View Full Version : It disheartens me...

11-04-2008, 02:15 PM
...to see so many great people here falling for the lesser of two evil thought process. The two major parties are corrupt, and you cannot change them. We all witnessed this during Ron Paul's campaign. We gave the people a great candidate, and they tossed him aside, because the mainstream media did the same. Ron Paul was definitely right when he said we have to vote for a third party. I don't believe in the party system, but I do believe our only hope of making a statement this year was to vote for a third party or an independent candidate. This country will never change if people keep falling for the Republican/Democrat, Left/Right, Liberal/Conservative paradigm. We need to break free from these chains. We need to rise up against the status quo.

I understand your reasoning. This isn't meant to be a debate, but to show my concern for the impact this has on future political reform.
