View Full Version : Awesome Reaction!

09-08-2007, 12:52 AM
I went to a Mindless Self Indulgence / Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocket Ship / Julien-K concert tonight. On the way out there were a ton of people standing around so I figure, "what the hell, why not try passing out some slim jims". The response was amazing! Not only did I run out of slim jims but I had people asking me for extra so they could pass them out on their own!

I would imagine that about half the people I gave one to already know who he was and about a quarter of those had their hand out ready for one before I even offered it!

The message is spreading people but there is still a ton of work to do. Everyone should do their best to get on the streets and help out this weekend.

I know that, at least here in St. Louis, there are a ton of events going on this weekend so please don't let "I couldn't find anywhere to spread the message" be your excuse. In fact there are so many events that our local meetup groups can hardly cover all of them. But even if you can't find an "event" you can still get out there and just pass out flyers at your local grocery store.