View Full Version : Patriot Walks on Presidents Day Forming now!

01-11-2009, 08:14 PM
Patriot Walk
A Great Concept That You Can Turn Into Reality!

Are you one of the many that holds most members of Congress in great disregard? Do you wish for change? Read about this concept of one who has never been an activist, event organizer or involved in demonstrations! I think the following is a wonderful idea!
the webkeeper

Subject: PATRIOT WALK... Feb. 22, 2009 ...

PLEASE, Read The Following Letter and the Ideas of this Very PATRIOTIC AMERICAN LADY...

I am writing this to address ALL Americans who love our country and are concerned for its future. I believe that we are no longer the America our forefathers intended and our country has been hijacked by politicians who no longer realize their positions as servants of the public and have ignored the voice of America. Are you fed up? Have you decided enough is ENOUGH? If you are anything like me, you have been fed up for some time. I propose we take our country back and show the people on Capitol Hill that We The People are their boss and we will no longer be ignored.

I am proposing a Patriot Walk For America. I want to see the streets of every town and city filled with people who believe in freedom and liberty, the United States Constitution, and the America our forefathers intended. I contend that we send a message to Capitol Hill loud and clear that we will no longer be ignored and taken for granted. I would like to say for the record, that I am of the belief that the election was a sham and mere posturing. Surely I am not the only one who wondered if John McCain was even trying to win the election. I am of the belief that we have been duped and are victims of the dog and pony show that the politically corrupt folks at Capitol Hill have put on for us.

There is no one who can make me believe that one party doesn't know what the other is up to. Where are our Paul Reveres? Alas, we have no one. And, what about the bailout? Despite the fact that the majority of the public didn't want the bailout, it was passed. Now, they are playing with the money that they claimed was so desperately needed in order to keep us from slipping into a depression. Well, I for one, am not buying it.

While I'm at it, I will tell you that what I discovered recently has also confirmed my suspicions that we have NO party to look out for us. Have you ever heard of a group called Better Democracy 2.0? They are a group that is active in seeing that the US Constitution is rewritten. Did you know that there are only 2 state's votes that are keeping that from happening? There are Democrats and Republicans, both, who are on board with this travesty. Oh, and for those of you with an objective mindset, can you honestly tell me that the media wasn't in the tank for Obama?

If you think you can argue this point, I suggest you take it up with the New York Times, the Washington Post, and MSNBC who have admitted as much. The Center for Responsive Journalism, an unbiased source, has submitted a study that showed that the average media coverage was in favor of Obama by 71%. Even if you supported him, are you willing to compromise the truth?

Folks, it is time to take off the partisan hats and unite as Americans. Our politicians have forsaken the public and are working hard to fulfill their own agenda...damn the people. I will continue to post what I believe to be the truth, but it will be under no banner other than that of a patriot who dearly loves and is concerned for my country. I have no agenda but to tell the truth and preserve what character is left of our country. You can either dwell on the past and accomplish nothing or make a move as an American now to prevent what is happening before our very eyes.

Folks, there are NO heroes on Capitol Hill and it doesn't look like any are coming soon. Do you know who we have to rely on? You and me! We have got to overhaul DC and show the government that we are their boss. Thomas Jefferson said there would never truly be liberty if the government wasn't afraid of the people. There would be tyranny if the people are afraid of the government. Which one are you? Wake up, people!!

Do you value freedom and liberty or not? Do you really trust the government to help you? If you do, you are naive. So, are you in on this or not? Do you want America to be the free country it was intended or do you want the government to do your thinking too? The choice is yours. With the help of a fellow patriot, I have the set the date for the Patriot Walk For America to be held on February 22, 2009. It is George Washington's birthday. I can't imagine a more fitting tribute to one of our founding fathers.

Without shame, I am asking for ideas and help to see that it happens. I hope you will join me in this cause as I believe it may very well be one of the most important undertakings we as citizens might endeavor. Keep in mind that there is strength in numbers. Great things have come from humble beginnings. Should Americans unite, we can wield a power that is great and undeniable. I now call on the words of Andrew Jackson to aid my plea to you to join me in the Patriot Walk For America: Every good citizen makes his country's honor his own, and cherishes it not only as precious but as sacred. He is willing to risk his life in its defense and is conscious that he gains protection while he gives it.

If you would like to be a volunteer as a leader in your community to rally people for this cause, please contact me at patriotwalk@gmail.com.

01-11-2009, 09:00 PM

01-11-2009, 09:20 PM

01-11-2009, 09:24 PM