View Full Version : Huckabee is wrong on Honor

09-07-2007, 05:28 PM
Mr. Huckabee, whose honor must we fight for in Iraq? I don’t disagree that honor is a significant part of the reason we remain, but whose? Do we persist in Iraq to bring honor to the soldiers? No, they have honor by the nature of their service to our country, despite the political comings and goings. Even if our soldiers were to be defeated, sir, they have honor- yet I would interject that we have already won. Saddam Hussein no longer breathes. A local government has been established. No nuclear, chemical, or biological weapon stockpiles have been found. Any extension of our forces there go beyond the scope of our military, namely nation building and policing of the world. It is time we come home, but in the name of honor we remain. Please do not tell me you are waiting for statues of the current administration to be erected in Baghdad. Please tell me you don’t still believe we will leave Iraq as liberators, for that day will never come. That naive perspective foisted our soldiers into a military action it was not designed for, so don’t tell me that perspective still binds us after so many years! The terrorism we face in Iraq today should not be the burden for future generations of Americans, but the burden of the Iraqi government. The discussion of our decision to impose democracy on a people who were not prepared will be an issue of debate for historians. They have representative government and their destiny now lies in their own hands. Our soldiers are kept in Iraq, policing foreign streets. They are under constant attack by cowards, losers in the world of ideas who resort to suicide violence. Even if we had reason to invade, we have no reason to stay and subject our military to this humiliation. For the honor of our military, unrivaled by any other military in the world, we should come home. Let the misguided policies of a small group of bureaucrats stand on its own merit, and God forbid we attempt to redeem them with the blood of our fallen heroes.