View Full Version : were g.w bush to be impeached before january 20th...

11-17-2008, 04:44 PM
even though this is extremely unlikely... if g.w bush is faced with a senate trial the way bill clinton and andrew johnson were, would he opt to resign the way nixon did rather than face his critics? i can remember when ford pardoned nixon to a roar of disbelief... i admit it took br@ssB@llz for FORD to do so, it clearly set jimmy carter on his path to a destiny... okay, my ARATUS question is... if G.W avoids a senate trial, if CHENEY when potus pardons thah "W" as new years looms, who then pardons CHENEY's sorry buttocks come january 21st? is there a deal in the works IF IF IF g.w bush is hiding some selective intel about 9-1-1 and please don't sent this thread too quickly into hot topics! i know its counter-intuitive. i'm sensing a clock ticking down in D.C as the g.o.p didn't give a 100 percentile to getting mccain elected potus! humour me! i think by now obama has struck a deal with the "W" to spare our nation much inquiry! i think this is why hillary may still be in the running for sec' of state, even! i might be all washed up on this...maybe...

11-21-2008, 11:18 AM

Truth Warrior
11-21-2008, 12:13 PM
How long did the Bubba impeachment take? :rolleyes:

11-21-2008, 12:51 PM
even though i presume newt gingrich must have had the impulse since november of 1992, i more than simply
assume that the "monica" press conference comment took almost or maybe MORE than a full year to play out...

Truth Warrior
11-21-2008, 12:54 PM
even though i resume newt gingrich must have had the impulse since november of 1992, i presume that the "monica" press conference comment took a full year to play out. And W only has TWO months left. Do the math. :rolleyes:

11-21-2008, 12:58 PM
who now has the urgency of thaddeus stevens?
where an asked for 40 days becomes just TEN?

03-29-2018, 02:54 PM

A sequence of events?

03-29-2018, 02:56 PM
Trump has two and a half years left in his term.
It's worth it for the Democrats to respond to the
bloody mess by giving him the big boot out if his
veep is less popular than Jerry Ford was in 1973.

03-29-2018, 02:58 PM
even though i presume newt gingrich must have had the impulse since november of 1992, i more than simply
assume that the "monica" press conference comment took almost or maybe MORE than a full year to play out...

Stormy Daniels seyz she has a similarly spotted dress, but now the guilty
Party actually went to the same social events and parties as the Clinton's!

01-17-2020, 10:10 AM
Stormy Daniels seyz she has a similarly spotted dress, but now the guilty
Party actually went to the same social events and parties as the Clinton's!

admittedly... i liked the topic

01-17-2020, 10:40 AM
who now has the urgency of thaddeus stevens?
where an asked for 40 days becomes just TEN?

in 1868.... SENATOR MITCH McCONNELL is quite correct. The Radical Republicans had wanted a fast & fair trial.
ANDREW JOHNSON thought forty days or so sounded more reasonable. From that winter to May was five months.