View Full Version : Outreach: Networking with freedom

02-18-2009, 10:50 PM
What is networking and how can we use it to our advantage?

In terms of technology networking is a connection of at least two computers that share information with each other. In people terms a network is the same as a computer network but people are the objects sharing the information.
Before the internet, before the telephone, before the telegraph, before cars, and before trains, in order for information to flow it took several months. This is because people were secluded in their towns and there was no fast way for information to flow. Since people were secluded in small areas they had very small networks. These small networks had little influence across the world because as I implied, not many people had contacts outside of their home towns. It was harder for people to get information out and have a big impact in the world. As population grows so does networking which shrinks the size of the world. When someone has a good idea or thought it can spread within hours.
Did you hear about the gas shortage in Dallas years ago? People spread around a bogus lie that said there was a gas shortage. In the frenzy everyone went and filled up their gas tanks emptying the city of gas within hours. As you can see word can fly fast. With the help of the internet it can fly even faster. What other networking story can you think of? ……. Think about it…… you guessed it! The Ron Paul “Revolution”. Years ago, how many of you can say you were part of the biggest grassroots organization for limited government, freedom, nonintervention, and capitalism? Ron Paul had an idea, a message about liberty and limited government. Through networking, foundations like the Mises Institute and the Future of Freedom Foundation and people like Lew Rockwell and Aaron Russo spread the message to their contacts and it continued on down the line to you and I. Another example of networking is in the fact that people have been using their connections to get jobs. It’s so bad many companies are having difficulty hiring all of the people the current employees are recommending, much less hiring people who don’t know someone in the company.
As you can see networking can be a strong and important tool if used intelligently. There is something called the six degrees of separation. This means that you can connect with ANYONE else on this planet within 5 people. You may not know Steven Hawking but if you used your networking you could go through as little as 5 people and the sixth person would be Steven Hawking.
You should be taking away from this the idea that… The more you talk to people about your ideas, the more you get people talking, the more you use your contacts, the more you call into radio programs or write into TV programs, the bigger the impact you’re going to have. Do you remember the quote that I am paraphrasing, “It only takes one person to change the world”? That person can be you.
How does one spread an idea whose time has come? Much of it is in your presentation and in your knowledge of that idea. Knowing what you’re talking about may be relatively easy compared to presenting it. When you present something to someone else and you want them to become interested in the idea you have to remember it isn’t about you. It is about that person and what they feel. You have to present information in a form in which they are willing to listen, learn more, and become involved. This means you’ll have to learn more about the people you talk to. Then use the information you collect to present the idea of freedom to them.
When people start being bombarded about freedom, limited government, liberty, and the free market from TV shows and radio to friends and family they will get interested and wonder what all the fuss is about. Just look at how the Ron Paul network has impacted you and over one hundred and ten thousand people in the Campaign for Liberty and Millions others. Now imagine the power of understanding networking and remaining vigilant.
What if every one of the 110,000 people signed up at the Campaign for Liberty made it an oath to talk to one person about liberty every day. Within a span of one month we would have connected with three million four hundred and ten thousand people. (Minus the people in which were accidentally talked to twice from two different people.) After one year we would have talked to a total of close to 41 million people. What if we add in the videos spread online? The TV programs we call and write in on? The Radio Stations we call? The normal exposure of people like Ron Paul, and Peter Schiff? The new internet show by Judge Andrew Napolitano?
Networking networking networking!
Exposure exposure exposure!
Vigilance vigilance vigilance!