View Full Version : Government efficiency advisor

01-07-2009, 06:08 PM

So... let me get this straight ...

Obama is expanding the size of government with a new "efficiency advisor" in order to cut government waste. Seems a little hypocritical to me... I mean.. why not have a whole department, The Department of Efficiency?? On their first day, they report to Obama "We have identified a whole department -- ours -- that seems to do nothing and we recommend it be cut." And they get a raise for good work while Obama thinks over their advice for a few years...

I mean .. WTF? Is it really so hard to identify government waste that they need an "efficiency advisor"? How about the war if Afhganistan?? How about the trillion dollar stimulus package you're proposing, Mr. "Efficiency" Obama??

Am I making too much of this? Perhaps it's a good thing that he is at least thinking about attempting to do something about the deficit.

01-07-2009, 06:24 PM
haha, to oversee what...the Government Accountability Office?

It's like the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of Homeland Security, the Director of the CIA and FBI

01-07-2009, 06:54 PM
Dpt of Defence = Dpt of Offense
Dpt of Homeland Security=Dpt of Homeland Insecurity
Dpt of efficiency- Dpt of ineffiiciency