View Full Version : Make a Statement - Turn YOURSELF Into an Obama Poster!

02-15-2009, 12:50 AM
This site allows one to make an Obamaesque political poster using one's own image for use on blogs and elsewhere. Maybe the liberty community should use it to counteract the silly personality cult revolving around the Big O by festooning their image with messages like "Sovereign", "Self-Ruled", "Anarch", "Autarch", "Liberty", etc.

Better yet, you could use your favorite Ron Paul pic and call it "REAL Change"!

Once you get a knack of the tools, the images look tres magnifique! Don't forget to share your good ones with the class! ;-)


02-15-2009, 04:06 AM
Here's my newest creation; an Obama pic with a bit more "truth in advertising"!


02-15-2009, 03:01 PM
Wow, no takers? I thought the site was highly addictive.