View Full Version : Origins of MALDEF and the Open Borders Lobby

12-16-2008, 07:54 PM
Carter basically fumbled immigration reform by the end of his presidency. He had, as president Bush had done, underestimated the American peoples desire to see the nation adhere to the rule of law. Even tho’ the main stream media had supported his efforts, there were a substantial number of Congressmen and Senators on both sides of the aisle that demanded no amnesty, no caving-in to the whims of foreign lobbyists, communists, open borders zealots and the agri-lobby. We all remember when President Bush saw the writing on the wall with the opposition to amnesty, he charged Americans as racist, had his slander websites (free republic) and media outlets purge anyone opposed to amnesty, called on his rhino mouthpieces – like Bill O’Reilly- to move away from covering illegal alien issues, attacked his very own constituency as un-patriotic and attempted to ostracize any opposition by labeling them as protectionist or vigilantes. He had the RNC consultants talk with the illegal alien/open borders lobby to come up with a game plan that would hide their rabid anti-Americanism, one aspect of which was to purchase them American flags and he constantly met with extremist President Vincente Fox, allowing him to travel freely around the US to convince the illegals currently here to remain. Part of his pro-Mexican government campaign was to allow Mexican consulates to give Mexican textbooks to school children, meet with illegals and prep them before they are interrogated and assist illegals in crossing over into the United States. Bush’s pattern of behavior is guided by the global corps and collectivist lobby that has gained steam and financing since Carter made his moves to spin the illegal alien lobby into some sort of human rights/ civil rights movement.

The Illegal Alien Issue became covered in toxic goo one year before 3 Mile Island. Carter failed with his previous recommendations to Congress. In a childish tantrum and anger at the American people, Carter decided to use a political tactic and make the illegal alien movement “untouchable,” at least in the main stream media’s eyes. He created the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Policy under the leadership of Rev. Theodore M Hesburg, a Catholic Priest and civil rights leader with a history of championing human rights during the civil rights movement of the 1960’s. This so-called commission went to work and came up for air 2 years after 3 mile Island and after Carter had gone.

The findings of the committee were an extreme and bizarre blending of communism and religiosity. Hesburg’s committee states:

“…Why shouldn’t people be free to move wherever they want to? We are all one species, all children of one God, and from the beginning of time humans have been a migratory species. Why not let down the barrier of nation-states and permit people to move freely?…Immigration is a problem because nearly all people believe in nationalism, in nation-states to maintain the integrity of national ideologies, institutions and boundaries…”

Contradictory ideas about humankind and obvious hypocrisy aside, the funny thing is that the Reverend’s commission found that ANY “immigration” reform proposals would only succeed if the American national border is secured beforehand! Everything Jimmy Carter achieved in his Presidency was meaningless, now the head of a commission he had intended to be untouchable came to the conclusion that the borders would have to be secured. Carter had hoped he would have turned the illegal alien movement into a civil rights movement. The findings of the commission had enraged the previously “under the radar” ground troops. Members of the AFL-CIO, NAACP, ACLU and a few “scholars” testified basic support for the findings. This is where the bankrolling of the illegal lobby began as it metastasized into the Open Borders Lobby! The lobbyists knew that they had to change fundamental institutions of higher learning and create their own “reality” to sidestep the cold hard facts presented in contradiction to their findings. They HAD to subvert the public.

During the commission reports a new organization stepped up to oppose the findings of the commission. This was MALDEF. Instead of making an argument against the findings directly, they argued that there wasn’t a problem of illegal immigration at all, in fact aliens do not displace American workers and contribute only to greater American productivity. This is where the new lobby decided to just simply ignore facts and make up their own reality. They were joined by the ACLU and the New York ACLU who specifically opposed the portions of the findings that wanted to punish employers. MALDEF also received help from the National Lawyers Guild National Immigration Project. All of these organizations had been bankrolled by the agri-lobby via Carter and foreign interests.

In all actuality, Mexicans hurt productivity and weren’t really needed. In the 2001 study “The Mirage of Mexican Guest Workers.” (80 Foreign Affairs No. 6 at 117) by Philip Martin, University California-Davis, and Michael Teitelbaum of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation they took a look at the Bracero program for Mexican Illegal Workers. Here is an excellent recalling of the study by Diane Alden from newsmax.com:

…take a hard look at the last official U.S. guest-worker program for Mexicans, the bracero program of 1942-1964, which is being used as the basis for the current effort to legalize illegal resident “workers” in the U.S. In every way that matters the bracero worker program was a flop. It did nothing to curb illegal immigration, nor did it force the market to work better – and it did not force the society or economic situation of Mexico to improve. It also did not force productivity gains for U.S. agriculture, which would have been forced to mechanize and modernize as have the agriculture sectors of Australia and New Zealand.

In fact, when mechanization was attempted in tomato fields, California labor groups and activists such as Cesar Chavez fought it. For the most part those who came stayed, and they did not return to Mexico until the big roundup during the Eisenhower administration forced them to return.

Journalist Howard Sutherland, who keeps up on these pesky details that irk the cheap-labor lobby and the ruling establishment, writes: “Mechanical lettuce harvesters were under development in the 1960s. That work was stopped. Today, lettuce is still harvested by hand in the field.”

The bracero program also skewed the “free” market. It did nothing to allow business interests to adjust to paying higher wages or becoming more productive through mechanization. Instead it encouraged unrestricted, massive, illegal immigration, which flooded the market with more people at the expense of American workers, productivity gains through innovation, and the advancement of the nation and economy in general.

According to Sutherland, the Sloane study also reveals: “In 1960 some 45,000 farm workers (mostly braceros) had harvested 2.2 million tons of processing tomatoes. By 1999, it took only 5,000 workers to operate machinery that harvested some 12 million tons. Thanks to the efficiency gains from mechanization, the real price of processing tomatoes declined 54 percent while per capita consumption rose 23 percent.”

In fact, during the bracero program, which ran from 1942 to 1964, the number of illegals crossing the border expanded in the same proportion as the number of “legal” or authorized or permitted workers. Illegal immigration accelerated after the program and skewed the “free” market by tipping the balance in favor of cheap labor advocates and capital. Meanwhile, the outlet offered by the United States disallowed much-needed economic and social change and reform down Mexico way…

The funny thing about this new Open Borders Lobby and their propaganda in opposition to enforcement against illegal immigration was that public opinion was strongly against illegal immigration. The communists were learning that they should make extreme requests and put the burden of truth on everyone else, hoping to fall short of their extreme reach and exploit the American need to negotiate regardless of the situation. A Roper Poll 1981 shows that the public wanted no negotiations or fanatsy facts they supported an all across the board effort to stop illegal entry into the United States by 91+% 80% supported reductions in legal immigration.

One of the warnings of the commission was that any failure to control illegal aliens and illegal immigration would bring awareness to the quite massive problems of legal immigration and the public would want both solved. Illegal Alienism unchecked has gotten folks to focus also on the origins of the problem which has cast a light on the dark policies of legal immigration, something the commission said would occur. Many Americans do not known that there has been racist policies at play to restrict “white” or European legal immigrants to the US since the 1960’s. It is nearly impossible to become a resident or citizen of the United States if you are from Europe. If you are from Europe and you overstay your student Visa you WILL be deported. The Carter strategy of calling illegal aliens from Mexico and Indochina civil rights victims has provided a shield that has hurt legal immigration from Europe and other non-hostile or non-violent countries.

As Hesburg said in his 1981 commission report:
“…US Immigration policy is out of control…”

03-08-2009, 05:59 PM