View Full Version : Wikileaks - Denied Scientology Tape Released

02-07-2009, 12:46 AM

http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Scientology_cult_Hubbard_Class_VIII_Assists_Xenu_l ecture_recording_1968

02-07-2009, 04:52 AM

http://wikileaks.org/wiki/Scientology_cult_Hubbard_Class_VIII_Assists_Xenu_l ecture_recording_1968

Alien/extraterrestrial beings infecting mankind on earth is not an original concept (though it sounds crazier when someone gives specific names/origins to them). Take the Nephilim of the bible for example. They were an unearthly race of beings who bred with the daughters of men on earth and corrupted them (DNA?). Christians would call them "fallen angels" as opposed to "extraterrestrials" but the concept is the same. Researching the "Nephilim" and "The Watchers" is really interesting when you cross reference what little info the bible gives on the subject. Read the Book of Enoch, which is non-cannonical (too much info for the sheeple...lol) but referenced in the cannonicals.

02-07-2009, 08:22 PM
Funny you should post this. I've been watching all sorts of crazy scientology stuff on youtube for the past few days.

Its pretty funny.

I like the South Park episode "In the Closet."