View Full Version : Who do you think these criminals would have voted for?

12-20-2008, 03:47 PM
Please watch this video.


The purpose of posting this video is for the memory of Channon Christian and Hugh Christopher Newsom. Murdered in one of the most gruesome and savage ways ever imagined by purely evil people.

You can google the story.

The purpose of posting this is to make a solid point. Most folks try and pretend that people weren't voting for Obama because of race, that race doesn't matter etc etc. After watching this, doing the research, who do you think think these criminals would have voted for (had they not been felons)? What do you think, prior to this crime, they would have had to say about Republicans or Conservatives? That's right. Same old rhetoric you hear now.

While this is an extreme example of far left hate, you never once heard a single peep of this story most likely. You only heard endless bravado and accusations of the Duke Lacrosse team, which turned out to be slander and defamation. But never of this, never this hurtful and hateful crime. I cannot even believe these people are human. But, given the nature of race in this election, given that many African Americans voted for Obama because of his race and shared values, this is a fair question.

After watching this video, who do you think the criminals would have voted for?

12-20-2008, 03:47 PM
My answer, Obama.

12-20-2008, 08:50 PM
I understand the negativity intended in this video, however, I think it a fair question to ask. If only for the point to be made about how race was an important factor in the election of B Hussein Obama.