View Full Version : Gerald Celente and Alex Jones agree that Ron Paul doesn't have charisma

01-28-2009, 01:45 AM

1 minute 35 seconds

Your thoughts?

01-28-2009, 02:12 AM

1 minute 35 seconds

Your thoughts?
My thoughts are-- you are gutting the carcass. This is not to say you are trying to do this for "ulterior motives"...
My advice to the "skimmers"- listen to the entire convo.

"He lacks that "celebrity kind of thing"
"He lacks that Charisma".
Yes he does.

Unlike Obama, Hitler, Mao, Stalin and Lenin.

Praise God.

01-28-2009, 02:13 AM
Ummm... Ron Paul is too busy smacking the fck out of like 10 Keynesians attacking and interrupting him every 30 seconds on a ten minute program to worry about being: charismatic.


The way to look charistmatic, is to smile, have long massive pauses to appear as if you're saying something of substance and intelligent, yet all you are doing is burning time.

Ron Paul is in an age of Manufactured Consent. He has INSANE amounts of theory to back him up, and he's CONFINED to a few minutes, so he has to speak in SOUNDBITES and still try to get the message across.

Ron Paul simplifies shit like Human Action (900pages) into a few sentences. That's insane and he has NEVER LOST in an argument on the tube.

They've tried hard and REAL HARD to catch him, put him in a corner etc. But he just keeps getting better and BETTER.

Fuck Charisma. Give me truth. :)

01-28-2009, 02:15 AM
The only way you get Charisma is by a mainstream media, generating a Cult of Personality.

You don't get charisma when they call you "kook" "gadfly" "longshot" "racist" "isolationist" "wants unemployment of 20%" "crazy" "Is 9/11 an inside job?" "You have no chance of winning"....


01-28-2009, 02:16 AM
As public perception goes, not as much charisma as Obama/Biden/Palin, but I'd say Paul is more charismatic than McCain. And that was actually a pretty close race between McCain and Obama, especially considering Obama's campaign spending, treatment by the media, and Bush's stain on the Republican Party. So bottom line is you don't need so much charisma to be president, IMO. But then, I'm someone who doesn't much give a damn about a person's charisma, whether it's a presidential candidate or your everyday joe. Though I do think Wayne Allyn Root's charisma suits him well.

01-28-2009, 02:25 AM
We need a debate between Obama and Dr. Paul.

Let us see the last man standing...

01-28-2009, 02:34 AM
"so as rp agrees w/ you, this is a key time. As lenin said, 'there are times in history (to paraphrase) there are times when more happens in10 months than in 10 years', we're in that time when society is unfrozen from the status quo, and it can be changed for the good or it can be changed for the worst. The establisment has seen this coming, is prepared, wants to bring in total tyranny, but it's going to be so upopular, no matter how fancy they build up a front man, no matter how much celebrity they put in to it; at the end of the day when somebody is hungry or losing their house, or doesn't have a job, or just got mugged, the bull is not going to work anymore."


that's right. It's once again the presidential reality show, and shows start losing their ratings after a while when they turn bad. And again, that's all this is. It's celebrity. It's going to lose it's veneer....
I predicted the rise of a 3rd party, and i also mentioned ross perot... And i am in total agreement with ron paul, that there is going to be that transition period, when people say 'we've had enough of both of them' ... But will the candidate emerge? As much as i admire ron paul, he lacks that celebrity kind of thing that is so important in a society such as america..."


he doesn't have the charisma



sweet approach, ba--aa---aahhha---aa---adddd recovery.

01-28-2009, 03:06 AM
As public perception goes, not as much charisma as Obama/Biden/Palin, but I'd say Paul is more charismatic than McCain. And that was actually a pretty close race between McCain and Obama, especially considering Obama's campaign spending, treatment by the media, and Bush's stain on the Republican Party. So bottom line is you don't need so much charisma to be president, IMO. But then, I'm someone who doesn't much give a damn about a person's charisma, whether it's a presidential candidate or your everyday joe. Though I do think Wayne Allyn Root's charisma suits him well.

I think your definitition of "charisma" is pretty out of whack, but you do bring up a good point- WAR's "charisma" out lambasted Ron Paul's "Charisma", even at the CATO institute and "Reason" Magazine. Go Figure.

01-28-2009, 08:23 AM
total BS, Ron Pauls Charisma is why i joined the scum party, i meant the gop!

01-28-2009, 08:27 AM
WTF! Ron Paul has plenty of charisma! There's something so attractive about an intelligent, humble gentleman with a great sense of humor! YUM!

01-28-2009, 08:30 AM
Ron Paul doesn't have Charisma. I voted for him because of his ideas!

01-28-2009, 08:48 AM

1 minute 35 seconds

Your thoughts?

Hello, new guy here.
I listened to that interview this morning. I don't think it was a backhanded slap at Ron Paul, I think it was more of a comment on the artificial nature of our society. When I first saw Paul, to be honest, my first instant thought was: bald headed nerd.:D
But when he starts talking you begin to realize this is a very intelligent guy who can hold his own against talking heads on 'news' shows who think Brad Pitt would make a great president.
When I hire someone to do a job, I don't care how pretty he looks, I want to know if he can do the job. I think Alex and Celente were just pondering how Paul's message could be 'dumbed down' for our artificial society.

01-28-2009, 09:01 AM
Paul's problem from my opinion is that in the current political world/media control he is too polite and doesn't "make enough HAY"

and sadly the US population to a very large degree is not educated enough to even follow along with Paul's points because they are ignorant of the constitution, the FED, economic theories, money creation, fractional banking, etc. and etc.


01-28-2009, 09:53 AM
Ron Paul debate in 1983 - EXTREME CHARISMA

http://video.google.com/videosearch?q=ron+paul+pardee&emb=0&aq=-1&oq=ron+paul+parde#q=ron%20paul%20gold%20standard%2 0debate&emb=0

His opponent actually says... I can't compete with Ron's charisma

So what gives?

We'll, he's gotten older, and the tone of his voice has changed a bit.

When most people talk about charisma, they are mostly factoring in the pleasantry of the person's voice. Which is fair.

01-28-2009, 10:31 AM
Ron Paul doesn't have Charisma. I voted for him because of his ideas!


01-28-2009, 11:07 AM
I'm listening to the whole interview now.

It's very good.

Gary Johnson has charisma!

01-28-2009, 01:09 PM
Charisma is entirely subjective. Certain people, like us, are more inclined to be attracted the personality of someone who's smart, honest, and humble like Ron Paul is. Other people are going to be attracted to someone who's fake and boastful, like Obama.

I mean... that guy holds his nose in the air 24/7. He acts like a complete asshat. You see him do it all the time at debates and in audiences. He's supposedly charismatic? He sickens me.

But the sheeple love it. Why? Sadly, I think its because he's black. If a white guy sat around holding his nose in the air like Obama, espousing essentially Marxist rhetoric all the time, he wouldn't have pulled even 1% in the Presidential race. Really, think about it...

Imagine Obama as white. All along, just a white dude.

Anyway... whoops I'm off on a tangent!

01-28-2009, 01:23 PM

1 minute 35 seconds

Your thoughts?

I don't have charisma either. I think they have a point.

Originally Posted by FrankRep View Post
Ron Paul doesn't have Charisma. I voted for him because of his ideas!

Yes, and Obama won. Sucks but it's reality.

01-28-2009, 02:58 PM
Charisma is entirely subjective. Certain people, like us, are more inclined to be attracted the personality of someone who's smart, honest, and humble like Ron Paul is. Other people are going to be attracted to someone who's fake and boastful, like Obama.

I mean... that guy holds his nose in the air 24/7. He acts like a complete asshat. You see him do it all the time at debates and in audiences. He's supposedly charismatic? He sickens me.

But the sheeple love it. Why? Sadly, I think its because he's black. If a white guy sat around holding his nose in the air like Obama, espousing essentially Marxist rhetoric all the time, he wouldn't have pulled even 1% in the Presidential race. Really, think about it...

Imagine Obama as white. All along, just a white dude.

Anyway... whoops I'm off on a tangent!

Now imagine Obama as a black 73 year old man....you think he'd still be popular?

01-28-2009, 03:19 PM
And can a 73 year old man ride a unicorn, and wrestle the economy to the ground? Naked?


01-28-2009, 05:35 PM
Ron Paul doesn't have charisma in the slick, shiny, pop culture sense, but he comes across as very likable to me, because he seems sincere, good-natured, and much more of a real person than pretty much any other politician. Obama, on the other hand...am I the only one who doesn't find Obama charismatic. Sure, he's slickly packaged, but he's so vapid and anodyne. I find him excrutiatingly boring to listen to. There's no "there" there.

Paulitical Correctness
01-28-2009, 06:01 PM
Judging a politician on something as superficial as "charisma" is like a man judging a beautiful woman because her lady bits aren't massive.

Freakin' Americans man, we got everything all backwards and it's only going to get worse.

The media has done its job with overkill.

01-28-2009, 06:14 PM
Don't ever try to tell my wife RP doesn't have charisma.

Learning how to speak in public like a vinyl siding salesman isn't charisma.


01-28-2009, 09:33 PM
Ron Paul is in an age of Manufactured Consent. He has INSANE amounts of theory to back him up, and he's CONFINED to a few minutes, so he has to speak in SOUNDBITES and still try to get the message across.

Ron Paul simplifies shit like Human Action (900pages) into a few sentences. That's insane and he has NEVER LOST in an argument on the tube.

They've tried hard and REAL HARD to catch him, put him in a corner etc. But he just keeps getting better and BETTER.

Fuck Charisma. Give me truth. :)

Infinity + 1.

You can't tip an ocean of knowledge into a shot glass of a brain (i.e. the public) who have had their critical thinking abilities lobotimized by the State/Media/Public Education cartel.

01-28-2009, 10:05 PM
If by charisma you mean placating to the lowest interests of the people, to their peasant logic, then no he doesn't have charisma. He is not the type of leader who arouses the people's emotions. He wants to appeal to their rational, scientific mind.

He is a leader by example. He professes.

But that doesn't mean that he can't be criticized. We have to win this intellectual fight with both knowledge and style. A leader needs to emerge with a chip on her shoulder. Somebody who doesn't necessarily lash out but is still passionate and lively.

01-28-2009, 10:40 PM
Charisma, in a very large number of people, usually signals neurosis in some shape or form. Have you ever noticed how charming psychopaths are?

01-29-2009, 03:28 PM
"Fuck Charisma. Give me truth". I like that, I really like that!

01-29-2009, 10:18 PM

H Roark
01-30-2009, 03:17 PM
Ron Paul doesn't have charisma in the slick, shiny, pop culture sense, but he comes across as very likable to me, because he seems sincere, good-natured, and much more of a real person than pretty much any other politician. Obama, on the other hand...am I the only one who doesn't find Obama charismatic. Sure, he's slickly packaged, but he's so vapid and anodyne. I find him excrutiatingly boring to listen to. There's no "there" there.


Yeah I don't know what people see in Obama either, he can't even psych himself out. I see no spark in that suit of his. All I see is a calculated actor regurgitating empty rhetoric.

I've seen the word "professor" thrown around as describing Ron Paul's presence on stage and I would have to agree, not that there's anything wrong that label. Yes I can admit that Ron Paul lacks charisma in the truest sense of the word, but I voted for him based on his record and ideals. Unfortunately as we all know thats not how the American Idol audience votes.

01-30-2009, 03:34 PM
I find RP most definitely charasmatic. People say he is not charasmatic when they are indimidated when they don't understand what he's talking about.

01-30-2009, 04:30 PM
Smart is sexy!