View Full Version : FED: Washington State Against the FED!

02-04-2009, 03:43 PM
Members of both houses of the Washington State Legislature are taking a stand against the Federal Reserve's inflationary policies.

A Ron Paul Republican in the Washington State Legislature has led the charge for sound money in Washington. Republican Representative Cary Condotta (http://www1.leg.wa.gov/house/Condotta) gathered other legislators to have Washington send the message to the Federal government that the citizens of Washington can no longer afford to have the central bank printing money out of thin air, jeopardizing all of our nation's future to meet short-term objectives.

HJM 4010 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?bill=4010) would make a statement to the President and the Congress that Washington State wants the federal government to restore our money to be a Constitutionally gold and silver-backed currency and end the Federal Reserve, its fiat currency and its fractional reserve banking practices. Other representatives signing on to the memorial bill include Matt Shea, Brad Klippert, Joel Kretz and Jim McCune.

However, Washington's indignation toward the Fed's policies does not stop there. Conservative Senator Val Stevens (http://www1.leg.wa.gov/senate/Stevens) introduced SJM 8002 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/Summary.aspx?bill=8002&year=2009) into the Washington State Senate. This bill calls for the President and Congress to administer an audit of the Federal Reserve, which would be an important step in shining a light on its disastrous inflationary policies, as well as allow the public to follow the Fed's money trail for the first time in the agency's history.

Other senators signing on to the bill include Mike Hewitt, Mark Schoesler, Dan Swecker, Cheryl Pflug and Pam Roach (http://www1.leg.wa.gov/senate/Roach). Senator Roach is currently running for King County Elections Director and is backed bay many local Campaign for Liberty (http://www.campaignforliberty.com/signup.php#form) activists.

Senator Stevens happens to live in the district of former Ron Paul Campaign manager, Lew Moore, and his wife, Maureen Moore, who was the Washington State Coordinator for the presidential campaign. Whether this is mere coincidence or whether the Moore's have had an influence on Val Stevens is yet to be seen. However, it has been said that the senator and the couple have a friendly relationship, and is especially likely since Lew Moore has been an important political figure in the area for years.

While these are fantastic developments for the Liberty movement, there are several other great bills currently introduced in the Washington State Legislature, not the least of which is HJM 4009 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/Summary.aspx?bill=4009&year=2009), "Claiming state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment."

Great work Washington!

02-04-2009, 03:47 PM
wow that is great!

02-04-2009, 03:52 PM
Thanks for the update. Washington Rocks :D

02-04-2009, 03:56 PM
Awesome! What are the chances this will pass and who should we flood with calls to thank or ask to support the bill?

02-04-2009, 04:09 PM
Nice to see State's standing up against Tyranny! Way to go Washington!

02-04-2009, 04:52 PM
Members of both houses of the Washington State Legislature are taking a stand against the Federal Reserve's inflationary policies.

A Ron Paul Republican in the Washington State Legislature has led the charge for sound money in Washington. Republican Representative Cary Condotta (http://www1.leg.wa.gov/house/Condotta) gathered other legislators to have Washington send the message to the Federal government that the citizens of Washington can no longer afford to have the central bank printing money out of thin air, jeopardizing all of our nation's future to meet short-term objectives.

HJM 4010 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?bill=4010) would make a statement to the President and the Congress that Washington State wants the federal government to restore our money to be a Constitutionally gold and silver-backed currency and end the Federal Reserve, its fiat currency and its fractional reserve banking practices. Other representatives signing on to the memorial bill include Matt Shea, Brad Klippert, Joel Kretz and Jim McCune.

However, Washington's indignation toward the Fed's policies does not stop there. Conservative Senator Val Stevens (http://www1.leg.wa.gov/senate/Stevens) introduced SJM 8002 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/Summary.aspx?bill=8002&year=2009) into the Washington State Senate. This bill calls for the President and Congress to administer an audit of the Federal Reserve, which would be an important step in shining a light on its disastrous inflationary policies, as well as allow the public to follow the Fed's money trail for the first time in the agency's history.

Other senators signing on to the bill include Mike Hewitt, Mark Schoesler, Dan Swecker, Cheryl Pflug and Pam Roach (http://www1.leg.wa.gov/senate/Roach). Senator Roach is currently running for King County Elections Director and is backed bay many local Campaign for Liberty (http://www.campaignforliberty.com/signup.php#form) activists.

Senator Stevens happens to live in the district of former Ron Paul Campaign manager, Lew Moore, and his wife, Maureen Moore, who was the Washington State Coordinator for the presidential campaign. Whether this is mere coincidence or whether the Moore's have had an influence on Val Stevens is yet to be seen. However, it has been said that the senator and the couple have a friendly relationship, and is especially likely since Lew Moore has been an important political figure in the are for years.

While these are fantastic developments for the Liberty movement, there are several other great bills currently introduced in the Washington State Legislature, not the least of which is HJM 4009 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/Summary.aspx?bill=4009&year=2009), "Claiming state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment."

Great work Washington!

Tell me when states start doing something other than send letters to congress. And that is all this is it seems. I want to see a state arrest federal agents who have over stepped the bounds of said states constitutional agreements. Tell me when state law makers burn a million dollars on the capital steps while signing into law a bill making gold the states currency.

02-04-2009, 06:03 PM
Wow, good to know my state has some decent politician types in it. And heck my local Senator even. Cheers. :D

02-04-2009, 06:06 PM
Is there a good article about this somewhere that we can send to people?

02-04-2009, 06:33 PM
I just sent my 3 reps a note asking them to support these bills. very nice.

02-04-2009, 11:08 PM
Members of both houses of the Washington State Legislature are taking a stand against the Federal Reserve's inflationary policies.

A Ron Paul Republican in the Washington State Legislature has led the charge for sound money in Washington. Republican Representative Cary Condotta (http://www1.leg.wa.gov/house/Condotta) gathered other legislators to have Washington send the message to the Federal government that the citizens of Washington can no longer afford to have the central bank printing money out of thin air, jeopardizing all of our nation's future to meet short-term objectives.

HJM 4010 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/summary.aspx?bill=4010) would make a statement to the President and the Congress that Washington State wants the federal government to restore our money to be a Constitutionally gold and silver-backed currency and end the Federal Reserve, its fiat currency and its fractional reserve banking practices. Other representatives signing on to the memorial bill include Matt Shea, Brad Klippert, Joel Kretz and Jim McCune.

However, Washington's indignation toward the Fed's policies does not stop there. Conservative Senator Val Stevens (http://www1.leg.wa.gov/senate/Stevens) introduced SJM 8002 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/Summary.aspx?bill=8002&year=2009) into the Washington State Senate. This bill calls for the President and Congress to administer an audit of the Federal Reserve, which would be an important step in shining a light on its disastrous inflationary policies, as well as allow the public to follow the Fed's money trail for the first time in the agency's history.

Other senators signing on to the bill include Mike Hewitt, Mark Schoesler, Dan Swecker, Cheryl Pflug and Pam Roach (http://www1.leg.wa.gov/senate/Roach). Senator Roach is currently running for King County Elections Director and is backed bay many local Campaign for Liberty (http://www.campaignforliberty.com/signup.php#form) activists.

Senator Stevens happens to live in the district of former Ron Paul Campaign manager, Lew Moore, and his wife, Maureen Moore, who was the Washington State Coordinator for the presidential campaign. Whether this is mere coincidence or whether the Moore's have had an influence on Val Stevens is yet to be seen. However, it has been said that the senator and the couple have a friendly relationship, and is especially likely since Lew Moore has been an important political figure in the are for years.

While these are fantastic developments for the Liberty movement, there are several other great bills currently introduced in the Washington State Legislature, not the least of which is HJM 4009 (http://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/Summary.aspx?bill=4009&year=2009), "Claiming state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment."

Great work Washington!

Got to love it!!!

02-05-2009, 02:39 AM
Hey StudentforPaul08 - I used to work at Pat's in Drexel Hill!

02-05-2009, 02:44 AM
Tggroo7 -

Chances? Well to be honest - slim. We have a huge Democrat majority here, almost supermajority in both houses, and the Speaker of the House, Frank Chopp, gets shit even from Democrats because he supposedly runs the place like a dictatorship. Only the bills he wants to come to the floor get to the floor. The Senate's a bit different, but there is still a D supermajority.

(It's widely suggested and quite possible that the Democrat Party controls the GOP in this state.)

Now its not impossible to get either of these bills passed. We're looking at some strategies to get this done. I would be thrilled to just get this to the floor, or even to get a recorded vote on the committee (if you were at the Real Politics Training School you know why!).

Just to make them have the debate over sound money would be a huge step. Most people elected to any sort of office are very concerned about the coming economic crisis, yet they've never considered the money aspect of it and would hardly think to question the gods at the Federal Reserve.

02-05-2009, 02:47 AM
american.swan -

well we've been down to Olympia testifying revently. We're going to use our lists to target our pressure and "lobbying." We're going to make personal visits. We're trying to build coalitions.

Don't you know yet that the only reason one politician gets arrested is because there is no other politician left to defend him. Look at the Illinois governor - 100% for impeachment. And as a politician, his only crime was being honest about his job.

02-05-2009, 02:49 AM
CHaos Control - which Senator?

02-05-2009, 02:50 AM
Danno - no articles about this anywhere. At least not yet...

02-05-2009, 02:54 AM
surf - great job! Now send them letters, or email, or make calls. Do one or the other a day, every day. When we put on the meetups that they're having the hearing, do whatever you can to get down there. We need to pack the place.

This goes for every other Washingtonian as well. Call your legislators, and call the legislators on the relevant committee. Or write. Every day. This comes from one of the bill sponsors on how to have the most effect on a legislator. 15 minutes a day.

02-05-2009, 08:35 AM

1 to the honorable barack obama, president of the united states, and
2 to the president of the senate and the speaker of the house of
3 representatives, and to the senate and house of representatives of the
4 united states, in congress assembled:
5 we, your memorialists, the senate and house of representatives of
6 the state of washington, in legislative session assembled, respectfully
7 represent and petition as follows:
8 whereas, there is an unprecedented need for congress to pass
9 legislation to help protect american citizens against potential,
10 unprecedented losses in the value of take-home pay, retirement income,
11 insurance policies, and investments due to the recent large-scale
12 increases in the money supply by the federal reserve for the purpose of
13 bailing out large corporations, loans to foreign central banks, etc.,
14 by restoring gold and silver money in accordance with the constitution,
15 then phasing out the federal reserve system and its inflationary paper
16 money, the federal reserve note; and
17 whereas, our founding fathers were very familiar with the
18 disastrous consequences, such as sharp price increases and the loss of
19 wealth by most citizens, experienced by those colonies that had issued
20 paper money not backed by gold or silver; and
1 whereas, our founding fathers were very careful to craft a
2 constitution that prohibits the issuance of paper money by either the
3 federal government or the states by including such statements as "no
4 state shall . . . Make anything but gold and silver coin a tender in
5 payment of debts . . . " (u.s. Constitution, article i, section 10),
6 and only empowering the federal government "to coin money, regulate the
7 value thereof, and of foreign coin . . . " (u.s. Constitution, article
8 i, section 8); and
9 whereas, the u.s. Constitution designated the "dollar" as the
10 standard of value (u.s. Constitution, article i, section 9, clause 1
11 and the bill of rights, the seventh amendment), which was acknowledged
12 in the federal mint act of 1792 to be a silver coin containing 371.25
13 grains (troy) of pure silver; and
14 whereas, our national government's first experiment with an
15 unbacked paper currency, the civil war-era "greenback," led to the
16 large-scale loss of wealth by u.s. Citizens when they were paid with
17 "greenbacks," which had only about half of the value of gold-backed
18 notes; and
19 whereas, the creation of the quasi-public, independent federal
20 reserve system by congress in 1913 has led to our current monetary
21 system of a fiat paper currency, the "federal reserve note," not backed
22 with either gold or silver since 1971; and
23 whereas, the federal reserve system created a 3,000% increase in
24 the money supply (properly known as inflation) over the years 1959 to
25 2006 which led to an 89% loss in the purchasing power of our "federal
26 reserve note" paper dollars (the classic effect of inflation) during
27 the same time period; and
28 whereas, the federal reserve system has been greatly increasing the
29 money supply in recent years, and beginning with the financial crises
30 of 2008, undertaking to create additional trillions of dollars out of
31 thin air for bailouts with no end in sight, or as the new york times
32 for november 26, 2008, put it, "the federal reserve and the treasury
33 announced $800 billion in new lending programs on tuesday, sending a
34 message that they would print as much money as needed to revive the
35 nation's crippled banking system."; and
36 whereas, as a result of these recent, large-scale increases in the
37 money supply, we can expect unprecedented rounds of price increases and
1 economic dislocations in the future, leading to unprecedented losses of
2 the value of take-home pay, retirement income, insurance policies, and
3 investments by most citizens, and possibly ultimate economic chaos;
4 now, therefore, your memorialists respectfully pray that the
5 congress of the united states, and particularly, the legislative
6 delegation to congress of the state of washington, use all of their
7 efforts, energies, and diligence to protect all the citizens of this
8 nation from potential, unprecedented losses in the value of take-home
9 pay, retirement income, insurance policies, and investments as a result
10 of the federal reserve's ongoing inflation of our unbacked paper money
11 by passing legislation (such as h.r. 2756 to repeal our nation's legal
12 tender laws, h.r. 4683 "the free competition in currency act of 2007,"
13 and h.r. 5427 the "tax-free gold act of 2008") to help restore gold and
14 silver money in accordance with the constitution, then phasing out the
15 federal reserve system and its inflationary paper money, the federal
16 reserve note (as in h.r. 2755).
17 be it resolved, that copies of this memorial be immediately
18 transmitted to the honorable barack obama, president of the united
19 states, the president of the united states senate, the speaker of the
20 house of representatives, and each member of congress from the state of
21 washington.
--- end ---

02-05-2009, 12:31 PM
repsonses from my representative:

Symbolically is right. I am in general not a fan of the state sending "letters to Santa." We do this with some frequency, usually on matters that are strange beyond belief. This is an important matter, and I believe you know what you're talking about. The reality of this is that if Congress wants to do an audit they will, and if they don't getting a nice letter from us won't change their behavior.

I'll be in DC on Monday and I'll ask directly, but I'd rather not spend a lot of time on the floor debating a resolution that won't cause anyone to change their behavior.

Rep. Ross Hunter
Finance Committee Chairman

I have the same answer on this that I did on your letter on 8002. I share your concern about future inflation as a result of the Trillions of dollars that the fed has created magically in their effort to recapitalize banks and get money moving. The actions they will have to take to solve the inflation will make what Voelker did seem tame. In the short term we are more worried about deflation than we are runaway inflation.

I wish we had more adult supervision in DC. It looks like Obama is trying.

Rep. Ross Hunter
Finance Committee Chairman

02-05-2009, 12:36 PM
CHaos Control - which Senator?


02-05-2009, 04:21 PM
Hunter's comments are interesting. We need to look into ways to making them talk about this. The more it's discussed, the more likely it passes.

I'm passing this along. Great job you guys. Now keep it up!

02-05-2009, 05:58 PM
"symbolically" is a reference to what i wrote Rep. Hunter: "I will appreciate it if you can join others in supporting this bill that would, at least symbolically, help put an end to these disastrous efforts the Fed continues to undertake."

02-05-2009, 06:05 PM
Kudos Washington! :) Unfortunately however Congress, and Congress alone has the power to revoke the Federal Reserve Act. And most Congressmen/women are crooks who get kickbacks; hence why they luv the establishment so much and would NEVER take a stand against "their" bank. The only way the Fed will ever be done away with is if almost ALL of Congress are replaced with honest politicians.

02-06-2009, 02:21 PM
response from my Senator:

Thank you for contacting me. I appreciate hearing from you regarding HJM 4010; Preventing unprecedented losses in the value of take-home pay, retirement income, insurance policies, and investments as a result of the federal reserve's ongoing inflation of un-backed paper money. I have not yet had the opprotunity to review this legislation. That said, I will certainly study HJM as it arrives in committee or to the floor for a vote.

Please do not hesitate to contact my office if you have any further questions, comments or concerns.

I look forward to your continued thoughts and input.

think Peace!

Rodney Tom
State Senator
p 360.786.7694
o 800.562.6000 hotline
e tom.rodney@leg.wa.gov
w http://www.sdc.wa.gov/tom.htm

"think peace" - i like that sentiment