View Full Version : Bill O'Reily is a dangerous man

Ira Aten
09-12-2007, 04:24 PM
I was watching the windbag and a couple of his airhead "expert panelists" last night, and I almost fell over at the intellectual vapidity of his info babes, and the evil and well thought out scam he pulled on both of these ladies, along with the American public.

The issue was how to justify our Constitutional rights being stripped by the Dept. of "Homeland Security" and the Patriot Act passed by our political heros.

One of the info babes, Megan someone, made the statement similar to what follows, although it is not verbatim, it is the best I can recall it:

(Discussing strip searches, cameras, etc)

"...While it may have been Unconstitutional before 9-11, things are different now after the attacks on New York and the Pentagon."

O'Reily asked her if such things were not constitutional before 9-11, what makes it constitutional AFTER 9-11.

This intellectual wonder, responded with "...Well, Congress passed a law that said they could".

O'Reily, being a former HISTORY TEACHER, and without question, knowing better, had the temerity to say "...Yes, we are a Nation of laws, and that is how it is done!" He claimed just because Congress passes a law, then it is then "legal."

He didn't even mention Article VI which clearly declares it totally illegal for any law to be passed or TO BE ENFORCED, which abridges any previlidges or immunities of citizens of the United States. (Everyone in the world, knows that the Supreme Law of the land, has been upheld in Miranda vs. Arizona, and many other Supreme Court rulings, since it is THE CONSTITUTION ITSELF)

O'Reily and his "experts" were attempting to say, in effect was, that if enough lobbyists get together and bribe the Congress to pass a law which says it is legal for any law enforcment officer to shoot any person in the face the very minute it comes to light the "suspect" may not agreee with all the provision of the Patriot Act, then that act would would be totally "legal and lawful" because the Congress to passed a law.

What total assbrains these people are.

Bill O'Reily is a dangerous nut. And his info babes who made up his expert "Constitutional" legal panel are even more dangerous than he is. He knows better, but he is attempting to assist the Bush Administration in furthering the idea, that if Bush can get Homeland Security to say for instance, simply begin using spy sattelites on American citizens on October 1, 2007, and a Congressional Commiteee not halt it with legislation, then everything is A O.K.

By the way, DHS is starting that little violation of Posse Comitatus and the Fourth Amendment on October 1st. Miltary sattelites, turning info over to civilian law enforcment. No Prob.

But back to the point. His panel of experts, were simply ignorant, and seemed to honestly believe that Congress can pass unconstitutional laws, and it is okay.
But O'Reily knows what he is doing. And he is a dangerous threat to our liberty, because a lot of Americans with no brains at all, watch Fox News like it was the well of all knowledge. That is why Fred Thompson is ahead in the fake Fox polls.

09-12-2007, 04:38 PM
Took the red pill, eh?


09-12-2007, 04:39 PM
People don't like to think about things anymore. That's why these MSM "commentators" have so much power. They use emotional triggers to condition their audience. It's sort of like the Stockholm Syndrome. Over time, people stop question these laws and assume that their rulers are only trying to protect them, and would never do anything bad to them.

The people are weaving the rope that is about to be slipped around their necks.

Loofah Bill, Hannity, Levin, and their ilk are not quite human. They are serving their masters well.

09-12-2007, 04:41 PM
To children--didn't he slip out of a pedophile charge? Fail to indicte? I saw an interesting exchange between him and Dennis Miller concerning his 'favorite charity'.

09-12-2007, 05:15 PM
Bill O'Reily is a dangerous man

Dangerous to a plate of falafel, maybe.

09-12-2007, 05:42 PM
My favorite is when he gets the non verbal language babe who analyzes people's intentions and feelings for 30 minutes based on their eyebrow movements and finger pointing.

Vapid nonsense.

09-12-2007, 06:59 PM
His also claimed that we lose our civil liberties during war...

I do think he is a dangerous man, because 2.4 million people watch him and potentially believe the junk he is spewing...

09-12-2007, 09:04 PM
So true. It's professionally done and targeted directly at the most susceptible groups.

People don't like to think about things anymore. That's why these MSM "commentators" have so much power. They use emotional triggers to condition their audience. It's sort of like the Stockholm Syndrome. Over time, people stop question these laws and assume that their rulers are only trying to protect them, and would never do anything bad to them.

The people are weaving the rope that is about to be slipped around their necks.

Loofah Bill, Hannity, Levin, and their ilk are not quite human. They are serving their masters well.