View Full Version : Wake up call

01-08-2009, 07:37 PM
Hi all,

Before I send this out to everyone I know... I would like your opinion on it - should I add stuff, remove stuff - what helped you wake up?


From: Terry Ewell a.k.a Tatsit
Founder of itsourfreedom

Dear Friend,

Ever feel like you are in a movie such as “The Matrix”? Where you are just like Mr. Anderson (Keanu Reeves or better known as Neo.) Something is seriously wrong in the world but not quite sure what it is? Well there is a movement going on right now in the world with like in the movie, those who are awake and those who are oblivious to what is really going on in the world.
Or you are just awake enough to know that something is really wrong but not quite sure what the big picture is, and not sure were to look to get the answers. Well I guess this is were I come in, like Morpheus in “The Matrix” you can take the blue pill, close this letter and continue on with your life as you did before. Or you can take the Red pill and I can show you just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

If you decide to go on, all I can show you is a direction and guide you, however it is up to you to decide what you are going to do with the information I provide you. You can ignore it and pretend nothing is wrong, or you can arm your self with this information and begin action and your level of participation is all up to you of course.

Ok, first off there is so much more information that I can provide in one letter, however I have thrown some information together to help you get started in understanding what is going on, to help you discover the big picture sort of speak.
Ever since I was fourteen I have felt something was terribly wrong, but had no clue what it was. All I could do was sense that something major was on the horizon. It all started from a horrible nightmare I had at fourteen. As time went on I would forget about it for a year or two and then have the dream again, and I would be drawn to the never ending pondering of what is wrong. In recent years the pondering and searching began to reveal it’s self to me, I could not ignore that something major was on the horizon. At this time I still did not know what was wrong but knew it was coming and that it would seriously change things.
It right before 9/11 perhaps a year or two, when I really began searching for the problem that has plagued my nights and time. I was never big into watching TV however I would read the news often. I began to notice problems with the world, not just the little stories that they would write, it was more like little puzzle pieces being stuck together, but still was naïve to the big picture. I started wondering and questioning to what is going on in the world and some things didn’t quite seem to fit what was being told to us. I wondered why nothing was being done about illegal immigration etc… Then 911 happened and I joined in the Anger almost every other American had and wanted revenge.
It was not till a couple of years after 911 when I found something that shocked me even to this day I have a very hard time with it. On September 11th a video was played that has not been shown since that day in the mass media. I was the video from a parking lot gate at the pentagon which because of the slow frame rate you saw a dark thing in the sky and suddenly an explosion. Well I stopped the frame on the dark thing and took a screenshot – I blew it up as much as I could with out blocking up the picture from the poor resolution and sharpened the image as much as I could.
Nothing could prepare me for what I found. I realized and awe struck frozen in my chair. The plane that hit the pentagon was not a plane. It was way to small, and it did not have a large airline tail, the tail was small and was below the aircraft not above it. I did some research and found a cruise missile that looked identical to it. From that point on I found the direction of my question and it lead me down a path that makes me feel that the nightmare I had as a child might become a reality.
I will let you look into the 9/11 stuff on your own, there is plenty of information out there, if you really want to look into it visit www.youtube.com and search loose change 2nd edition.

All though 9/11 was the start for me down this path, I have much more information that will help you understand the big picture better – I believe this will be more valuable to you in the process of discovery.

Now before you continue, let me just inform you that the information I am providing much has been researched by my self and many others including a couple of Senators. The information I am about to provide you, will shock you, and it will be very hard to take – Much like Neo did after he was awaken. I assure you, that you are not alone and there are several million that have gone through hit too. Again I can show you the way; it is up to you to decide what you do with it.

Right now there is a war being waged on you. It is a silence war. It is an attack on your civil liberties, your freedoms and our country is moving close and closer to a path of socialistic police state nightmare. Since early 1970’s America has been on what is called a fiat money system that is printed by the Federal Reserve. Our money was once backed by gold but it has not been that way since the early 70’s. Our money system is now simply printed; it is not backed by anything.
There is a great documentary called “The Money Masters” you can watch it at the following link – note there are 22 parts to it:

You can also order the DVD for it if you would like here:

Also note that the video is very long, but very, very informative. If you really are interested in the big picture this video is a great place to start. Also other great information is click on the education link at www.itsourfreedom.com is also a great resource.

The next section to look at is to show you were we are and were our country is headed. Another great documentary was created by Aaron Russo – America: Freedom to Fascism.
This documentary is now being shown by KUED in some parts of the nation and hopefully everywhere as its popularity grows.
You can watch this video here, it has 11 parts:

Another great documentary is written by Naomi Wolf titled “The End of America”
The video can be watched here:

If you look at things that are going on around you, look closely and you can realize that a blanket has been pulled over the people, it is up to you to really look into what is going on, do some research for your self.

Like I said there is a massive movement right now that is being lead by Representative Ron Paul of TX – who is leading a grass roots revolution to try and save our liberties, and the American way of life.

Right now our liberties and we the people, Americans are loosing our country. Why you are doing your research, please come to www.itsourfreedom.com sign up in the forum; ask questions, post your opinions get involved.

Right now we need to awake the American people; to what is going on and what is being done about it.

Utilize the resources on www.itsourfreed.com and even sign up at www.campaignforliberty.com

Be apart of something that is probably more important then anything this country has faced since the revolutionary war.

Join the R3volution!

Your friend in Freedom,

Terry Ewell a.k.a. Tatsit