnesty” and “guest worker” programs contact the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus.

Regardless, it is time for the voters to ask the politicians proposing amnesty and expanded guest worker programs:

In granting amnesty, exactly how many Americans are YOU are willing to allow to be infected, molested, raped, killed, and murdered by illegal aliens to save ten cents on a head of lettuce?

03-05-2009, 07:33 PM
How many threads do you need about illegal immigration...we get it, you're against it, half a dozen threads in a day about it is a bit OTT and this alone raises questions, as does quotes from yourself such as...

"In my very humble opinion all people in Mexico are guilty."


"I, as well as my "friends," would gladly lend a hand to sink the entirety of this scourge on humanity into the abyss."

Bearing in mind these are not contextualised right now, but those quotes don't look good in any context..I've only skimmed some of your posts but even so noticed an overwhelming zealotry that has already obscured any objectivity, in my opinion, I also saw you had a couple valid things to say about illegal immigration but the small amount of important things you may have said may go unnoticed completely due to, well, stuff like the quotes I posted ^.

Immigration isn't an issue with much importance for me, but importantly the difference here seems to be that I believe the illegal immigration problem is first and foremost a consequence of the American welfare state - then lax border control, whereas you seem to be plainly blaming the people of Mexico as a collective, which is quite bizarre, unlike anything I've ever come across.

Somewhat sorry for hijacking the thread but I was quite alarmed by the half dozen or so threads you've made on pretty much the same subject, how many do you need :\

03-05-2009, 08:12 PM
Actually, the making of threads aren't about what I think about illegal immigration.

They are completely different topics, completely different subjects and completely different issues that are posted.

But you seem not to have anything to say about the OP of this thread.

I can educate you on collectivism, to be sure. Collectivists are opposed to any sort of rule of law. They believe in Cosmopolitan law and that some groups get special treatment because of some status, political identity or ethnicity. Individualists believe in the rule of law.

So that you do not get confused so easily, collectivism as you are using is not speaking to the political identity of collectivism.

03-05-2009, 08:17 PM
This can further help to educate you on the issue of illegal immigration as it relates to collectivism.


March 30, 2006, 11:30 a.m.
American Dhimmitude
The road from amnesty.

Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens and their supporters have marched over the past couple of weeks demanding amnesty and opposing stricter immigration enforcement.

This isn’t really about immigration, though — it’s about power.

What we’re seeing in the streets is a naked assertion of power by outsiders against the American nation. They demand that we comply with their wishes and submit our immigration policies for their approval, and implicitly threaten violence if their demands are not met. Far from being a discussion among Americans about the best way to regulate immigration, the illegal-alien marches have been marked by the will to power: ubiquitous Mexican flags, burning and other forms of contempt for the American flag, and widespread displays of blatant racial chauvinism and irredentism.

This is precisely the same kind of challenge that aggressive outsiders are making against other parts of the West, including Muslim immigrants in Europe and, in the most extreme form, Palestinians in Israel. Supremacist Muslims have demanded that Europe repudiate Israel, legally prohibit public criticism of Islam, downplay acts of violent Jew-hatred by immigrants, and not deport Muslim illegal aliens. And some Palestinians, of course, demand that Jewish state abolish itself altogether, actually cutting it out of maps of the Middle East (just as illegal-alien marchers in L.A. held signs of North America with the United States crossed out).

Of course, we face a lower-calorie version of the challenge faced by Europe and Israel. The outsiders rejecting the legitimacy of our constitutional order are from Christian, quasi-Western backgrounds, and come from countries whence we have successfully taken, and Americanized, immigrants in the past. Consequently, the challenge has so far been marked by relatively little violence, nothing like the murders and bombings and riots in Europe and Israel.

But these differences merely mean that we have a better chance of overcoming the challenge — unlike Europe, which may well never persuade its Muslim population to assimilate.

In a recent column, Mark Steyn identified the issue at hand as “civilizational confidence.” Though he was writing about the threat of radical Islam, the same holds true, in decaf form, for us with regard to immigration: “our side has tanks and planes, but they have will and faith, and they reckon in a long struggle that’s the better bet.” And in referring to bin Laden’s observation that “When people see a strong horse and a weak horse, by nature they will like the strong horse,” Steyn even seems to describe the 12 members of the Senate Judiciary Committee who voted to send the McCain-Kennedy amnesty bill to the floor: “Most prominent Western leaders sound way too eager to climb into the weak-horse suit and audition to play the rear end.”

This is not to say that disapproving of any particular provision of the Sensenbrenner bill is seditious. Rather, the issue is whether we have the civilizational confidence to push back and tell the illegal aliens and their fellow-travelers that making immigration policy is the exclusive province of the American people, and that foreigners, legal or illegal, are not part of the American people until we say they are.

Unlike Europe’s supine acquiescence to the demands of its antagonists, there remains a strong nationalist streak in the American public, and so there are stirrings of push-back, among politicians like Rep. Tom Tancredo, pundits such as Cal Thomas, and even private citizens.

If, however, we surrender to the illegal-alien will to power — by caving in to their demands for passage of the McCain-Kennedy amnesty — we would be following Europe into our own version of dhimmitude, wherein a decadent host civilization capitulates to the chauvinist assertions of outsiders.

03-06-2009, 07:13 AM
How many threads do you need about illegal immigration...we get it, you're against it, half a dozen threads in a day about it is a bit OTT and this alone raises questions, as does quotes from yourself such as...

"In my very humble opinion all people in Mexico are guilty."


"I, as well as my "friends," would gladly lend a hand to sink the entirety of this scourge on humanity into the abyss."

Bearing in mind these are not contextualised right now, but those quotes don't look good in any context..I've only skimmed some of your posts but even so noticed an overwhelming zealotry that has already obscured any objectivity, in my opinion, I also saw you had a couple valid things to say about illegal immigration but the small amount of important things you may have said may go unnoticed completely due to, well, stuff like the quotes I posted ^.

Immigration isn't an issue with much importance for me, but importantly the difference here seems to be that I believe the illegal immigration problem is first and foremost a consequence of the American welfare state - then lax border control, whereas you seem to be plainly blaming the people of Mexico as a collective, which is quite bizarre, unlike anything I've ever come across.

Somewhat sorry for hijacking the thread but I was quite alarmed by the half dozen or so threads you've made on pretty much the same subject, how many do you need :\


End the drug war and our welfare state. There is nothing wrong with people coming here and working. I think if we allowed this to happen we would have a reverse effect. Many governments will see the advantages to a competetive workforce and low immigration requirements.
On a side note, I like how illegal immigration fucks with labor unions.

03-06-2009, 07:57 AM

End the drug war and our welfare state. There is nothing wrong with people coming here and working. I think if we allowed this to happen we would have a reverse effect. Many governments will see the advantages to a competetive workforce and low immigration requirements.
On a side note, I like how illegal immigration fucks with labor unions.

You want illegal's here to lower american wages, take american jobs, wreck labor unions, exc. Why not force the american's to live in straw huts & work 12 hours a day so we are competative with china. Let's bring back the sweat shops so that corp. america & our gov. can get richer & the american people can be the slaves. You either use use illegal's for profit or your part of corp. america or illegal yourself. In either case you have verry little in common with Ron Paul or this movement & have just said you disagree with the constitution & rule of law.

03-06-2009, 08:43 PM
You want illegal's here to lower american wages, take american jobs, wreck labor unions, exc. Why not force the american's to live in straw huts & work 12 hours a day so we are competative with china. Let's bring back the sweat shops so that corp. america & our gov. can get richer & the american people can be the slaves. You either use use illegal's for profit or your part of corp. america or illegal yourself. In either case you have verry little in common with Ron Paul or this movement & have just said you disagree with the constitution & rule of law.

Looks like someone can use a lecture on an economy, and learn to compete.
You don't sound like a very pro-liberty capitalist. If anything, you are giving advantages to a select few.

You conservatives should be exposed as the anti-capitalistic hypocrites that you are.

03-06-2009, 08:54 PM
By "select few", are you talking about Americans?

03-06-2009, 08:56 PM
i for one am tired of traitor ancaps whining about open borders and protectionism. There is no U.S. without viable defendable borders. Leave the dude alone.

03-06-2009, 08:57 PM
By "select few", are you talking about Americans?

hes talking about the middle class. He'd prefer the 'select few' that benefit be the ultra wealthy and the foreign horde.

03-06-2009, 09:06 PM
You conservatives should be exposed as the anti-capitalistic hypocrites that you are.

You mean like RON PAUL? Like THAT!?

"The talk must stop. We must secure our borders now. A nation without secure borders is no nation at all. It makes no sense to fight terrorists abroad when our own front door is left unlocked." -- Ron Paul, RonPaul2008.com, May 2007

Go read:

03-06-2009, 11:19 PM
How many threads do you need about illegal immigration...

All of them until we gain control over the lowlifes in the government, business, and general population that have been aiding and abetting them in a treasonous manner... I would figure.

We may have to kiss the keisters of the illegal invaders, it is still a felony to aid and abet them.

If some honest men and women in law enforcement, would go after the lowlifes in the government, business and the general population that have been aiding and abetting them, by the time they had enough of a handle on the job to raise their heads and look around, I don’t think many illegal aliens would still be left.

We don’t need any new laws to do this either. Just some honest men and women that take their oaths of office seriously!

Finding them is the first step!

03-07-2009, 10:32 AM
You mean like RON PAUL? Like THAT!?

Go read:

Reread worl's post and you tell me.

03-07-2009, 10:33 AM
By "select few", are you talking about Americans?


03-07-2009, 11:00 AM
Reread worl's post and you tell me.

This is the comment you made:

Originally Posted by The_Orlonater
You conservatives should be exposed as the anti-capitalistic hypocrites that you are.
I shouldn't have to tell you what is wrong with what you said.

Note: BTW, I'm no spring chicken and I have never, ever, heard a real conservative who liked unions.

03-07-2009, 12:39 PM
Looks like someone can use a lecture on an economy, and learn to compete.

Competition? Oh, we have no lack of labor competition in the US. The Democrats and Republicans love it. The US Chamber of Commerce loves it. Big Business loves it. The Oligarchy loves it. The Globalists love it. And you love it. You picked a winning team there. Good for you.

03-07-2009, 01:13 PM
I need to hear the bright side, I've heard enough angry rednecks talk about the Dark Side.

03-07-2009, 01:16 PM
I need to hear the bright side, I've heard enough angry rednecks talk about the Dark Side.

Here ya go.

03-07-2009, 01:26 PM
Here ya go.

Childhood memories, yum.

03-07-2009, 08:56 PM
I need to hear the bright side, I've heard enough angry rednecks talk about the Dark Side.

cheap rolled tacos at 3am....

That about covers it.

03-07-2009, 09:41 PM
There is a bright side. No more rule of law, rule BY law benefiting people who trade their Liberty for a vote. Anarchy bro! Yeah kill the man! LOL.

Illegal immigration imports a tremendous amount of unskilled, uneducated and porr people and with them all their inherent problems.

Importing Poverty.

October 25, 2006
Importing Poverty: Immigration and Poverty in the United States: A Book of Charts
by Robert E. Rector
Special Report #9


In 1963, President Lyndon Johnson launched the War on Poverty with the goal of eliminating poverty in the United States. Since that time, the U.S. has spent over $11 trillion on anti-poverty programs, providing cash, food, housing, medical care, and services to the poor and near poor. Today, government provides a generous system of benefits and services to both the working and non-working poor. While government continues its massive efforts to reduce poverty, immigration policy in the U.S. has come to operate in the opposite direction, increasing rather than decreasing poverty. Immigrants with low skill levels have a high probability of both poverty and receipt of welfare benefits and services.[1]

Since the immigration reforms of the 1960s, the U.S. has imported poverty through immigration policies that per*mitted and encouraged the entry and residence of millions of low-skill immigrants into the nation. Low-skill immi*grants tend to be poor and to have children who, in turn, add to America’s poverty problem, driving up governmental welfare, social service, and education costs.

Today’s immigrants differ greatly from historic immigrant populations. Prior to 1960, immigrants to the U.S. had education levels that were similar to those of the non-immigrant workforce and earned wages that were, on aver*age, higher than those of non-immigrant workers. Since the mid-1960s, however, the education levels of new immigrants have plunged relative to non-immigrants; consequently, the average wages of immigrants are now well below those of the non-immigrant population. Recent immigrants increasingly occupy the low end of the U.S. socio-economic spectrum.[2]

The current influx of poorly educated immigrants is the result of two factors: first, a legal immigration system that favors kinship ties over skills and education; and second, a permissive attitude toward illegal immigration that has led to lax border enforcement and non-enforcement of the laws that prohibit the employment of illegal immigrants. In recent years, these factors have produced an inflow of some ten and a half million immigrants who lack a high school education. In terms of increased poverty and expanded government expenditure, this importation of poorly educated immigrants has had roughly the same effect as the addition of ten and a half million native-born high school drop-outs.

As a result of this dramatic inflow of low-skill immigrants,

One-third of all immigrants live in families in which the head of the household lacks a high school edu*cation; and
First-generation immigrants and their families, who are one-sixth of the U.S. population, comprise one-fourth of all poor persons in the U.S.

Immigration also plays a large role in child poverty:

Some 38 percent of immigrant children live in families headed by persons who lack a high school edu*cation;
Minor children of first-generation immigrants comprise 26 percent of poor children in the U.S.; and
One out of six poor children in the U.S. is the offspring of first-generation immigrant parents who lack a high school diploma.

Hispanic immigrants (both legal and illegal) comprise half of all first-generation immigrants and their families. Pov*erty is especially prevalent among this group. Hispanic immigrants have particularly low levels of education; more than half live in families headed by persons who lack a high school diploma. Family formation is also weak among Hispanic immigrants; fully 42 percent of the children of Hispanic immigrants are born out of wedlock. Hispanic immigrants thus make up a disproportionate share of the nation’s poor:

First-generation Hispanic immigrants and their families now comprise 9 percent of the U.S. population but 17 percent of all poor persons in the U.S.; and
Children in Hispanic immigrant families now comprise 11.7 percent of all children in the U.S. but 22 percent of all poor children in the U.S.

Massive low-skill immigration works to counteract government anti-poverty efforts. While government works to reduce the number of poor persons, low-skill immigration pushes the poverty numbers up. In addition, low-skill immigration siphons off government anti-poverty funding and makes government efforts to shrink poverty less effective.

Low-skill immigrants pay little in taxes and receive high levels of government benefits and services. The National Academy of Sciences has estimated that each immigrant without a high school degree will cost U.S. taxpayers, on average, $89,000 over the course of his or her lifetime...

03-07-2009, 09:56 PM
Saw on CNN tonight that blacks make up the vast majority of those on unemployment; however Obama ready to give amnesty and bring in more of illegals who are directly impacting black employment. Just proves Barach Insane Obama just another New World destructo person ready to take the USA down. With all our politicians owned by the NWO, no way we can ever have representation.

Just prepare, and be ready to defend. And please don't eat processed foods...cook everything from scratch. No stouffers lasagne... no gordon's fish sticks... that stuff has crap in it that will ding you for life.. Think of yourself as a Stepford Wife... don't touch a thing you are given, unless it has been prepared by yourself,.

03-11-2009, 10:07 AM
Illegal immigration steals jobs from minorities in poor areas who are trying to make their way up the economic ladder and move out of poverty.

03-11-2009, 06:49 PM
Speaking of blacks and working.

There was a story a while back about how a bunch of blacks found work in construction after the storm moved through New Orleans. Then the criminals in the government helped the Hispanics move back in and displaced the honest workers out of their jobs.