View Full Version : Outreach: On Beck today

02-04-2009, 10:40 AM
I didn't see anyone else post, so I thought I would.


Read the transcript and then send an email with your picture if you agree with his 9 points. I thought it was something this community should be involved with.

02-04-2009, 10:47 AM
I didn't see anyone else post, so I thought I would.


Read the transcript and then send an email with your picture if you agree with his 9 points. I thought it was something this community should be involved with.

Aww, Beck's getting all sappy. That's sweet.

You know Savage broke down like this on the radio a few months ago. He thinks the answer is to create a new political party.

They're all confused about what community action is. When the time is right the flood gates will open. But it isn't happening yet.

02-04-2009, 10:53 AM
When I see someone who has a voice on mainstream media as well as talk radio who is spreading 90% truth and is one of the only allies we have out there, I think it's wise to add support to things he is trying to do which respect the values we share.

02-04-2009, 10:57 AM
I like Glenn Beck a lot. His only problem is that he spends too much time talking about religion. I think if the conservative radio hosts could stop harping on the religious aspect of their beliefs, they'd get more support from people for pushing a fiscally responsible agenda.

02-04-2009, 11:02 AM
Well, I think it's definitely a method, and I don't doubt his intentions. I just think its a weaker method than others we could be using.

Broadcasting the message is not enough. If it were enough, Lew Rockwell and Alex Jones would have cracked it already.

Coordinated decentralized action and communication is key.