View Full Version : Overcoing Mitt Romney in Utah

05-31-2007, 02:32 PM
It is going to take a lot of work to get Ron Paul elected in the primaries over Mitt Romney. Let's discuss how we in utah can best educate our friends, neighbors that Ron Paul is the better choice over Mitt Romney.

There will be countless people voting for Mitt just because he is LDS. I am LDS but I also have been studying the constitution and politics and know that Ron Paul would be the better choice for our country. The problem is that a lot of people are stuck in their ways and don't want to make an effort to learn who the best candidate really is. They want Fox News to tell them who to vote for or their bishop or stake president. Hopefully no bishop or stake president takes it upon himself to instruct members who to vote for.

Let's get some ideas of how we will defeat Romney in Utah.

I'll throw out the first suggestion.
My guess is that not a lot of republicans vote in the primaries. So a big help will be informing visitors to this forum and our blogs to register to vote in the primaries and we can hope those mindless voters won't show up.

05-31-2007, 04:26 PM
Great thread!! This is important to discuss. I am actually trying to help my Mom understand that just because you share a religion with someone doesn't necessarily make them the automatic choice. The real battle is that people are too lazy and don't want to think about the issues or do the research.

So far I have been sending her quotes from Brian's site "latterdayconservative" that cover why a latterday saint has a real responsibility to protect the constitution. Anyways here is the site: www.latterdayconservative.com

05-31-2007, 04:50 PM
One way to overcome Mitt Romney:

Have your friends and family read this blog post:



05-31-2007, 06:56 PM
I am delighted that Ron Paul supporters are recognizing the importance of showing as many LDS voters as possible those actions of Mitt Romney that violate ceertain principles of the US Constitution and certain Gospel principles. I have been doing what I can on this and find that most LDSs I encounter do not want to accept the seriousness of those indescretions. They seem to want an LDS in the White House in the worst way. So we have our work cut out for us.

I am hoping that Paul's candidacy will, if nothing else, bring LDSs to an awareness of their responsibility to "befriend" the US Constitution, which to me includes studying it, and finding and supporting candidates for elected offices who will abide by it.

05-31-2007, 07:32 PM
Sadly, many LDS (I believe) are looking for validation of their religion by having an LDS POTUS.

The point I usually make the point of asking how they feel about people voting against Mitt based on his being LDS. Then when they make a negative comment I say "Don't you think it is equally wrong to vote FOR someone based on their religion alone (as opposed to their record or principles that they stand for) as it is to vote AGAINST someone for their religion.

Sadly, I haven't changed too many minds, people treat voting for the POTUS the same as if they were voting for a studentbody president in high school. It is who can push the emotional buttons, who looks better, who can deliver the best sound bite.

Keep coming with good ideas though.

06-01-2007, 09:10 AM
The only way to convince anyone to vote properly is to educate them on what exactly the government was created for.
Unless we understand the constitution and the motives of our forefathers our decisions will always be based on the whim of popularity.
I was an avid Bush supporter until I read "The Proper Role of Government" written by President Benson, former LDS prophet and Secretary of Agriculture.
This article opened my eyes and helped me know what I should be looking for and what to expect from the Fed.
I highly recommend this article:
After reading this article (written by a lds prophet) I think it will be clear that Ron is in a class of his own.

06-01-2007, 01:14 PM
If you find yourself needing to address someone who is supportive of Romney by virtue of his LDS membership, then I think the best way to do so is this:

Look its really quite simple. D&C 98 tells us the criteria for voting and who to support as candidates. There is not a word in it that suggests that church membership should merit support.

The criteria is that we should "seek out" candidates who are "wise" and "good". "Seek Out" means that we find people who fill these criteria and prevail upon them to run, in many cases against their own desires. This was the story with Washington, Jackson, Joseph Smith and yes... Ron Paul. He did not want to run.

Now Romney may be a a good man... I don't know enough to say. But that is NOT ENOUGH. I do know given his statements and record that he is not "wise" with respect to government. What does that mean? Well D&C 98 explains that for us as well when it says:

Therefore, I, the Lord, justify you, and your brethren of my church, in befriending that law which is the constitutional law of the land; And as pertaining to law of man, whatsoever is more or less than this, cometh of evil.

So "wisdom" measures a candidates understanding of and adherence to the balance of human government represented by the Constitution of the United States and the principles it embodies (the principles ought to be applied worldwide).

Mitt, despite the fact that he is a member, clearly FAILS the test as do the overwhelming majoirty of politicians. This doesn't make him a bad person or a bad member, it just means we should "seek out" someone else.

06-03-2007, 06:59 AM
For discussions with LDSs, I think we each need to be armed with a mental list of specific things that Romney has done that demonstrate his disdain for certain LDS Church principles, including, of course, constitutional principles. And we should be prepared to document our allegations. I invite contributions and offer mine, which I had earlier posted on LDC, for openers.


* Romney opposed the Boy Scouts' policy prohibiting homosexuals from serving as scoutmasters and prevented the organization from participating publicly in the 2002 Olympics.

* Romney promoted homosexual propaganda in Massachusetts schools through the "Governor's Commission on Gay and Lesbian Youth," funding this bureaucracy of social engineering instead of eliminating it.

* On April 12, 2006, Romney signed a bill into law that creates a universal health system intrusive enough to be the envy of socialists everywhere. The plan mandates that every Ma. resident must obtain health insurance by July 1, 2007, or face a fine that could exceed 1,200 dollars a year. Of course, this scheme includes the creation of a new bureaucracy, one that will, using Big Brother's infinite wisdom, determine how much you can afford to pay.

* Romney advocated governmental recognition of homosexual adoption rights, domestic partnerships and homosexual civil unions.

There we have 4 issues: 1.) Supported homosexual leadership for Scouts, 2.) Promoted homosexual propaganda in Massachusetts schools, 3.) Promoted a mandatory health care program in Massachusetts that violates a constitutional principle and individual free agency, 4.) Advocated government recognition of homosexual unions andadoption rights.

Now try telling that to an LDS voterand note the reaction.

06-03-2007, 09:20 AM
I have learned a little bit about persuasion over the years and have learned what not to do, by doing it myself. First thing: You can never attack someone, and think they will convert to your way. I think you have to put off an air of fallibility yourself; admitting that I am wrong sometimes too, but this is my best educated guess and these are the reasons why, I think so. Know-It-Alls, don't persuade many at all. Asking questions, of the other person, I find is very effective. Let them arrive at their own conclusions. A little helpful guidance: not manipulation, can lead them to think in a new way.
Also, know what you're talking about. Do your research before you preach. Knowledge is power. I got into politics for the first time right after 9-11. It was a wake up call for me, and I went to a political convention in Virginia. There I met the most informed people I had ever met, and it was awesome to see and hear people who knew so much. I felt like I was associating with a class of intellectuals, and it made me feel smart. That's the kind of attraction we want. I want people to feel like they just joined Ben Franklins revolution school. And, the future leaders and the greatest minds of the future are being molded in this thinking pot.
Ron Paul is so effective because, he knows what he's talking about and he doesn't sugar-coat anything. People know by listening to him that he is not pulling their leg or manipulating them. That kind of on-slaught of the truth, is undeniable. That, and his record, give me no good reason not to trust him to do what's best for this country. If you want to persuade for Paul and away from Romney, just copy Paul. Site the First Ammendment: Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of a religion. The Founding Fathers came here for religious freedom. Most of them were Deists but they kept their religions to themselves out of respect for religious freedom. As President, you want others to feel like they can relate with you. Most people like other people, who are like themselves. You want to show your similarities at first. Once you get to know them, then you can share your differences; and differences are good. As for me I'm glad we are not all clones.