View Full Version : Would requiring the SSA to publish aggregate ROI figures help to end Social Security?

12-05-2008, 03:22 PM
If the Social Security Administration were required to publish aggregate data about taxpayers' return on their "investment" in Social Security help people to see it for the scam it is? Maybe they already publish something like this, but I couldn't find it. SSA Pubs (http://ssa.gov/pubs/index.html)

The reports would look at every deceased taxpayer and record their total taxes paid into SS during their careers and their total payments during retirement or disability. It would show things like the following:

The average taxes in and the average payments out
Comparisons of the above data, by gender and ethnic background (i.e. white women live significantly longer than black men, for example)
The average difference between each person's net payout and the amount they would have received had they deposited their SS taxes in an interest-bearing savings account instead
The amount of inheritance the deceased would have passed down to their children had they withdrawn from their own savings account at a level equal to their actual SS payment.

SS is clearly discriminatory towards people who have lower life expectancies (poor, minorities) but this never seems to get brought up by legislators. I think that this sort of publication might help in this regard.