View Full Version : New rules 23 and 24

Uncle Emanuel Watkins
01-28-2009, 04:52 PM
Rules of Modern American Transcendentalism:

Rule 23: It isn't I who is coming off the street "in force" to tell you how to run your business; rather, it is my lessor sister, the trespassing one who is more disadvantaged than I, who is coming off the street "in faith" to tell you what you need to do to make her happier.

Rule 24: As the way to the top is my European education, getting knocked off the top and learning how to survive on the bottom is my education on what it is to be an American.

Rule #1. Never have too many rules. While an endless number of laws are created in an effort to make us responsible and equal, a limited number of rules are passed down from our ancestors to help us be happier.

Rule #2. Hate is un-American. It isn't because I was born a natural human-being that I'm not a racist. It is because I am an American.

Rule #3. Never blame the people. If the people can't be trusted, then we have no hope.

Rule #4. Never use the political spectrum as a playing field to bicker about politics. Tyranny doesn't divide itself up into equal parts of liberals and conservatives or Democrats and Republicans; no, to the contrary, it returns us intimately to once again having to rely on our families for our livlihood. This returns us to the long standing traditions and the cruel world of legal precedence: namely that tradition of the worlds oldest profession -- the business of pimping and whoring.

Rule #5. Never give an interview with the media that isn't spontaneous, unedited and unrehearsed.

Rule #6. Protestants today worship God's authority as a Civil-Purpose in the Word of God as opposed to that of worshipping religiously the legal precedent rituals established by the authority of the Pope and the Vatican. Likewise, Americans should consecrate the self-evident and unalienable Civil-Purpose in the Declaration of Independence, the people's divorce from tyranny, over that of any traditional legal precedence established outside of the U.S. Constitution, the people's new marriage to a more perfect government.

Rule #7. As law abiding American citizens, we should prefer imprisonment, torture, death and even the frangrance of an outhouse to that of legal tyranny. Therefore, we should never smile in a courtroom while showing up as late as possible and leaving as quickly as possible.

Rule #8. As a winning political campaign is a victory for tyranny, establishing a bipartisan American Movement to consecrate Civil-Purpose is a victory for the people. The intention of American movements is not to establish a totalitarian single party, this is disillusionment, but to reestablish an eroded two party system.

Rule #9. False American Movements are Executive Administrations which fail to implement fresh measures while they rely on vainly digging up obsolete legal precedents from the past. The purpose of American Movements is to lead Americans back to the consecration of the Civil Purpose in the Constitution, the Founding Fathers, the formal documents of The Declaration of Independence and of The U.S. Constitution, and to establish improvements in the contentment of the lives of Americans: while altering, tweaking, clarifying and ammending the Constitution, our lightning in a bottle so to speak, as little as possible. A false American Movement, as we well know, just tells us what we want to hear.

Rule #10. The debt of the people should not be burdened with any legal counterfeit created by any tyranny whether it be foreign or domestic. Any tyranny should be considered by the American people as foreign. So, if THE PEOPLE must spend 20 trillion to unite that which tyranny spent 10 trillion to divide, so be it. The people must own the purse in order for the people as a whole to sit at one national dinner table.

Rule #11. As legal lobbying on the Federal level benefits the rule of tyranny, civil invention on the local level benefits the rule of the people. The local invention of a new more comfortable chair, for example, is invented to make THE PEOPLE "happier." This action is far greater in value than the lobbying that takes place by special interests on the Federal level in the name of responsibility and equality. These groups of doers serve to divide up our national dinner table. We are not a nation of special interests but of the people.

Rule #12. There are 3 kinds of people: those with feeble minds who persecute people, those with immature minds who laugh about persecution, and those with the kinds of sober minds that get persecuted. To be an American, it is always to be the latter.

Rule #13. As our Founding Fathers stood on a foundation established from a great history, tyranny stands on a foundation established from its own greatness.

Rule #14. Taxes are created with the intentions of benefitting some while cheating others. Give only 10% to the widows and orphans fund and be governed by the pure hearts of widows and orphans.

Rule #15. Disillusioned is the idea that problems are solved with lots of change. The U.S. Constitution should be cherished as lightning in a bottle with its contents never being altered beyond a tweak, a slight clarification and an ammendment; while, the justification for its change should always be in order to improve the contentment of Americans. Always remember that the best change always comes in small, precious packages.

Rule #16. While the fallacy of political partisanship divides us into rich and poor, the evil of tyranny actually victimizes the "rich without power" most often.

Rule #17. When making an inquirey of the government, always ask to speak to an American first before asking to speak to an expert. While experts know what they are speaking about, far too few of them know what it is to be an American. Example: "Can I speak to an American please? Oh, you are an American then? Well, then are you an expert?"

Rule #18. The purpose of authority is not to bring responsibility but that of contentment. Persecution for an American is always that point in time when the quest for responsibility and equality exceeds that of the human need for contentment.

Rule #19. As change for the sake of change is no better than no change at all, responsibility and equality for the sake of responsibility and equality is likewise no better than no responsibility and equality at all. As the primary purpose of establishing authority is to tend to the contentment of the people, we behave responsibly and cherish equality as people simply for the purpose that doing so makes us happy. So, when we find ourselves bound and committed to the purpose of responsibility and equality for the sole purpose of responsibility and equality alone, then we should consider ourselves disillusioned or, worst yet, even unAmerican.

Rule #20. There is a God and He is the good, right way. So, when things get difficult, there is always only one solution and that is to survive by following a path which is the good, right way.

Rule #21: While having more lawyers and more police will lead to more crime, having less lawyers and more police, and more lawyers and less police will likewise lead to more crime. So, the best way to lower the crime rate is to have less lawyers and less police. One acheives this by implementing less laws, regulations and statutes.

Rule 22: A common political fallacy believes that the other party is responsible for the people being victimized regardless of whether that party is in power or not. This excuse is always sufficient in keeping either party from implementing the necessary means to achieve contentment for the people.