View Full Version : Would the G-20 be that stupid to try and inflate the world outta this crisis?

11-15-2008, 12:03 AM
I've been reading a lot of articles where there's speculation the G-20 will uniformly inflate their currencies to easy the debt relief process--are they that stupid or unimaginative?? I mean many of the policies they advocate and engineered are actually very clever, but this seems like something out of the Keynesian-Friedman playbook. Very predictable and elementary. I guess I can't put it past them since Bernanke is a Milton Friedman apologist and his policies are anything but those advocated by Milt.

Seriously, do they think it's just that easy to devalue all currencies uniformly and everything will go back to normal?? Considering the derivative market is projected to be over $1.14 quadrillion for 2008, I'm betting a debt cleansing cycle is in order that's far beyond anything inflation could fix even for the counterfeiters. It would almost have to take hyperinflation to wipe out the trillions of dollars in debt incurred. I wouldn't be surprised if this turned into double digit-trillion dollar debt accumulated by all of these financial firms.

11-15-2008, 12:05 AM
nothing of the sort....they're all just prepping their escape pods for Mars :D

11-15-2008, 12:54 AM
nothing of the sort....they're all just prepping their escape pods for Mars :D


11-15-2008, 01:21 AM
Would be nice if they would pass a law where salary's would have to go up with inflation. I would pay my house off in record time them but we know thats not going to happen. More than likely they will inflate the hell out of it and the american people will loose ground daily as the food prices rise. I think they will leave this gay progressive tax system so the people whom keep working will end up getting taxed more and more to help raise money for the gubermint.