View Full Version : White Rose Society

01-08-2009, 05:21 PM
I was looking for some White Rose Society images to include in fliers, when I ran across this video:


Anyone care to celebrate their courage on February 18th?
Just a thought.

"On February 18, 1943, Hans and Sophie carried suitcases stuffed with the leaflets, scattering copies all over campus. The university's superintendent saw Sophie as she dumped the last pile in the courtyard. He captured them and turned them in to the police. Hans and Sophie were interrogated for hours. They displayed courage up to the bitter end, refusing to divulge the identity of other White Rose members. The Gestapo was already on their trail, though, and the rest of the group was arrested as well."

dr. hfn
01-08-2009, 05:34 PM
when i was i germany i saw a monument to the white rose, it was a marble cube on the ground about 4ft tall. it had writing on all sides