View Full Version : Jan helfeld

12-18-2008, 02:06 AM
Anyone else watch this guy on YouTube? http://www.youtube.com/user/janhelfeld

He's amazing. He has a routine he does that always owns the politicians. I;ve started using it myself. It goes like this.

You: Do you believe that all legitimate government powers are derived from the people?

Them: Of course

You: Do you believe that individual citizens have the right to use force against other citizens that have not used force against them, are not violating property rights, and are in their sound mind?

Them: No

You: So then, is it possible to properly delegate a right that you do not have?

This is where they get stunned, either because they're too stupid to see the connection, or because they realize that with a mere 2 questions worth of the Socratic method, you've already caught them in contradictory premises. Watching them try to back peddle from there is awesome.

12-18-2008, 02:09 AM
Yes, my old mate Socratic method... :)

The sheeple need to realise they are wrong in slow steps.

If they are open minded and honest with themselves, they will see the contradiction and make moves to correct it, by altering their position / premise.

If not, they get hit in the head with the logic hammer.