View Full Version : This Movement Steps Backwards when You Vote Obama

10-29-2008, 05:28 PM
Trying to "Revolutionize" the Republican party by voting Obama will not work.

Obama will impose new regulations, new taxes, and new military expansions overseas. This will take years to undo, repeal. Heck we can't even get the income tax repealed!

A more statist America is frightening. Don't get me wrong, McCain is just as evil.

But to suggest we can take over the Republican Party with new ideas of liberty is a far jump.

First, Republicans in positions of power are not dumb. You have to be smart to get there. Republicans are not going to let the Party slip out of their control.

Second, to gain a position of power within the Party, you must be chose by others already in power. They are going to appoint another person with views identical to theirs.

With either president, we are going to get more state. And with another terrorist attack, this country could go to a 1984 scenario real fast. I suggest protecting yourself. Don't Vote. Your vote will not change the election. However, you will be on the list of Political Prisoners when you are shipped to your FEMA camp.

This is no conspiracy. Don't think Political Prisoners won't happen in the US. It already has through Mr. Abe Lincoln and during WWII.

10-29-2008, 05:30 PM
You are preaching to the choir. Is anyone here voting for Obama? Surely not.

10-29-2008, 05:31 PM
We have to work from the bottom up..so we have a strong foundation. I am going to work like heck to get more liberty people elected on the local and state levels. Tones

10-29-2008, 05:32 PM
You are preaching to the choir. Is anyone here voting for Obama? Surely not.

Some think that voting for anyone other than McCain are voting for Obama. As if people like me would ever vote for a pile of crap neo-con ever again....

Dont blame me that McCain SUCKS blame McCain.

10-29-2008, 05:32 PM
You are preaching to the choir. Is anyone here voting for Obama? Surely not.

You might be surprised.

10-29-2008, 05:33 PM
Oh i believe there are MANY closet Obama supporters on this forum...no doubt about it. tones

10-29-2008, 05:35 PM
You might be surprised.

If that is the case they have no clue whatsoever what Ron Paul is about. Incredible. I convinced my buddy at work to vote Paul in the primary. He voted Obama. I couldn't believe it.

I don't understand people.

10-29-2008, 05:45 PM
I think that the people preaching "don't vote" are osama supporters.

10-29-2008, 05:53 PM
Not voting for McCain is the best way to change the Republican Party -
you shouldn't just blindly gobble up any slop the GOP throws to you.