View Full Version : Get a libertarian on the NYT's op-ed page

01-31-2009, 02:50 PM
http://digg.com/political_opinion/Get_a_Libertarian_on_the_New_York_Times_op_ed_page #

Where’s the tipping point between civil liberties and, to put it glibly, the government looking out for you? This question was running through my head for the length of the discussion, and I saw in the libertarianism espoused by Welch and Gillespie an ideology at ease with itself. I haven’t turned in my liberal card, but conservatives and liberals alike could use a few voices as clear as Gillespie and Welch’s.

And it is with confidence that I nominate both men as possible candidates to replace Bill Kristol as The New York Times’ new op-ed columnist. Kristol, who cold not find it in himself to utter anything of worth for an entire year, left a legacy of boilerplate drivel and a hard-to-conceal erection for Sarah Palin. Good riddance.

01-31-2009, 09:51 PM
Gillespie would be a great addition.