View Full Version : Billy Jack - Still A Patriot!

10-29-2008, 02:44 AM
Billy Jack - Still A Patriot!


- Billy Jack - One Tin Soldier: The Legend of Billy Jack.
Awesome Version: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KRFrW-vPtfI&fmt=18
Go ahead and hate your neighbor. Go ahead and cheat a friend. Do it in the name of Heaven. You can justify it in the end.

- Billy Jack Goes To Washington.
Which powerful US Senator, in a private 1976 screening, in a rage told the Laughlins that Billy Jack Goes to Washington would never be allowed to be released? Three years later the Senator was indicted. The film was never allowed to be released in theaters.

- Politics, Politics, Politics.
“… Some Republican leaders pose a direct threat to our Constitutional freedoms … it doesn’t help when a high profile Senator suggests there might be a connection between violence against judges and the decisions the Senator disagrees with … it takes a lot of degeneration before a country falls into a dictatorship, but we must avoid these ends by avoiding these beginnings.” - Ret. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, criticizing Republicans who challenge the independence of judges and the freedoms of all Americans.

- National Movement To End War.
To end the war and stop the daily senseless slaughter and mutilation of our beautiful troops and innocent Iraqi civilian women and children.

- Need For Mainstream 3rd Party.
“All eyes are open to the rights of Man …no Man was born marked by God above another; for none comes into the world with a saddle on his back, and no one comes into the world booted and spurr’d to ride him …” - Richard Rumboldt, on the scaffold, 1685

- 18 Qualities For President.
18 important qualities – positive or negative - you either need to have, or don’t want, in the Commander in Chief.

- McCain Shocking War Record.
Part 2 of McCain's shocking war record: McCain's 4th crash, the one that landed him in a POW Camp.

- Joe The Plumber Is A Fraud.
Joe the Plumber is a dirty tricks fraud planted by McCain.

- Supreme Court.
“Let there be no change (in the Constitution) by usurpation … it is the customary weapon by which free governments are destroyed.” – George Washington’s Farewell Address, 1796.

- Billy Jack For President.
A brilliant Plan to end the Iraq War. A new Moral and Political Revolution. The formation of a new Third Party.

- Personal Statement From Tom Laughlin & Delores Taylor.
"We disdain both political Parties. We stand with George Washington who felt the greatest danger that would destroy the American Experiment of democracy, where all sovereignty, all political power was to be only in the hands of the people -- would be that America would divide into two parties (factions) and men would put their devotion to their Party and its candidate above the well-being of the country and its people as a whole."