View Full Version : Rusty Humphries is Wrong...

01-17-2009, 02:38 AM
I listened to the podcast of Rusty Humphries' radio show from last night, and I aghast at how readily the man defended president Dubya. Sickening, it was...I couldn't finish listening to it...I shut it off and actually threw up a little in my mouth.:(

I like Rusty Humphries....however I must question his motives when he defends George Bush's last eight years...who's axe is he grinding, how can he call himself a conservative, and defend Bush - a fucking Fascist, a fake, a pseudo-conservative....a fucking liberal!:mad:

Well, I wrote Mr. Humphries a letter, and here it is:

Hi Rusty,

I love your show, and I agree with 98.9% of what you say. However, I just can't figure out how you, being a conservative, can find ANY reason to defend Bush's last eight years. Everything he's done has been the complete opposite of conservative.

Almost from day-one, he advocated blanket amnesty for illegal aliens, and created the “No Child Left Behind“ debacle. Liberal programs!! After 9-11, he created HUGE GOVERNMENT and HUGE SPENDING with the Department of Homeland Security, and The Patriot Act, under the guise of “protecting America.” Protecting America by turning the power of the Federal Government against it’s own people? That just seems more Fascist than Republican.

Granted, he may have done some good things, but surely it was against his nature. Any good he’s done is buried by the mountain of bad he‘s committed. If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, what road was Bush paving? He didn't have ANY good intentions!!

Our country is a shambles after his administration. With the help of congress and the Senate, Bush and his fellow Pseudo-Cons have literally raped and pillaged the taxpayer, and bankrupted the treasury. This Bailout of banks is hands down the largest heist in the history of the world. All involved belong behind bars. The CEOs, the accountants, Barney Frank and every legislator who voted for the bailout, right on up the latter to the oval office - they all belong in prison! Interesting that Bush’s Attorney General seems to be absent on this…wouldn’t you assume the Dept. of Justice might want to have a look at the dealings of these bankers and legislators? Where’s the FBI, or the SEC? Oh, yeah, Bernie Madoff already paid off the SEC, but what of the FBI?

How about Bush’s baby? His illegal war in Iraq, entered under false pretenses, and meant to never end. His war has killed over 4000 of our men and women and countless Iraqis. It’s a disaster! It was a disaster from its very beginning. All those lives lost (on both sides). Worse, Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. They ignored countries more likely to have been involved, like Saudi Arabia, yet for some reason, Iraq was made the center of our “War on Terror.” This left Afghanistan on the backburner, allowing the Taliban to regroup and resume operations - all while terrorists train and operate from inside Pakistan, a nation that‘s supposed to be our friend in this “war on terror.”

Oh, and by the way, Osama bin Laden is still at large!! The mainstream media seems to have given him a pass on that one.

It’s because of pseudo-conservatives like Bush and John McCain that the conservative movement and the GOP lay in shambles, without a leader, and filled with fakers and elites far out of touch with the base. Its because if this that a man like Barack Obama was elected. Bush left this nation weary, and downtrodden, ripe for the rise of a socialist state. You claim his farewell address was historic. You may be right. It marks the death of America as a free republic, and ushers in a new Reich bent on socialism, subjugation, and despotism. I respect your views, sir, but your defense of Bush is misguided. His legacy is sealed, and no revisionist story-telling is going to change that. Your sponsors might appreciate it, but we, the average conservatives on the street, don't agree.

Thank you,

Paul Green
Solomons, MD

01-17-2009, 02:52 AM
Awesome letter!!! Respectful but firm, and great command of the facts!

01-17-2009, 02:56 AM
Awesome letter!!! Respectful but firm, and great command of the facts!

Muchos Gracias!:D