View Full Version : How convention delegates are chosen

05-30-2007, 08:05 AM
Note: This is the best researched information we have, if you would like to add to it or have a factually dispute with supporting evidence please send a private message to a moderator for consideration. Thank you.


The following is an overview, check below for additional specific information for each state:

Delegates to the Republican National Convention on September 1-4, 2008 will formally elect the next Republican presidential nominee (with great fanfare, funny hats, and state-saluting speeches).

There will be two kinds of delegates at the convention. The unelected "superdelegates" or "bonus" delegates are chosen ex officio by nature of being an incumbent Republican Governor or other Federal official (Congressman or Senator) or high party official (state party chairman). The voters choose the elected delegates to the convention (by way of state party primaries, caucuses, conventions or meetings) from among the delegate candidate slates chosen by the presidential aspirants. Under NRC by-laws, the primary election calendar must be finalized by September, 2007.

The Green Papers site is a good source for up-to-date information and the breakdown of the total number of delegates each state gets, the totals for each type of delegates, how the delegates are allocated by state law, and the form of voting:

The purpose of the primaries, caucuses, etc., is to choose the elected delegates to the presidential nominating convention. Voters indirectly pick their presidential nominee by directly picking their nominee's slate (or team) of delegates. We vote to choose among the competing slates of "delegate candidates" (and alternate delegate candidates) representing their respective presidential candidates. The winner of the vote is selected as the delegate.

The presidential campaigns themselves choose the "delegate candidate" slates to represent them. Here is a description for selecting Republican nominating convention delegate candidates for New Hampshire (all other states are similar):
"Prior to the primary, each Presidential campaign submits a list of delegate candidates to the NH Secretary of State. After certifying the results of the primary, the Secretary of State informs each Presidential candidate how many delegates they have been awarded."

Dr. Paul's campaign will file its slate of delegate candidates (and alternates) to represent him at the convention with each state's Secretary of State before the deadline to appear on the ballot. It is the competing delegate candidate slates (representing their respective presidential nominee hopefuls) that voters are choosing at the polls. Think of the party nominating conventions as practice Electoral Colleges (where the real vote for President happens).


Texas Specific Information

Source: http://www.texasgop.org/site/PageServer?pagename=RPTBasics

Primary Process
Political parties hold a primary election in March of even numbered years. Currently, only two parties hold primaries the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.

In Texas, registered voters may vote in either political party’s primary; however, a voter may vote in only one party’s primary in each election cycle.

If a voter votes in one party’s primary, he may not vote in the other party’s run-off election in that same year. Registered voters who do not vote in the primary election may vote in a run-off election of either party that year.

Republican Primary voters elect the Republican candidates who will appear on the general election ballot, their precinct chairmen, and their county chairmen. Thus, primary voters have a greater influence on the final outcome of the general election than those who only vote in the general election.

Those who vote in the Republican primary election (either in person or by mail) can then attend the various Republican Party conventions held that year.

Political Party Conventions
In Texas, parties hold their own conventions in election years. In even-numbered years, Texas Republicans hold precinct conventions, county or senatorial district conventions, a state convention, and in presidential years, a national convention. The purposes of the conventions are to:

1) Choose delegates and alternates to the next higher convention level, when applicable; and

2) Consider resolutions or statements on policy issues to send to the next higher convention and/or for eventual inclusion in the state or national Party platform.

Delegates are persons elected at a convention to represent the body electing them at the next higher convention level, except at the highest convention level in a given year where they simply serve as the representatives of the body that elected them. Alternates are elected to serve in the event that a delegate cannot or does not serve. In order to be elected a delegate or alternate to a Republican convention, the person must be a registered voter in the represented area and have voted in the most recent Republican primary election.

Click here for Frequently Asked Questions.

A resolution is a formal statement or expression of an opinion put before or adopted by an assembly. Resolutions are offered by delegates for discussion and may address any topic. Resolutions passed by delegates at a convention are sent to the next convention level for consideration. Resolutions may eventually become part of the Party’s platform.

Click here for more information on Resolutions.

See “What Republicans Believe” above.

Precinct Convention
The precinct convention is the first step in the Party process.

A precinct convention is held on the night of the primary election at each polling place after the polls close. If it is not held at the polling place, notice of where the convention will be held must be posted at the polling place.

Anyone voting in the Primary in that precinct may attend and will be considered a delegate to the precinct convention. If you want to attend your precinct convention, make sure the election clerk stamps your voter registration card with the Party name when you vote. If you do not have your voter registration card at the time, ask for a Certificate of Party Affiliation showing that you voted in the Party’s primary. This will make it easier to get into the precinct convention.

The convention generally begins at 7:00 or 7:30 p.m., and is usually called to order by the precinct chairman. If the precinct chairman is absent, any delegate may open the meeting. There is no minimum number of people who must be present to hold the precinct convention. If you are the only person present, ask the election judge for the precinct convention packet, and hold the convention by yourself. The packet will have instructions, and the required paperwork that must be turned in to the local Republican Party headquarters by the date set forth in the packet to be valid.

Delegates to the precinct convention first elect permanent convention officers, usually a convention chairman and secretary. They then elect delegates and alternates to their county or state senatorial district convention. Finally, they consider and vote on any resolutions offered by the delegates.

Click here for a Sample Script for Precinct Conventions.

Each precinct is allocated an equal number of delegates and alternates to the county or senatorial district convention. The number is based on the number of votes the precinct cast for the governor in the last gubernatorial election, taking into account any applicable boundary changes.

County/Senatorial District Convention
A county convention is held when the county is completely within one state senatorial district. A senatorial district convention is held when the county is divided between two or more state senatorial districts. The incumbent county chairman (which may be different than the one elected in the primary election) serves as the temporary county convention chairman. The temporary senatorial district chairman is elected by the precinct chairs within that county’s state senatorial district.

The county/senatorial district convention is the 3rd Saturday after the primary election. Delegates to the county or state senatorial district convention elect permanent convention officers, elect delegates and alternates to the state convention, and consider and vote on resolutions.

Starting at this level, committees may be used to do some of the preliminary work for the convention. For example, a nominations committee may be elected to consider those wanting to be elected as delegates to the next convention, then present a slate of delegates and alternates for the convention body to vote on. Also, a resolutions committee may be elected to consider resolutions, then present a resolutions report for the convention body to vote on. Other committees may also be elected.

State Convention
The state convention is held in June of even-numbered years. Delegates to the state convention meet both as a whole body and by state senatorial districts every convention as well as by congressional districts in presidential years

Meeting as a whole, delegates to the state convention ratify the Party rules, adopt a Party platform, and elect the State Chairman and State Vice Chairman. In presidential years, they also ratify all delegates and alternates to the national convention as well as the Presidential Electors and elect a National Committeeman and National Committeewoman.

Meeting in caucus by state senatorial district, delegates elect permanent caucus officers, permanent committee members, their State Republican Executive Committee members (“SREC”) a Committeeman and a Committeewoman, and nominate candidates for State Chairman and State Vice Chairman.

Meeting by congressional caucus in Presidential years, state convention delegates elect delegates and alternates to the national convention and elect a member to sit on the National Nominations Committee, which selects at-large delegates to the national convention. In caucus, the delegates also elect Presidential Electors and nominate candidates for National Committeeman and Committeewoman.

Because of the immense of size of the RPT state convention, much work is done in temporary committees in the days leading up to the actual convention. At every state convention, there will be five temporary committees: Credentials, Organization, State Nominations, Platform, and Rules. The State Chairman appoints the committee chairmen. The SREC members appoint committee members. Each committee is comprised of the chairman and one member from each senate district. After the convention starts, senate districts will elect their permanent committee members, who will use the temporary committees’ work as a starting point. All committee meetings are open to state convention delegates and alternates, who are encouraged to attend and testify on topics of particular interest to them.

Click here for overview of RPT Conventions.

National Convention
In presidential election years, a national convention is held in July or August. Delegates to the national convention ratify the National Republican Party rules, adopt a National Republican Party platform, and nominate candidates for President and Vice-President of the United States.

Governing Rules
Texas conventions are governed by Roberts Rules of Order (Newly Revised) and the RPT Rules.