View Full Version : Fiscal Therapy by David Kay Johnston.

01-11-2009, 12:54 PM
Probably the majority of citizens on this site will disagree with at least seventy percent of this article.

This is why I am posting it here, so that it might encourage democratic debate unmediated by corporate newsanchorpeople.

Very provocative article by Johnson. I must say that his comment about the articles of Confederation is highly debateable when he says "weak government" Does he mean Weak OVERLY CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT? Then how does he explain that poor overtaxed farmers of Shays rebellion viewed the Federalists like Hamilton as on the side of the urgan merchangts and rich. Or I should say a lot of them, as there were some northeastern working class federalists.?

I must say however that my reading of the the excellent book BATTLING WALL STREET; THE kennedy Presidency by Donald Gibson-- the book that does BY FAR AND AWAY THE BEST JOB OF EXPLAINING HOW DIFFERENT JFKS ECONOMIC POLICIES WERE FROM THOSE OF LBJ AND THE OIL AND BANK ECONOMICS OF BOTH PARTIES EVER SINCE-- has made me have SOME second thoughts about Hamilton, and made me think I need to read more in this area.

That said, it is still important to remember that the "states rights" argument of the Jeffersonian Republicans ( sometimes called Jeff-Dems) had an ideology between 1790-1820 was an ideology that it is unfair to tar as being a defesense of slavery that it was later distorted into. Rather, it was, to a large degree , a mistrust of Urban bankers and mercantile mucky-mucks who might corrupt gov far from the ken of the average citizen in big cities with pricy lunches. Today, we cant say they were entirely wrong, can we? At any rate this is still a great article by about the only one worth reading in the NYT now.

Please read JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters, or people will remain thinking that the Presidents Chosen by Wolf Blitzer will change everything, and we-- as a species will devlove into quivering lime Jello, and not even cold quiverin
