View Full Version : My statement WIP

Agent CSL
11-27-2008, 01:00 PM
I'm working on my *whatever you would call it* statement about the coming revolution? I wouldn't mind some CC on it.

I am a young, naive idealist. I don't know all there is to know, and I never will. There are truths we disregard and our words are swords, so be careful with them. I am reflecting upon the future survival of what we call our Ron Paul Revolution and making assumptions and predictions.

Ron Paul had much support and when he began to lose the primaries, the supporter base was growing - and even more enthusiastic. Going into February the enthusiastic support was still excited and willing to help, but many people who wanted to ride the `coattails` of his fame spread the support everywhere. The grassroots began to spread themselves into different projects, spreading too thin and things began to fizzle out one by one.

A large majority of supporters still held on, getting far up into the Republican base and into delegation. But it would seem, at the September convention, that people were converted to McCain simply from peer pressure and popularity. When McCain got the overwhelming number of delegates, it was a battering ram to our fragile support and a change to a different method. This is where we are, looking for a different method and a different plan. Campaign for Liberty is one of those different methods.

We may very well be on the verge of socialist dictatorship. Whether or not it'll happen is for time to tell. The stage seems to be set for a rise of dictatorship, however, the powers that be will never be that stupid. They will need to throw the American populace into a panic before they seal the fate of the rebels.

We are already in the midst of the next 'Great Depression' and many have lost their homes, jobs and other assets. Many more will. Some people are desperate and have turned to the government for help, and with Obama as president we see a very real potential for blind faith in him. Barack Obama could shake their hand and take their money, their life with the other, and they will let it happen. All under the faith that he will, eventually, help them personally. Will he help them? I believe so, and that's what makes this situation all the more dangerous. He is baiting them and leading them into complacency, and fear. We're already there.

When the next crisis hits, a crisis of fire and death, those who are complacent and fearful will become brave under the wrong banner. The citizens of the United States will be blind in anger, and fear, and hence will be able to manipulate to the side of the government. We saw this after every major loss of life and it would be foolish to think it wouldn't happen again. The populace is blind and ignorant, the perfect, charismatic person is in office, more than half the country is in a daze over 'racial progress', the bills are on the table, the plans are set.

We are ready to be regulated into world peace, and out of existence. The rules defining the game will only expand, and they should. Yes, they should expand government.

"But wait, that makes no sense! We are fighting for less government, not more!"

There are some truths and history will prove this. For one, the people will never rise up if they believe they are being helped. A government that is top-heavy can't support itself for very long, or very well. There will be holes in everything. Violence only serves their purpose.

What I say is very counter-intuitive and you won't understand at first.

You should understand the history-tested facts:

- Violence only serves the purpose of the opposition.
- The larger something is, the harder it will fall.
- If something grows too big, too fast, it will be weak.
- The man with the gun goes first.
- There are no Angels in the hearts of men.
- Everyone is corruptible.
- Chances are if you were offered 1000 ounces of gold to keep quiet, you would take it.
- One flash of light and you're gone. They won't hesitate. If you don't hesitate, you are just like them.
- A population too complacent will never rise up. They must be thrown into a desperate situation, and they will look for a leader to bring them out of it.

I'll be doing some critical thinking. I guess you could say I have severe contempt for the common man. :(