View Full Version : A long-term solution to california's budget mess

02-22-2009, 02:57 PM
California is in a no-win financial relationship with the federal government. Article V of the Constitution, however, gives California(as well as other states), a VIABLE and LEGAL means out of this relationship and that is via a National Constitutional Convention.

As background, for every dollar that Californians pay in federal taxes, the state only gets back 78 cents in federal spending(source: Tax Foundation). Moreover, illegal immigration(a federal responsibility) costs the state an estimated $11.3 BILLION annually(source: FAIR)---this figure is expected to rise significantly over the next few years.
In short, we're being ROYALLY SCREWED!!

Highlights of the below proposal which hopes to bring about AUTONOMOUS REGIONAL GOVERNMENT via a National Constitutional Convention include all social security tax payments being made to state trust funds as opposed to the federal "trust fund" which is one big IOU, return of all federal land and properties (including the military) to the states/regions, and EACH REGION ISSUING ITS OWN CURRENCY. See link below for more info.

Use Article V or lose it . . . and your way of life in the process!!


03-19-2009, 06:09 PM
Are you thinking about going back to an Article of Confederation type of situation?