View Full Version : If it were Ron Paul . . .

01-20-2009, 12:31 PM
What would today be like if Ron Paul had won?

I'm thinking for one, it'd be a hell of a lot cheaper. The luncheon would consist of ham and cheese sandwiches and potato chips on paper plates. Then, as the parade or whatever went on, Ron Paul would already be in his office reversing some unConstitutional executive orders.

This thread is just for kicks, have fun. :cool:

01-20-2009, 12:34 PM
Don't forget the chocolate chip cookies!!!!!

01-20-2009, 12:34 PM
His wife would have baked chocolate chip cookies for everyone who had attended Ron Paul's inauguration!

01-20-2009, 12:34 PM
Today, I officially accept Dr. Ron Paul as President Ron Paul. To hell with the media. They can have their choice who only warns them that "its going to get a lot worse before it gets better."

I hope they enjoy their destruction.

At least MY president tells me how to prepare for what is coming.

01-20-2009, 12:40 PM
Yes of course—I forgot the cookies. Good call.

01-20-2009, 12:41 PM
I feel good knowing how I voted. For the first time in my life, I am not the proximate cause of my own future injury.

01-20-2009, 12:46 PM
The new president would have a heartwarming smile while taking his oath, and not a strange grim.
And... The bankers would crawl out of their holes and panic.
And Israel would start to hold back a bit, not so certain about their superiority with Paul in the White house.
And my day would be alot better.

01-20-2009, 03:10 PM
Today, I officially accept Dr. Ron Paul as President Ron Paul. To hell with the media. They can have their choice who only warns them that "its going to get a lot worse before it gets better."

I hope they enjoy their destruction.

At least MY president tells me how to prepare for what is coming.

here here!

01-20-2009, 03:15 PM
What would today be like if Ron Paul had won?

I'm thinking for one, it'd be a hell of a lot cheaper. The luncheon would consist of ham and cheese sandwiches and potato chips on paper plates. Then, as the parade or whatever went on, Ron Paul would already be in his office reversing some unConstitutional executive orders.

This thread is just for kicks, have fun. :cool:

For the ORACLE of OPTIMISM's luncheon:

The Caterers served Finger foods and snacks, instead of the usual Champagne and caviar. Because of the difficult economic times.

Oh, so spending $140 on the Inauguration and security, HIGHEST EVER, on the TAXPAYER's Dime is reducing spending in difficult times.

HYPOCRISY continues from the 1st minute of CHANGE!

01-20-2009, 03:17 PM
I've been thinking about this all day. I'll bet by now (4:30PM EST) Ron Paul would be in his office with his second veto pen, as the first one ran out of ink already. I'm also thinking that his inaugural address would have been one of the greatest speeches of all time and would have won over all those that voted against him in the general election.

01-20-2009, 03:24 PM
What would today be like if Ron Paul had won?

I'm thinking for one, it'd be a hell of a lot cheaper. The luncheon would consist of ham and cheese sandwiches and potato chips on paper plates. Then, as the parade or whatever went on, Ron Paul would already be in his office reversing some unConstitutional executive orders.

This thread is just for kicks, have fun. :cool:



01-20-2009, 03:25 PM
The markets would be much higher! :D;)

01-20-2009, 03:27 PM
Wow, I just sat here for about five minutes just picturing this.

Ugh, what could have been.

01-20-2009, 03:27 PM
Gold & Silver would be skyrocketing!!!


01-20-2009, 03:32 PM
Gov't printing contractors would be ordering lots of pink stock

01-20-2009, 06:20 PM


True true.

01-20-2009, 06:24 PM
Tell you what though, as much as I disagree with president Bush I still think I would like to hope we wouldn't be as disrespectful to him as all the libs were.

By the way, there were 2 million democrats in DC today and only five had to miss work.

01-20-2009, 08:50 PM
I would be in D.C. right now, I would have voice left from cheering, no tears left from crying, and no fears left for liberty.

01-21-2009, 07:14 AM
There certainly wouldn't be any Washington Insiders within a mile of where Ron Paul was taking the oath. There would still be a big crowd and the media would spend the day complaining.

I wonder what an Irwin Schiif Innauguration would be like. He would talk about how there is no law requiring Americans to pay income taxes and would issue a pardon to all Americans from income taxes then he would attend the innaugural balls talking about how he hasn't paid taxes since 1973.:)

I Am Weasel
01-21-2009, 09:10 AM
I'm depressed enough as it is to be dreaming about RP in office. I'm personally saddened by his loss for the run of POTUS. 2012? I don't know... we'll see.

01-21-2009, 09:34 AM
I think I would shed some tears. It would be such a beautiful experience. I could see the giant crowd in unison (Braveheart style) freeeeedommmmmmm! Words of our founding fathers and of our true republic would actually hold relevance. Reform would take place around the country.

Isaac Bickerstaff
01-21-2009, 09:40 AM
The government could save billions of dollars on security because President Ron Paul would have the largest VOLUNTEER force of body guards ever--besides, he would be safer without the bankster owned secret service anyway.

01-21-2009, 10:56 AM
All Americans would ALREADY know that Dr. Paul means business about less spending and smaller government.

He would have, by now, not nominated any Secretaries for the Depts: Education, Interior, Energy, and a bunch of others I cannot immediately recall.

He would have undone by now at least five hundred to a thousand EO's.

He would have prepared the LOWEST budget in the history of our nation to present to Congress.

And on and on....:)

01-21-2009, 10:59 AM
Our troops would be coming home from all over the world!

01-21-2009, 11:02 AM
This thread is a pleasant relief from the depressing/flaming threads. Thanx, everyone! :)

01-21-2009, 12:07 PM
"its going to get a lot worse before it gets better."

Well that's true. It is going to get worse before it gets better. As long as Obama and his fellow interventionist Keynesians are in office, it'll get worse. Once we elect Ron Paul in 2012, it'll get better. :)

01-21-2009, 12:46 PM
Feel free to add to this list. Wishful thinking I know, but maybe not too far from the truth?

A Ron Paul Inauguration would be like the Rally for the Republic times 500.

Outlining his plan to save the country, he gives his most amazing speech ever, inspiring real, palpable hope in tough economic times. He assures the world that we face real problems but will solve them successfully. He assures the American people who depend on government programs that they will be taken care of amid the transition.

Looking to the imminent return of their husbands, wives and children, thousands upon thousands of US military families as well as military stationed around the world join the celebration.

Anti-American sentiment around the world shifts as US foreign policy becomes less invasive and imperial. Lacking sufficient motive, organization and technology to effectively attack targets over 3,000 miles away, Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups in the Middle East begin the process of finding new, easier enemies to hate. Without American occupation to fuel their recruitment, their numbers fizzle to the point of insignificance.

The government welfare spigot to the auto industry is finally shut off. GM, Ford and Chrysler begin a massive bankruptcy and reorganization, waving farewell to the UAW in the process. Under new management they begin producing inexpensive, more efficient cars. New businesses spring up to compete in a level playing field by producing even more attractive, more efficient, ultra-cheap automobiles.

Without government intervention, the price of real estate drops dramatically. US investors gobble it up at fire sale prices. Taking advantage of cheap contracting, low taxes and the need for employment and production, new and innovative businesses spring up to fill the gaps that a shrinking Federal Government leaves.

Ron Paul meets with our allies to inform them that although we will continue trade and friendship, all Federal aid will be drawn down to zero over a five-year period. Israel poops their collective pants when they realize they will be getting no more American money to buy weapons with. A true ceasefire with Gaza is reached as they make new plans to be responsible for their own foreign policy. Other countries follow suit.

Implementing the most drastic government budget and departmental cuts in American history, Ron Paul slashes income tax, capital gains tax, and numerous other forms of taxation including taxes on tips. Wasteful Federal programs are cut entirely while others begin the slow transfer to individual state control. The US Government finally boasts operation without a budget deficit. Budget surpluses are used to pay off debt. With more money in their pockets, US citizens soften the economic downturn's blow with their purchasing power. Worldwide confidence restored, foreign countries continue to invest in the future prosperity of America.

01-21-2009, 12:54 PM
He would have already signed the pardons of 3+ million non-violent drug offenders. Military commanders worldwide would have already packed, and be on their way home.

01-21-2009, 01:59 PM
States that benefited from that base realignment and those with large military facilities will suddenly freak out at the realization that instead of being cash cows for the local economies they will rather be burdens to support - as we transfer back to a Constitutional military - ie: no standing army at the Fed level, except in times of war and then not for more than 2 years and the states controlling military forces.

(Though I do understand Paul wants to keep some nuclear boomers in play as a deterrent.)

That's kind of fun to think about...

Likewise the idea of Montana and a hand full of other states becoming nuclear powers overnight... ;)



Luxembourg is next to go,
And (who knows?) maybe Monaco.
We'll try to stay serene and calm
When Alabama gets the bomb.
Who's next?
Who's next?
Who's next?
Who's next?


01-21-2009, 02:23 PM
I'm thinking for one, it'd be a hell of a lot cheaper. The luncheon would consist of ham and cheese sandwiches and potato chips on paper plates. Then, as the parade or whatever went on, Ron Paul would already be in his office reversing some unConstitutional executive orders.

Seriously, this would have been amazing. How can anyone not like that idea? Jesus christ, I hate this country and those who inhabit it.

Instead, Americans voted for the status quo, and we are no closer to this goal.

01-21-2009, 11:13 PM
The mall would not have been covered up with litter and trash after the event was over.

01-22-2009, 01:44 AM
Back in 2000 Harry Browne sketched out a blueprint about what a libertarian's first day in office might look like. Here's an excerpt:
...After my inaugural day, I'd probably spend little more than an hour a day in the Oval Office, because a busy president is a dangerous president. But for the very first day, I'd have an extremely long agenda.

On that first day in office, by executive order I would:

* Pardon everyone who had been convicted on a federal, non-violent drug charge, order their immediate release, reunite them with their families, and restore all their civil rights. (Anyone convicted of using violence against someone else in a drug case would not qualify as "non-violent.")

* Pardon everyone who had been convicted on any federal gun-control charge, tax-evasion charge, or any other victimless crime, order their immediate release, and restore all their civil rights.

I would empty the prisons of those who haven't harmed anyone else and make room for the violent criminals who are currently getting out on plea bargains and early release.

Following the issuance of the pardons:

* I would announce a policy to penalize, dismiss, or even prosecute any federal employee who violated the Bill of Rights by treating you as guilty until proven innocent, by searching or seizing your property without due process of law, by treating you as a servant, or in any other way violating your rights as a sovereign American citizen.

* I would immediately order that no federal asset forfeiture could occur unless the property's owner had been convicted by full due process. And I would initiate steps to make restitution to anyone whose property had been impounded, frozen, or seized by the federal government without a legal conviction. (Over 80 percent of such seizures occur when no one has even been charged with a crime.)

* As commander in chief of the Armed Forces, I would immediately remove all American troops from foreign soil. Europe and Asia can pay for their own defense, and they can risk their own lives in their eternal squabbles. This would save billions of dollars a year in taxes, but -- more important -- it would make sure your sons and daughters never fight or die in someone else's war.

* I would order everyone in the executive branch to stop harassing smokers, tobacco companies, successful computer companies, gun owners, gun manufacturers, alternative medicine suppliers, religious groups (whether respected or labeled as "cults"), investment companies, health-care providers, businessmen, or anyone else who's conducting his affairs peaceably.

* I would end federal affirmative action, federal quotas, set-asides, preferential treatments, and other discriminatory practices of the federal government. Any previous president could have done this with a stroke of the pen. Do you wonder why none of them did?

And then I would break for lunch.

There's more ...
After lunch, I would begin the process of removing from the Federal Register the thousands and thousands of regulations and executive orders inserted there by previous presidents. In most cases these regulations give federal employees powers for which there is no constitutional authority.

I would call Office Depot and order a carload of pens -- to use to veto congressional bills that violate the Constitution or that spend more money than necessary for the constitutional functions of government.

I would send to Congress a budget that immediately cuts federal spending in half -- on its way to reducing the government to no larger than its constitutional size.

Congress would undoubtedly pass a larger budget and expect me to sign it. I wouldn't. I'd veto it.

Would Congress override my veto?

Maybe it would and maybe it wouldn't.

Even if Congress succeeded in passing bills over my veto, the battle finally would be joined. We finally would have something we haven't had in my lifetime -- a president standing up to Congress.

At long last, there would be two sides arguing in Washington -- one to increase government and one to cut it sharply -- instead of the current trivial debate over whether government should grow 5 percent a year or "only" 3 percent... Read the entire article hear: http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=13247