View Full Version : Meetup groups should challenge each other in fundraising

09-09-2007, 02:46 PM
I know I should probably post this elsewhere in the forums but I wanted to see what everyone in here thought of the idea.

I'm sure everyone would agree that the most important thing for the RP campaign right now is raising a lot of funds. Ron having a ton of cash in the bank is the single best way to get the attention (and respect) of the MSM. I was thinking that the individual meetup groups can challenge each other to raise money.

It could work a couple of different ways:
- One group raises money for a week and then the challenger group has to match whatever amount the original group raised
- Two (or more) groups compete to raise the most money in one week

I'm not sure what we would do for prizes. I'm sure if groups raised enough money then the campaign could show up for an event.

What do you think? Any other ideas to pour gas on the fundraising?

09-09-2007, 03:00 PM
David, welcome to the forums!

They actually just finished a good Meetup fundraising competition just as you suggested. But we do need to keep up the efforts because you are absolutely right, the campaign needs $$ to be successful.