View Full Version : Wow, I cant believe this

03-01-2009, 05:17 PM
Just on facebook, and got a link from someone I know about this:

"The Crisis: Make the bosses pay
Basic Info
Common Interest - Beliefs & Causes
The International Marxist Tendency (http://www.marxist.com/) has produced a Manifesto which outlines the causes of the economic crisis and puts forward a programme of action for the international labour movement.

Join this group, and invite others to join, to show support for the Manifesto, which can be read in full at http://www.marxist.com/imt-manifesto-on-crisis.htm

Its demands are:


We demand:

1) No more bail outs for the rich. No reward for the fat cats! Nationalize the banks and insurance companies under democratic workers’ control and management. Banking decisions must be taken in the interests of the majority of society, not a minority of wealthy drones. Compensation for nationalized banks and other companies must be paid only in cases of proven need to small investors. The nationalisation of the banks is the only way to guarantee the deposits and savings of ordinary people.
2) Democratic control of the banks. The boards of directors should be composed in the following way: one third to be elected by the bank workers, one third to be elected by the trade unions to represent the interests of the working class as a whole, and one third from the government.
3) An immediate end to the exorbitant bonuses, all executive pay should be limited to the wages of a qualified worker. Why should a banker be worth more than a doctor or a dentist? If the bankers are not prepared to serve on reasonable terms, they must be shown the door and replaced by qualified graduates, many of whom are looking for work and willing to serve society.
4) An immediate reduction of interest rates, which should be limited to the necessary costs of banking operations. Cheap credit must be made available for those who need it: small businesses and workers buying homes, not the bankers and capitalists.
5) The right to a home; an immediate end to repossessions, a general reduction of rents and a massive building programme of affordable social housing.


We demand:

1) No to unemployment! Work or full maintenance for all!
2) Down with business secrets! Open the books! Let the workers have access to information about all the swindles, speculation, tax dodges, shady deals and excessive profits and bonuses. Let the people see how they have been swindled and who is responsible for the present mess!
3) No to factory closures! A factory that closes is a factory occupied!
4) Nationalization under workers’ control and management of factories that threaten to close!
5) For a wide-ranging programme of public works: for a crash building programme of affordable social housing, schools, hospitals and roads to give employment to the jobless.
6) For the immediate introduction of a 32-hour week without loss of pay!
7) For a socialist planned economy, in which unemployment will be abolished and society will inscribe on its banner: THE UNIVERSAL RIGHT TO WORK.


We demand:

1) A living wage and pension for all!
2) A sliding scale of wages, linking all increases to the increases in the cost of living.
3) The trade unions, co-operatives and consumer associations must work out the real index of the cost of living in place of the “official” index, which does not reflect the real state of affairs.
4) Set up committees of workers, housewives, small shopkeepers and unemployed to control price increases.
5) Abolition of all indirect taxation and the introduction of a heavily progressive system of direct taxation. Abolish all taxation for the poor and let the rich pay!
6) An end to fuel poverty and a drastic reduction of fuel bills! This can only be achieved through nationalisation of the energy companies, which will enable us to impose price controls on the consumer price of gas and electricity. No more profiteering at the public’s expense!


We demand:

1) Complete independence of the unions from the state.
2) An end to compulsory arbitration, no-strike deals, and other measures to restrict the scope of action of the unions.
3) Democratise the unions and place control firmly in the hands of the members!
4) Abolition of election for life! Election of all union officials with right of recall.
5) Against bureaucracy and careerism! No official to receive a higher wage than a skilled worker. All expenses to be available for the inspection of the membership.
6) No class collaboration! For a militant programme to mobilise the workers in defence of jobs and living standards.
7) For trade union unity on the basis of the above demands.
8) For rank and file control, including the strengthening of the shop stewards committees and the creation of ad hoc strike committees during strikes and other conflicts as a means of ensuring the fullest participation of the widest number of workers.
9) For the nationalization of the commanding heights of the economy and the creation of an industrial democracy in which the unions would play a key role in the administration and control of every workplace. Trade unionism is not an end in itself, but only a means to an end, which is the socialist transformation of society.


We demand:

1) A decent education for all young people. A massive programme of school building and a genuinely free system of education at all levels.
2) The immediate abolition of student fees and the introduction of a living grant to all students who qualify for higher education.
3) A guaranteed job for every school-leaver with a living wage.
4) An end to the domination and exploitation of education by big business. Drive private enterprise out of education!
5) The provision of well-equipped youth clubs, libraries, sports centres, cinemas, swimming pools and other recreational centres for young people.
6) A programme of affordable public housing for students and young couples.


We demand:

1) The immediate abolition of all anti-trade union laws.
2) The right of all workers to join a union, strike, picket and demonstrate.
3) The right to free speech and assembly.
4) No to restrictions of democratic rights under the pretext of so-called anti-terrorist laws!
5) The workers’ organizations must reject the false idea of “national unity” with capitalist governments and parties under the pretext of the crisis. The latter are responsible for the crisis and want to present the bill to the working class.


We demand:

1) No to the Europe of the bureaucrats, banks and monopolies!
2) For the expropriation of the banks and monopolies and the creation of an integrated and democratic socialist plan of production.
3) End all discrimination against immigrants, women and youth. Equal pay for work of equal value!
4) For the development of links between trade union activists on a European and global scale. For a militant workers’ united front against the big transnationals!
5) For the Socialist United States of Europe!


We demand:

1) An end to privatisation and the abandonment of market economics
2) Down with the oligarchs and the new rich! For the renationalization of privatised companies without compensation.
3) For a workers’ democracy!
4) Down with bureaucracy and corruption! The trade unions must defend workers’ interests!
5) The Communist Parties must stand for Communist policies! For a return to the programme of Marx and Lenin!
6) For the reintroduction of the state monopoly of foreign trade!


We demand:

1) An immediate cancellation of all Third World debts.
2) Down with landlordism and capitalism!
3) For the expropriation of the property of the big landowners and an agrarian reform. Wherever possible, large estates should be run on collective lines, using modern methods of agriculture to boost production.
4) Freedom from imperialist domination! Nationalise the property of the big transnationals.
5) For a crash programme to abolish illiteracy and create a skilled and educated workforce.
6) For a free and comprehensive health service for all.
7) Down with the oppression of women! Full legal, social and economic equality for women!
8) Down with corruption and oppression! For full democratic rights and the overthrow of the local office boys of imperialism.


We demand:

1) Opposition to the reactionary wars waged by imperialism.
2) Immediate withdrawal of all foreign troops from Iraq and Afghanistan.
3) A drastic cut in wasteful arms expenditure and a massive increase in social spending.
4) Full civil rights for soldiers, including the right to join trade unions and the right to strike.
5) Defend Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia against the aggressive plans of Washington!
6) Against racism! Defend the rights of all oppressed and exploited people! For the unity of all workers, irrespective of colour, race, nationality or religion.
7) For proletarian internationalism! Workers of the world unite!


It is not enough to lament the situation the world finds itself in. It is necessary to act! Those who say: “I am not interested in politics” should have been born at another time. Today, it is not possible to escape from politics. Just try it! You may run to your home, lock the door, and hide under the bed. But politics will come to your house and knock on the door. Politics affects every aspect of our lives. The problem is that many people identify politics with the existing political parties and their leaders. They take one look at the scenes in the parliament, the careerism, the empty speeches, the broken promises and are alienated.

The anarchists draw the conclusion that we do not need a party. This is a mistake. If my house is falling down, I do not conclude that I must sleep in the street but that I must begin urgently to repair the house. If I am dissatisfied with the present leadership of the trade unions and the worker’s parties, I must fight for an alternative leadership, with a programme and a policy that is adequate to my needs.

The International Marxist Tendency is fighting for socialism in forty countries in five continents. We stand firmly on the foundations of Marxism. We defend the basic ideas, principles, policies and traditions worked out by Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky. At present our voice is still weak. For a long time the Marxists were compelled to swim against the stream. The International Marxist Tendency has proved its ability to stand firm in adverse conditions. But now we are swimming with the tide of history. All our perspectives have been confirmed by the march of events. This gives us an unshakable confidence in the ideas and methods of Marxism, the working class and the socialist future of humankind.

Starting with the most advanced workers and youth, our voice will reach the mass of the workers in every factory, trade union branch, shop stewards committee, every school and college, every worker’s district. To carry out this work we need your help. We need people to write articles, sell papers, raise money, and carry on work in the trade union and Labour movement. In the struggle for socialism, no contribution is too small and everybody can play a part. We want you to play your part too. Do not think: “I can make no difference”. Together, once we are organized, we can make a fundamental difference.

The working class holds in its hands a colossal power. Without the permission of the workers, not a light bulb shines, not a wheel turns, not a telephone rings. The problem is that the workers do not realise they have this power. Our task is to make them aware of it. We will fight for every reform, every advance no matter how small, because only through the struggle for advance under capitalism will the workers acquire the necessary confidence in their strength to change society.

Everywhere the mood of the masses is changing. In Latin America there is a revolutionary ferment, which will intensify and spread to other continents. In Britain, the USA and other industrialized nations many people who previously did not question the existing social order are now asking questions. Ideas that previously were listened to by small numbers will find an echo among a far broader public. The ground is being prepared for an unprecedented upsurge of the class struggle on a world scale.

When the USSR collapsed, we were told that history had ended. On the contrary, history has not yet begun. In the space of just 20 years capitalism has shown itself to be utterly bankrupt. It is necessary to fight for a socialist alternative! Our aim is to bring about a fundamental change in society and fight for socialism nationally and internationally. We are fighting for the most important cause: the emancipation of the working class and the establishment of a new and higher form of human society. That is the only really worthwhile cause in the first decade of the 21st century.

Join us!
Contact Info

Holy crap!
This conversation then goes on:

3 people like this.
Mike Lowry at 10:47pm February 28
Sorry, I'm no communist.
Brian White Shiro at 11:05pm February 28
I'm not endorsing anything, but I just wanted to point out to Mike that Marxism is not the same thing as Communism. They share many of the same philosophies, though.
Mike Lowry at 11:17pm February 28
Marx wrote the communist manifesto, nitpick it all anyway anybody likes, if it ain't capitalism, it ain't right.
Joel Raupe at 11:47pm February 28
Yes, there's nothing like the peace and equality of a mass grave.
Jason Damisch at 2:49am March 1
I detest communism and socialism. I would rather be dead than be a collectivist, statist fool.
Mike Lowry at 8:12am March 1
@shaun, you may sound more intelligent if you use the correct "whoa" since what you should be using is "woe." But other than that you sound completely ignorant of economic theory, and full of hateful rhetoric towards a system you clearly don't understand!
Cliff Hale at 10:15am March 1
So ... now I see that Radley is not to be taken seriously. And people wonder why advanced scientific solutions to serious problems aren;t taken as seriously. Too many fricolous folk promoting it. *sigh* Leaving group.
Charles F. Radley at 10:20am March 1
Economic theory is just that, theory. It does not work in practice, except for the oligarchs anyway.
Jack Waldbewohner at 11:52am March 1
I certainly am not a Communist. Having said that I will warn you of what Karl Marx said way back in 1867. Basically he said that if banks and other companies act in an irresponsible manner the market will drive them into bankruptcy. The state will be forced to intervene. Communism will be the inevitable result. The insane greed of sub prime loans and the massive credit melt down could be the end of free enterprise as we know it.
Charles F. Radley at 11:56am March 1
Well said Jack. As for economic theories.....keep in mind that economic theories are PURE SPECULATION, there is no way to verify or test the theories before they are applied. This is extremely risky, and we are now seeing the consequence of blind reliance on unproven economic theories. I no longer wish to be a guinea pig.
Phil Smith at 12:21pm March 1
"Theory" is often applied wrongly. It should be testable to qualify as scientific. There are theories of economics that can be tested, and mostly these are micro in scale. Macroeconomics is very difficult to test. The effects of TARP and the Stim Bill cannot possibly be determined until a year or more out, and by then it might be discovered that both did not work. On the other hand, it is just as easy to say that had both not been passed the predicament would have been worse. I am certainly not a fan of the way these bills are structured, but I must say that the Obama Administration has at least done something that is endorsed by many economists of high calibre and most Amercian citizens. I heard nothing from the GOP that one could consider a plan, and indeed Reaganomics, practiced and allowed to become the norm by all adminsitrations since 1980-82 has proven to be a failure for the long term. Economics depends in large part on confidence, and confidence depends on credibility.
Jason Damisch at 12:28pm March 1
I don't care to be linked to something that promotes socialism. I think that I'm leaving your groups as well.
Mike Lowry at 3:58pm March 1
reganomics was crap. Try austrian economic theory, which has successfully predicted every depression/recession we've faced, check it out. The state need not intervene at all.
Charles F. Radley at 4:01pm March 1
Hmm, is this the same Austria which has invested 70% of its GDP into shaky East European deals...
Mike Lowry at 4:10pm March 1
Yeah, maybe, but then again since this theory was composed over 80 years ago and the masses have been willfully ignorant, maybe you should give it a look instead of dismissing it out of hand.
Good talk.
Charles F. Radley at 4:12pm March 1
1) Any economic theory can be right some of the time 2) past performance is no guarantee of future results
Mike Lowry at 4:16pm March 1
No but I prefer past performance to non-performance!

And actually, austrian economic theory is why there were people in washington in the mid-90's telling congress to stop messing around in the economy or else there would be A) housing bubble B)recession after the bubble burst.

And lo and behold....

Why don't you just look into it Mr. Radley?
Charles F. Radley at 4:22pm March 1
Too busy really, I am swamped. Experts need to get their act together. They have lost all credibility with me and most people, I do not believe any of it. It is too late to worry about the past. right now nationalization is our only option. I doubt that the world economy will recover in my lifetime, except possibly in Asia.
Mike Lowry at 4:27pm March 1
Nationalization is NOT an option, are you familiar with the constitution?

That document does NOT authorize the federal government to do such a thing. If you're too busy to do the research, then don't ignorantly post things.

I keep up with my government and their actions, I've gone from one end of the spectrum to the other, and know most of the thought processes pretty well, and nationalization is about the worst thing you could do right now.
Daniel Luechtefeld at 5:21pm March 1
Even Greenspan is proposing a short-term nationalization. If there were indeed Constitutional prohibitions against this course of action, he would surely be aware of them.

http://www.ft.com/cms/s/e310cbf6-fd4e-11dd-a103-000077b07658,Authorised=false.html?_i_location=htt p%3A%2F%2Fwww.ft.com%2Fcms%2Fs%2F0%2Fe310cbf6-fd4e-11dd-a103-000077b07658.html%3Fnclick_check%3D1&_i_referer=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.commondreams.org%2Fhea dline%2F2009%2F02%2F18-5&nclick_check=1
Adam Hugo at 5:26pm March 1
Umm Daniel, I guess you don't realize the reality that the government does in fact ignore the constitution. This is because of the fact that the majority of Americans don't even know what it says, much less care enough to do anything about them ignoring it. The constitution definitely does not allow Nationalization, but to know that I guess you and Greenspan would actually have to read it? Yeah... see that's the problem. Not to disrespect, but you might want to go do some research instead of simply believing everything you hear from people who run the government and the media.
Mike Lowry at 5:30pm March 1
Right daniel, just like Nixon would've known that there were constitutional prohibitions against presidential use of power. What is your point exactly?

God damn we are screwed, how the hell do people manage to stay this sheepified?!

03-01-2009, 05:18 PM
Well that was pointless, excuse my random outburst..

03-01-2009, 05:37 PM
It kind of reminds me of directive 10-289 from Atlas Shrugged and all the other things the government does in that book to attempt to socialize the system. Of course it results in the capitalists and successful business people disappearing, and ultimately results in everything breaking down, hyperinflation, and total public distrust of anything the government says.

03-01-2009, 05:41 PM

I don't know what to say really. My mind starts wandering to the concept of youth brigades a la Obama...

03-01-2009, 05:54 PM
This sounds just like something a villain in an Ayn Rand novel might say!