View Full Version : What we are dealing with

01-19-2009, 01:05 PM
Ok, this isn't a slam on my wife, I love her to death. This is to help those out there who are trying to wrap your mind around the average voter.

She isn't all that political, she is probably like the typical American who doesn't care much about politics and they base their opinion on something said during one of their "regular" shows.

After showing her a few videos of Ron Paul in the early days of the primary she was all for Ron Paul. I showed her a lot of videos and she rooted for him all the way through.

Though, as she says, she liked him because he is so "cute", and she likes his walk. She thought it was terrible how he was ignored and was up in arms every debate when they only gave him a few minutes to talk.

When he lost and the general election time came around she was very much against Obama. She mainly didn't like the fact that his name is Barack Hussein Obama. She then said that she wanted to vote for McCain. The reason she gave me was a parrotted reason that I had heard somewhere in my many political readings from the week before, basically that if you don't vote for McCain then Obama would win.

I finally convinced her to write in Ron Paul, going with her biggest opinion, because "our votes don't count anyway", so why not vote for someone you want to win.

So we're driving the other day and some station comes on with Obama giving a speech about change (of course) and she says she thinks she likes Obama now. I ask her why and she says that she was watching a show where Obama was with a bunch of kids and he was asked why he ran for president and he said "because I want my daughters and all the other children to have a chance at a great future" (ya, haven't ever heard that line from a politician in front of kids). So she was actually watching some of the propaganda going on last night on one of the networks where everyone was falling all over themselves about him. She actually said..."I really do think he can change the country". I said...ya, to socialism. She just brushed me off as a radical (which she considers me).

When married you have to choose your battles so I'm not about to get into a political debate with her. She just says, "even though he wasn't born in this country" (probably got that from a 1000 times forwarded e-mail). So I said, well if he'd just produce his birth certificate he'd clear it all up (I know, I'm more about focussing on the definition of "natural born citizen" but...). So she says, he won't show his birth certificate? Then obviously he wasn't born here. Ok, I don't like him again.

So...this is a glimpse into the mind of the typical voter. I can't even bring up policy or Austrian economics...

And I'll shut up now in case some day down the road she reads through my postings on the forums :) I love you honey :D

01-19-2009, 01:42 PM
Wow, dude. Umm, are you by chance married to a house plant?


kidding, I know how it goes.. I totally had a co-worker on Ron Paul's side, then I didn't see him for a couple weeks and he had watched one of Obama's "infomercials" and was completely on-board with "spreading the wealth", etc.. 10 minutes later I had him set straight again.. It'd ridiculously surprising how waxy most people are.

Paulitical Correctness
01-19-2009, 01:54 PM
I know several people that would drop their self-labeled libertarian philosophies if I up and told them "Obama rocks, because ___________."

They assume because "you know more about politics than me", I should be listened to no matter what.

It's funny though, like you said, how quick they can get off track with what they "believe in" if you're not there to constantly reinforce what they "think" (Ha).

Fox McCloud
01-19-2009, 02:26 PM
I can't stand people who's opinions change like the wind.....I former-friend of mine was like that....he'd always have the same political and philosophical ideologies as me, and he seemed to rely heavily on them....that said, when he was out on his own, they'd be a little different....at times he'd ask me "what do you think?" I told him it didn't matter because he needs to make up his own mind.....it's not that I didn't want him to be a Libertarian, it's just....people need to make up their own minds on some things.

01-19-2009, 02:44 PM
I'm lucky to have a wife that agrees with a lot of libertarian principles. I'm sure a lot of it is because of me -- she's not as political as I, but I do think she understands and agrees with most issues, rather than just going with the flow. She disagrees with me sometimes, so that's a good sign I suppose :).

01-19-2009, 03:19 PM
yeah....what we are dealing with is people that are UNEDUCATED...

Unfortunately, the "system" we have created keeps people focused on sources and things that will NEVER educate them and they will be like your wife.

Well maybe we have a chance to help people get beyond the confines of the "system" and take in information that will "open their eyes"/take the red pill.

There is a moment in time for everyone when "the lights come on"

01-19-2009, 05:35 PM
yeah....what we are dealing with is people that are UNEDUCATED...

Unfortunately, the "system" we have created keeps people focused on sources and things that will NEVER educate them and they will be like your wife.
