View Full Version : Pamphlet Distribution Program

01-25-2009, 04:34 PM
We are looking for individuals to take the time to distribute this pamphlet (http://aztlandestroyer.com/public/rightofrevolt_chosen2008.pdf) in their locale. Around some places in Washington State we have been able to get volunteers to distribute the pamphlet at Gun Shows and Liberty Fairs.

What we are willing to do is to send the printout job to a local Fed-Ex Kinkos for an activist to pickup and distribute. Of course we only would like folks who are willing and believe in the pamphlets content to assist in distributing it.

Our focus/target would be gun shows because most gun owners are acutely aware of the violations of Liberty. They tend to have a heightened awareness of the troubles we face because they participate in an area of society which is always under assault by the oligarchy.

If you live in another part of the country and would like to help, or may know of another place to distribute this is fine as well.

Please PM me to participate. If you are an accomplished activist we would like the help.
