View Full Version : Hey, guys...I think they've got us pegged. LOL

11-27-2008, 05:20 PM

11-27-2008, 05:26 PM

that is exactly what happened today with me.

Agent CSL
11-27-2008, 05:30 PM
Hahaha! YEP!


I am jealous of his hair!!!!!!! :o

11-27-2008, 05:38 PM

11-27-2008, 05:38 PM


11-27-2008, 05:43 PM
I haven't been to Holy Taco in a loooong time.....

Fat Kid Suffocates -- Mom Laughs (http://www.break.com/usercontent/2007/4/Fat-Kid-Owned-285075.html)

11-27-2008, 05:44 PM
We are doing Thanksgiving tomorrow. I'm bringing DVDs and keeping my mouth shut. If they ask any questions I had them a disc a walk away.....calmly. Hopefully I'll be too stuffed to rage.

11-27-2008, 06:07 PM


You haven’t read the latest book by Ron Paul, and you have no idea what the trade deficit is, but that’s not going to stop the political freak from constantly quoting Ron Paul’s latest book about the trade deficit whenever there’s a two-second lull in the conversation. It doesn’t matter that your eyes glaze over like a ham when he starts spouting endless facts about civic policy and the economies of risk-management, he will not stop trying to get you to agree to a political stance that you have never heard of or couldn’t possibly care less about.

Typical Conversation:

You: Man, I can’t believe the holidays are already here.

Political Relative: You know what I can’t believe? I can’t believe that the S&P needs to increase by 33% just to get back to even over the next 12 months. And you know what else I can’t believe? The fact that Bernanke and Paulson have destroyed America as you and I know it. They’re the “experts”? Really? If they were so smart, then why didn’t they see this coming? Now we’re supposed to feel comfortable with these crooks in charge? Yes sir, you can kiss your nation goodbye forever.

You: Yeah, uhhh, time sure does fly.

Political Relative: And you know what won’t fly anymore pretty soon? Our bankrupt airlines. If you think Uncle Sam is going to keep bailing those mismanaged disasters forever you can think again.

You: I just want to eat some turkey.

Andrew Ryan
11-27-2008, 06:55 PM

Grimnir Wotansvolk
11-27-2008, 07:09 PM
even more entertaining are the rants below

What about the couple who're in the "Train wreck Marraige"

This is a double whammy of family psychosis... and its about as guaranteed as a Lions' loss that most of the family will be enduring multiple bury-your-head-in-your-palms moments.

at the start of the day, one of the better halves of this holiday disasterpiece, "Uncle Jerk-store" can be commonly found antagonizing every other person who enters through the front door.

They boys are typically worthless as ever, and the girls are growing up to be some "decent lookers". Weirdo.

His unsolicited bullshit unfailingly makes him laugh outright to his own piss poor comedy method... there's nothing to stop this guy because he is secretly pittied by all for having such a terrible wife. Hands tied, this is one of the shittiest positions of "Grin and bear it" my parents annually put me through.

He only later becomes tolerable at , oh I'd say beers 16 or 17, when he finally breaks down and tells you the same goddamn family secret he's told you fer the past five years, "I only stay with the Bitch for the kids. I mean... I love 'em to death. I'd do anything for them... But boy, do I fuckin' hate your aunt. ... as soon as those kids are out, I'm out"

Thats nice, You smell like depression, buddy.

The wife is with the ladies. Faking her ass off at the beginning of the day- trying to help with dinner, clipping coupons, and chatting about who're the projected local high school bad seeds. All the while, hittin' the boxed wine a little too hard and substantiating her frequent refills with the phrase,"Boy! This wine is so yummy [Hostess]! I just can't stop myself.... mmm!"

I call this the calm before the storm. Almost like clockwork, one of her whimp-ass kids is injured on a peice of exercise equipment that is remotely stored in the basement. The rediculous bellowing is grandly ignored by most, (Except for 'Nursing Aunt' who over treats the kid by wrapping their head in a gauze turbin... for a bruise).

Inexplicably, the injury "spoiled cousin" has just suffered is solely the husband's fault. And she let's him know it. Suddently you remember that any counter-punch insults you could've made to the poor bastard were pulled because you knew his wife would soon say them for you.
Luckily Grandma makes everyone get a plate before the food gets cold! C'mon! Its as if she truly believes oven baked turkey-meat behaves similarly to that of a superconductor. Lets also take note that the "Come and get it crew" are the very same ones who "just put everything away" when you go back for seconds- no more than ten minutes after your initial taste of the meal.

Its okay that the meal was short lived. Because the drunken wife uses the semi-silence of the mealtime as her opportunity to inform the room that her husband suffers from erectile dysfuntion, and that it doesn't matter because she's been in a fulfilling relationship with her Pink Rabbit... (These are Jokes to her! and She laughs her ass off to them).

Que the fake innocent question from one of the kids, "Whats a limp noodle?"

I'm not gonna go on anymore...
Not everyone has this Dynamic duo in their family. I wish I didn't. But without this couple, divorce attorney's would have to go back to tailing ambulances.

11-27-2008, 07:25 PM
even more entertaining are the rants below


And I was going to say I thought the Jesus-freak and Fantasy football guy were funny.

11-27-2008, 08:59 PM
That's so funny.

11-27-2008, 10:27 PM
Ha. that fantasy football guy looks ALOT like my math teacher who plays fantasy football. thats great.

11-27-2008, 10:44 PM

everyone pretty much knows how I feel about politics, so if they don't bring it up, i don't bring it up. people don't like to have intellectual conversations anymore. :(

11-27-2008, 11:36 PM
wow... makes me feel guilty now :P

11-27-2008, 11:38 PM
You know what I said today while we were eating?

"You know, if we had socialized health care the government would have to burst in here and take our food away for being too fat. Their medical bill, so it would be illegal to be fat."

11-27-2008, 11:39 PM
I guess Im guy #3. At least Im right though.

11-27-2008, 11:46 PM
You know what I said today while we were eating?

"You know, if we had socialized health care the government would have to burst in here and take our food away for being too fat. Their medical bill, so it would be illegal to be fat."

lol. yeah, i bet someone rolled his/her eyes when you weren't looking.

11-28-2008, 12:01 AM
My entire family is the "Overly Political Relative," so we just get together and don't talk about it all until after dinner, otherwise we'd wind with a food fight between the Republican hardliners and the Ron Paul supporters.

Anti Federalist
11-28-2008, 12:09 AM
Bah, screw 'em.

Mrs. AF and I have made our stance well known amongst family, some of whom are neo-libs and some neo-cons. We normally don't bring it up, they do, and then get pissy and turn into jerks when we point out just how wrong they are.

Just like going into business with family or friends, discussing the continuing crisis is just as much an exercise in futility.

I recall about five years ago almost getting into a fistfight with my brother over 9/11 truth. That was the end of discussing such things with family, although, to be fair, my mother "gets it" for the most part.

Familiarity breeds contempt.

11-28-2008, 09:53 AM
I kept my mouth shut for the most part, but when one of my cousins brought up how he thinks a stimulus would be good I had to correct him.

11-28-2008, 12:22 PM
Wow. I'm number 3 AND number 1. Drag.

11-28-2008, 04:24 PM
Haha, sooo me this year. My first year fitting into this category thanks to Ron Paul.

Most people in my family are neither political nor business savvy so it was mostly just me telling people my thoughts. Occassionally someone would roll their eyes, but more in a good humor way. I told everyone about the commune I am going to set up in the deep south once the dollar implodes and everyone just thought it was hilarious. Instead of people getting upset, they just thought I turned into a raving lunatic.

I did get across some decent stuff to some people though. My uncle does Surveying so I had a good talk with him about how restrictive the laws here in NJ are and how they are really more harmful to private property than helpful. I also told my cousin in the Navy that he is never, under any circumstances, allowed to turn against us citizens. He laughed, saying that would never happen, but I made him swear he wouldn't and would uphold the Constitution (his only real duty really.)

When we all went around and gave thanks for something I said Ron Paul and everyone either laughed or groaned.

11-28-2008, 04:39 PM
When we all went around and gave thanks for something I said Ron Paul and everyone either laughed or groaned.

My traditional answer is 'liberty'. When I feel expansive, it is 'despite the responsibility that goes with it, I am most thankful for the liberties I still have'.

11-28-2008, 08:58 PM
LOL thanks for posting that. Damn near sums up my family Thanksgiving.