View Full Version : My take on Get-out-vote stragegies

09-14-2007, 09:10 PM
[I will be attending an upcoming Anita Edwards meeting with a very open mind. I suspect I'll take some good things from it, but will probably also disagree on certain points.

Personally, I view my activities here in NJ as a way of spreading the word in the hopes that greater name recognition equates to more website hits which equates to more donations. I'm also playing for the General election in November 08. I know we have touched many people here in NJ.

But from the strategic point of view regarding the get-out-the-primary vote ideas of Anita, I see such an effort in NJ as a misallocation of resources and energy. Of course, we want RP to have a respectable showing in ALL states....but let's be realistic...NY/NJ are Giuliani's. We here have been subjected to 25 years of Rudy worship.

In the 80's, he was the great prosecutor - a modern day Elliot Ness who saved us from the Mafia.

In the 90's, he was the tough Mayor who eliminated crime in NY.

In post 2001, he was the hero of 9/11 (barf...u think he ran into a burning tower and saved some screaming women!)

I'm not being negative...I'm being realistic. The legend of Rudy runs deep here in NJ/NY

The Art of War by Sun Tzu teaches us that a good general should attack the adversary's weaknesses while avoiding his strengths.

Let Rudy have NY/NJ/CT...Let Romney have Mass/RI. ..Let Fred Lobbyist have TN....etc....Our get-out-the-vote ammunition should be used for key early states like NH/NV...and then the south...Florida..Midwest..even California. Super Tuesday is a 20 state war in which we have to focus on the winnable battles.

We have some large and well funded RP groups here in NJ and NY and I think it would be a mistake for us to get bogged down in get-out-the-vote here instead of NH and other states. I hope Anita understands this and has a plan for us to help other states.

We need to start being tactical and choose our best battlefields.