View Full Version : Outreach: God Durnit Men PUSH!!

12-29-2008, 03:04 AM
I was in Texarkana Texas this weekend, and still till this day remains two huge Paul signs, with his big ole smilin face right in the middle plastered over a billboard. I thought how many people still see that collage everyday and finally will google him just to find out who he is. I know it men, if the people of the United States just knew him and his voting record compared to Obama and the others he would be President right now.

So what are you doing to spread the message of liberty? The most ordain and small thing will make a difference. We won't know if you don't try. I want everyone in this forum, every member, every single one of you guys reading this (YOU) - PLASTER "GOOGLE RON PAUL" SOMEWHERE - ANYWHERE. In a bathroom stall, on a FRN, on a message board, in your front yard, on your back glass, at church, bingo halls, trash cans, bills, outside mail envelopes, under tables, anywhere a human being may see.

Talk about him, explain how everyone is fooled, the economic crisis wasn't created by wall street or free market principles, it was the federal reserve giving out free money through the banking system period. Now they are taking even more control.

Explain to them that Ron Paul has the biggest mixed bag of supporters than any candidate in history - all races, ages and types because of his adherence to liberty, the Constitution and States' Rights but you'll never hear about him because he IS the change candidate.

Post back a picture in this thread of your 'google ron paul', if you don't have anywhere to host it send it to me in an email and I'll host it. I'll start it off this week. My email is liberty@libertygrotto.com to send your pic. I'll then give you the URL so you can post them in this thread!

Let it not be said we sat on our assess!